How Cold is it?

It's a new high quality unit vented directly outside, and I can only assume it's safe. We have smoke and CO detectors.

I would worry a lot more about Texsize's Mr Buddy propane space heater. It is marketed as the only unvented indoor safe propane heater (we sell a lot of them at Lowes) and it's probably fine for people, dogs and cats, but I wouldn't use one around birds.
It’s only a last resort. I think it’s better than freezing.
And I have a CO detector. I should get a battery operated smoke detector as the house smoke detector is hard wired into the AC.
It was -18 here in Minnesota the past few days. I keep my house at 70 degrees. We also use window insulation kits to help with cold drafts. Luckily the back of our house is facing south so it really heats up during the day if the sun is out. I used to use a heated perch for Nico to help keep him warm. The perch was plastic, which was hard for Nico to grip, and it got incredibly hot. I was concerned about it burning his claws. I did vet wrap it for awhile but then it defeated the purpose. I do use a cuddle up heating element for him still. He stands right next to it when he roosts at night. I do use a space heater to heat up a room for bath time for my parrots.

It’s so cold out right now! I bought an EV car, and I’ve left it plugged in the last 2 days.
I heard that electric vehicles don't charge well in extreme cold.
I heard that electric vehicles don't charge well in extreme cold.
EV cars do not get good range in extreme temperatures rather it’s hot or cold. In the hot you can at least turn off the AC to maintain the battery for better range. I used to have a 2016 EV car. It got approximately 200mi per charge for range. Roughly 2 hours of driving. When it was 8 degrees out I drained the entire battery in an hour. There’s something called phantom draining. It’s when the cars battery depletes just sitting there. When it’s cold you have to watch that too. I love my EV car but it has its learning curves.
Expecting 91F in Briz Vegas today folks. Come on over, I'll put on a barbeque!!
I just can’t wrap my head around Christmas & new year in summer.
I just can’t wrap my head around Christmas & new year in summer.
My whole family, including me, are all British, though I've lived in Australia for 99% of my life. I'm here because my grandmother emigrated here, as did most of her siblings. Except her brother, my Uncle John, who came out to visit in the summer of oh it would've been about 1978 or '79. His wife Maud didn't cope so well with the heat but John LOVED it, and he loved the idea of Christmas in the summertime as well. This is him on a boat trip over to Moreton Island, wife Maud in the middle and my grandmother on the right. It took him about two seconds to strip off his shirt and he REALLY didn't want to go home back to the English winter!!

I've seen 100 degrees on Christmas day here in Texas. I can deal with the heat much better than I can the cold!
Could you box me up some of that weather you"re having down under and ship it to me. I'll pay the freight!;)
I don't deal with heat well. Frigid cold stinks too but at least you can add clothes- I can't sleep in a warm room. I don't know how furry animals can stand the summer heat either all that fur. Birds have built in down jackets all summer. Don't they get hot?
Could you box me up some of that weather you"re having down under and ship it to me. I'll pay the freight!;)

You got a deal, Uncle Major TOM, I'll even throw in a carton of cold Queensland beer for free!! Or Bundaberg Rum if you'd prefer ;)

Birds have built in down jackets all summer. Don't they get hot?

Thankfully my guys are all birds of the desert or the tropics, they cope with it just fine. Oddly enough a lot of the time they seek out the hottest spot in the house and go sit there - crazy!!!
It's about -12F (-24C) here is Maine in the US! It's very unusual for us to get this cold. The temperature in my house where my budgies are is running from 64F to 70F (18 to 21C) and they're fine, but my heating bill isn't!

How cold is it where you live, and are your birds okay? What are you doing to keep them warn?
It’s 24F today. This may not mean much to you (-12 probably makes 24 seem sweltering) but it’s very cold for me lol. Also, I’ve seen a frozen lake this winter for the first time in my life. It’s recently been snowing here, which has intrigued my birds. They seem to love watching the snow.
In South Central Texas, we actually got a ton of snow for us. Considered a dusting by northern folk. I was unhappy because we had a few days w highs barely at freezing. I think my parents would've rebelled if they'd canceled school for the dusting. Yes, they did! The #1 problem is the average driver doesn't know how to drive on even that much snow! Moved here because I went through one blizzard too many. I was shoveling driveway that the plows had buried. The thought occurred, there has to be a place with little to no snow. So even though I wasn't born in Texas, I got here as soon as I could.
We have a snow day this morning.
But it’s a nice change, we only get snow every 3/4 years.
The hot summers in the south make living down there unbearable to me. I'll take a few months of winter to have the rest of the year be cool to warm.
The hot summers in the south make living down there unbearable to me. I'll take a few months of winter to have the rest of the year be cool to warm.
How’s the humidity in the summer?
It can be high and it can be hot but bad not compared to the south.
We have a snow day this morning.
But it’s a nice change, we only get snow every 3/4 years.
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Only 64 indoors? I couldn't take it that cold. I'm a year round 70 degree type and I don't care what it costs. I can live without a lot of luxuries and things but comfort isn't one of them!
It was frikking cold a few days ago here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada! -30ºC (-20-s0mething ºF), Now it's jumped up to -13ºC (8 ºF) right now..... it is supposed to jump to 2ºC! In Jan! This is unheard of!

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