Thinking of re-homing my TAG

Please consider having someone responsible foster your Grey.
I am familiar with the horrible feeling of unemployment- but there is no need to remain unemployed for very long. You have the means of taking a job that may be something you consider 'below' you, until your dream job becomes a possibility.
Please remember, in the rush to keep up with the hefty payments for cars, school, horses etc. That there is a little bird who has NO control over his situation. His emotional state, and very life will be greatly affected by whatever decision you make.
And I agree with everyone else, that animals are not currency, but you could most likely make a lot more money selling a horse.
Wherever you are, I am very sure you will be able to find a job before you determine to re-home him. I really do know what problem your in and if I can, I would have done my best to help you. Never give up, this parrot IS already in his best home. And re-homing him will also just give you enough money for 1 month or more, eventually the funds will run out. But I'm pretty sure you will find a job. Do your best! Your feathered friend is on your side! :)
I agree with what has been posted thus far and it seems keeping your beloved bird will not add as much to your expense as perhaps your other animals. With that said, I know you don't want to part with any of them but that you are desperate. Also, I'm sure it's tough living with your parents again and not working. Independence is a huge deal and it sounds like you are quite the survivor and go-getter! As a psychologist who first started with my masters, I know money is right around the corner for you. If I was in your shoes I might consider waiting tables or tending bar to earn quick money while finishing up the degrees. I wish you the very, very best because I'm sure you are suffering more than your words even expressed. Lisa
As I'm reading this I'm looking at the financial part. Your feeling like something has to give, I expect.
But to be truthful, if you start by getting rid of the most affordable pet, you will likely work your way up, needing more money, then more money, eventually selling your horses after the bird has already gone. But if you make the largest sum first and be very cheap on what you choose to buy, your bird may be the most affordable to keep. And the way I se it, then you won't lose everyone.
I'd suggest showing your parents this thread, and talk over with them the advice given here. They know you and your situation best, and will hopefully be truthful about the best thing to do. But I know that when I went through your type of situation, I got rid of my biggest expense, and things got easier.
He was a best friend to me, but I couldn't afford him. And it came down to bare bones.
Your bird will cost minimal to keep. Your horses are going to put you under, it looks like :(
I'm sooooo very sorry your going through this. It's horrible, I know. And facing losing anyone is dreadful. But losing the right ones is better then losing them all, which is what may happen of you don't look at it properly.

Again, I'm so sorry.

Another idea for your bird.... Could you approach rescues and see if they can help find a foster until your on your feet?
Wow, I'm so sorry you're going through such tough times :( I wish I were closer because I would foster him in a heartbeat for you!!

Have you applied for unemployment? If not, it'd be worth a shot to apply. Are there any employment agencies/temp agencies you can sign up with?
True, I bet you could get unemployment. And as said above, any job is better than no job.
I fully agree with Wendy, you should lease your horse that isn't currently being rehabilitated. Are you able to help out at the stable to waive the boarding fee's?

It really seems like your horses are very expensive, while your grey is minimal. Selling yor grey is short term fix.
get flipping those burgers big mac please
its life not the end of the world was having a joke
Any chance of finding a stable job or something as a temporary job for some income while you are hunting for the perfect job? I know the money wouldn't be amazing but its something and at least you would get to spend sine more time with horses =) just because you have a job shouldn't mean you have to stop looking for a better one!
This is so terrible to hear I'm sorry for the situation you have found yourself in, just make sure u think it thru first it may seem a quick fix to earn you some money but you will lose a long life friend and when things r on the up which they will be no matter how bad it seems now you will miss your companion. However only you can decide what is best for you
if you love your grey you shouldnt give it up. there will always be money to be made. cant say that about losing a animal. sure you can always get another grey in the future. but it wont be the same one you had. rather then selling your grey for money. sell accessories or other stuff lying around that you dont need.
Horseback riding is my passion. I suffer from major depression disorder and riding horses is very therapeutic for me. I've been riding for 10 years and I recently adopted a rescue in need of rehabilitation. I've put a lot of time and effort getting him back healthy and trusting of people. I'd hate to abandon him after all I've done. I don't know what to do. I love all my animals equally and this isn't easy.:(

I have to agree with everyone that the horse would cost you the most and you would not get enough from the bird to help out with cost. The big question is would it be cheaper to own your own horse or go to a facility that has horse that people ride? Can you rent the horse out etc? Times are tough and I hope you find a job soon. As everyone else says take whatever job you can and when you find a better job you can put in your notice.
its life not the end of the world was having a joke

You may not mean any harm but unless you ever been a person that lost their job and now has to wonder what to do, or how to support your family or pets then you will not see how serious of a matter it is in their eyes.
Ohhh I hear you..

I think it is ridiculous with financial aids...

Even when I was in school, I was never entitled to any money, cause parents earn too much..

Now I am studying at uni, and they are still like, nope, you can't have any..

Yet people who are my age, but have 5 kids, don't work, don't study.. Get all this money for doing absolutely nothing

Yet, young adults who are actually studying at university aren't entitled to anything cause of their parents income... Very unfair -_-

They are encouraging people just to sit back and do nothing and get paid for it!!!! :p

Hmmm, I understand with horse riding, kinda relaxes me!

Could you lease out one of your horses? So you don't have to pay for their food and agist, but you are also getting paid a small fee from someone.. Could just do like 6 months lease?

I think that should all change too. They said my dad made too much for me to qualify. However, this puts people in a spot who have parents that will not help them (lucky for me my Dad wanted to help me out). While making more money helps just going by someone's parents income does not tell the whole story. The parents may have grandparents to help financially, medical bills to pay. Maybe already paying to put one of their kids into college and will soon have another kid going to college.
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OK so you have 2 or 3 birds plus horses ? What exactly is your asking cost of this Grey ? you list owning a Hahn's and a GCC , that's why I ask. will you provide a photo of the grey? How long have you owned it, since it isn't listed in your profile ? I am within driving range, and as I am def not in the market for another bird, I may be a better home for a while for.
When I was in college I broke up with my boyfriend and took a huge financial loss now paying for everything that was once divided in half now in my own. I told myself that because I had to get two jobs just to stay afloat and didn't have much time or money rehoming Woody (my CAG) was the right thing to do.

It's been 6 years and I just in the last few months have forgiven myself enough to be able to adopt another bird. It was the biggest mistake of my life and looking back I was just trying to make myself feel better about rehoming him because I knew it was wrong. It sounds like that's why you put this post up. I'm not trying to be harsh, but it sounds like you have your mind made up and aren't really looking for solutions.

But, on the plus side - rehoming woody taught me how much it hurt to lose him, essentially ensuring that I would never again give up my bird. Maybe you will have the same benefit if you chose to rehome.

I agree with others, I think your horses will drain you - I was raised with horses and as you stated, there are many many costs involved.
So sorry about your situation. I've had tough times myself - after I divorced my husband, I was 'technically' unemployed for a year. But I found and did odd jobs (stock taking at supermarkets, odd waitressing gigs, filing at a law firm, etc) to help make ends meet. I had a 1yo son to provide for (his father didn't had has never paid anything towards him but that's another story) and I did what I had to in order to put food in his tummy. I moved back in with my parents at the age of 28 which was quite a humbling experience I can tell you!

I was a trained adult educator with good experience at that time but couldn't find a job in my field. However, doing jobs 'that didn't require a degree' never even phased me because it had to be done. My parents weren't well off and I couldn't rely on them for everything. Further, we can claim unemployment in my country but to get it is such a mission that I felt my time would be better spent actually doing odd jobs than standing in never ending lines at the unemployment office.

I know you don't want to compromise your cv by adding 'menial' work experience to it but let me share my experience with you. I DO add all my part time jobs from that tough period onto my cv because a cv with a 'blank' period of time concerns prospective employers. In every single interview I've gone for since then, my 'odd job year' does come up and when I explain to the interviewer what the situation was, they are always impressed by my resourcefulness and willingness to 'get it done'.

I know this post has been a long blah blah about my own life but I wanted to say this : don't discount the benefits of doing odd jobs until you're back on your feet. It does help and in many ways, not only the extra money you get.

Good luck!!
True, I bet you could get unemployment. And as said above, any job is better than no job.
I fully agree with Wendy, you should lease your horse that isn't currently being rehabilitated. Are you able to help out at the stable to waive the boarding fee's?

It really seems like your horses are very expensive, while your grey is minimal. Selling yor grey is short term fix.

I volunteer at an equine therapeutic program for reduced board. Great program. Here is the website to the program I volunteer for. Horses That Heal | Lasting change through horses that heal?

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