This is how Big Bird walks


New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw

Glad I never had to wear something like that....there's no porta potty in there!!!!My luck I'd have to go after they get the whole thing on and have to take it off. Anyone that lives in the snow belt and had kids knows that once you spend 20 minutes putting all the snow gear on your kids...they have to use the bathroom.....your like Ohhhhhhhh Geeeeeez.!!!!
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LOL I had to work Winters with the Forest Service putting myself thru college. I was in there mascot costume once. BURNED ME UP. Its really hot and can't speak . Women hugging me thinking a guy was inside. It was NUTS
Here I was expecting to see a video of a B&G waddling around on the floor...

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