This or That?


Hail or a tornado.

Baths or showers?
Showers It feels like hot rain.

Amazons or Senegals

Meyer's or red-bellied?
You aske this question yesterday! and i said red bellied.
Yes but I had no other ideas for a question!
Water... our well water is amazing.

Horse or mule?
mules are underrated asf altho i like both

pastel paint or oil paint?
Is watercolor an option? Lol...

Oil. I can't work with it, but I do love the results. I work primarily with watercolor paints, ink, graphite pencils, and colored pencils.

Driving or riding?
riding underage to drive :)
and it seems stressful if u ask me lol

Fireworks or fountins?
Driving is fun for the most part. Unless you drive through the epicenter of DC during rush hour. Been there done that!


Drawing or writing?
i dont like drawing,..
i do but i like to do messy sketches no series drawings it puts me in so much stress..

unicorn or dragon (idk i have no iideas)
Red tailed there so magestic

Medical dramas or Civil war dramas
medical (i keep laughing for some reason)

lutino or abino? (of any bird)
lutino i love the color subtle yellow.

drawing or painting.
Patagonian or green cheeked conure?

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