Thinking of re-homing my TAG


New member
Mar 24, 2012
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Fayetteville, NC
Green Cheek Conure
I lost my job back in November, sadly, and I'm down to my last dollars in my bank account. Unless i can find a job soon, which is hard where I live and trust me I've been looking, then I have no choice but to re-home my grey. It's only fair for him because soon I will no longer be able to afford the expenses of caring for him. I am very upset about even considering doing this because I love him very much. I'm wondering what would be a fair price to list him for. I bought him from a reputable breeder and paid $1200 for him and his cage. He was hatched in December of 2012, so he's around a year old. Not DNA sexed. He has no behavior problems, no plucking, very quiet and learning to talk. He is shy who he speaks around and usually only talks when no one is paying attention but I've heard him say "hello, what ya doing?, I love you, kiss me, and he says my name (Brittany). He blows kisses and gives them, knows step up. He isn't a cuddly bird and prefers to come to you. He's never bitten me, but he will let you know vocally if he wants to be left alone. Loves to be scratched. He would come with his large cage that has a play stand ontop, food and toys.

So if I decide to re home him, what should I ask? :(
1200-1500 thats what most the greys i see in my area go for when being re-homed! Hope that helps! It sucks that you have to get rid of him tho :(
Just curious, if you have the cage, food, and toys, what bird related expenses are you having trouble with?
That's so sad :( try very hard to keep him! Make all your own toys, look for good deals on his food, maybe use a less expensive pellet like Roudybush temporarily until you find another job. Skip fresh food and use frozen veggies instead to save money. I've talked to many parronts who said rehoming their parrot was the biggest mistake of their life.

A parrot will be fine a few months, or even a year not getting the best food/toys. Although vet checkups are important you can always put it off until you have a job again, as long as he is healthy and there's no freak emergencies you'll do fine. Doyle have family or friends that are willing to help if you did have a freak accidentor or got sick? I live at home, but not working was still tough. I made due with pet sitting, I would always buy food even if I still had it. Bought treats when they were on sale and made a lot at home through bird blog recipes. Having a job is great, I'm able to spoil my fids which I love to do. But iglt very good at saving money and only buying the bare necesities. My mom once helped to pay for Rosie's vet visit when I thought she might have been sick, and when I had the money I later paid her back.

Kenji's adoption fee was $500 with all his belongings, but they told me to spend any money I would have paid them on spoiling him and giving him a wonderful home.
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Well, I have two dogs, two horses and two birds which I could all afford to care for prior to my job loss. That is a lot of food, vet and farrier expenses, not to mention having to purchase new toys every month after they old ones get destroyed. I am behind on my bills and I really need the money to pay my expenses to live. After my job loss, I moved back in with my parents and being the independent person I am, I can't stay here long and hate feeling like a "mooch". I just enrolled into an EKG tech course which is only a 4 month program along with going to school already for a masters in psychology. I figured I could atleast get a job as an EKG technician while pursuing my psych degree. I hope I do not get any negative remarks regarding this post, I just want to do what is right and fair for my grey. I'm not just looking to make money off him, I want him to go to an approved home.
That's so sad :( try very hard to keep him! Make all your own toys, look for good deals on his food, maybe use a less expensive pellet like Roudybush temporarily until you find another job. Skip fresh food and use frozen veggies instead to save money. I've talked to many parronts who said rehoming their parrot was the biggest mistake of their life.

A parrot will be fine a few months, or even a year not getting the best food/toys. Although vet checkups are important you can always put it off until you have a job again, as long as he is healthy and theirs no freak emergencies you'll do fine.

That adoption fee seems pretty high, even with all his supplies. Kenji's adoption fee was $500 with all his belongings, but they told me to spend any money I would have paid them on spoiling him and giving him a wonderful home.

I know, I'm trying all I can to keep him. I have a $360 car payment, $180 insurance, taxes due, and I try to give my parents anything I can for letting me stay there. Not to mention board for my horses($200/mo) and feed for them has gone up to $28 per bag. Ugh. In regard to the adoption fee, I wasn't looking to get what I paid for him, I was just informing everyone of what I did pay.
IF I was near by I would offer to take him in to care for him until you get back on your feet then you can have him back. Will your parents not help you out, cause all you need to pay for is his food really....Just until you get back on your feet which that's what your tech course is for until you finish your psychology degree.
If I didn't have my car payments, insurance, etc then there would be no problem keeping him, but I don't have the money to pay all of that so selling him is how I would make those payments
For one thing you won't get the amount of what you paid for him to begin with. Like here locally I see them go for $500 or less with a cage. In perfect feather and shape. A friend of mine got one this past summer as I helped him trained him, he paid $400 with a cage. That's not enough to pay for your payments. Your gonna have to have some sort of assistance regardless of the outcome. Cause what about the following month if you still can't find a job? By selling a animal to pay for something that your desperate on isn't gonna help you in the long run. To me your least expense is actually your parrot. Your higher expense is actually your horses. Perhaps let someone adopt them so you won't have to pay for boarding as that makes more sense. So for now go apply for unemployment to help you a bit.
Have to agree with Mikey. Your horses are what's costing you the most money, or, would be if you used frozen veggies and made your own toys. No matter what animal you sell, you won't be getting a large sum of money for it. You, of course, get to choose who to sell, but getting rid of a horse (which, I think, would make board 100$/mo, correct?) will save you most money in the long run. Sorry.

Choose whatever seems right, and if you choose your parrot, I wish you the best of luck.
I agree with Mikey.. :)

Definitely not trying to be mean, but the cost you will get for your parrot will not pay your payments? :/

A bird would be the least to care for, and the least money to get..

So you will still have alot to pay, and now you have lost your parrot, which you say you love!

500 dollars isn't going to make a huge difference in the long run, what will happen if you still cant find a job!

Surely your parents would help you for a bit? Even though you want to be independent, your parents are there to support you through your hard times! :)

I know if i ever had problems with money, i would never ever sell one of my animals... They mean too much to me.. I would rather sell my phone, my computer ect ect

Or i would ask people for help, i would rather ask for help, than lose my best friends :)

and i know the cost of horses, trust me, it is ridiculous what they cost sometimes ;) Spent 450 dollars on one of them today at the vets -_- haha

Hope everything works out for you!!! I would hate to be going through the same thing! :(

Fingers crossed you don't have to sell any animals!!
Also, you don't have ANY job? You can't even get a part time one at say, McDonald's? Anything is better than nothing.
Horseback riding is my passion. I suffer from major depression disorder and riding horses is very therapeutic for me. I've been riding for 10 years and I recently adopted a rescue in need of rehabilitation. I've put a lot of time and effort getting him back healthy and trusting of people. I'd hate to abandon him after all I've done. I don't know what to do. I love all my animals equally and this isn't easy.:(
I agree with Mikey.. :)

Definitely not trying to be mean, but the cost you will get for your parrot will not pay your payments? :/

A bird would be the least to care for, and the least money to get..

So you will still have alot to pay, and now you have lost your parrot, which you say you love!

500 dollars isn't going to make a huge difference in the long run, what will happen if you still cant find a job!

Surely your parents would help you for a bit? Even though you want to be independent, your parents are there to support you through your hard times! :)

I know if i ever had problems with money, i would never ever sell one of my animals... They mean too much to me.. I would rather sell my phone, my computer ect ect

Or i would ask people for help, i would rather ask for help, than lose my best friends :)

and i know the cost of horses, trust me, it is ridiculous what they cost sometimes ;) Spent 450 dollars on one of them today at the vets -_- haha

Hope everything works out for you!!! I would hate to be going through the same thing! :(

Fingers crossed you don't have to sell any animals!!

My dad's business is doing bad, and he has already helped me out so much. He's made my past two car payments for me and I know that wasn't easy for him to do. My parents help me out in every way they can. I do not qualify for financial aid because I am not 25 years old, married or have children so even though I lived on my own(well use to) and pay my own bills, I am still considered dependent and they go off my parents income/tax returns. They make too much for me to qualify for financial aid, which is unfair in my opinion, so my parents are helping me pay for tuition as well. :/
Oh, and greys in my area cost lots more than $500. Wish I could have found one for such a price
Perhaps adopt them to someone under the terms that you'll be able to come around to ride them and help with the training. Plus caring for the staple and the horses as well. That would save you a expense and still be able to enjoy being around them for your therapeutic sessions.
Ohhh I hear you..

I think it is ridiculous with financial aids...

Even when I was in school, I was never entitled to any money, cause parents earn too much..

Now I am studying at uni, and they are still like, nope, you can't have any..

Yet people who are my age, but have 5 kids, don't work, don't study.. Get all this money for doing absolutely nothing

Yet, young adults who are actually studying at university aren't entitled to anything cause of their parents income... Very unfair -_-

They are encouraging people just to sit back and do nothing and get paid for it!!!! :p

Hmmm, I understand with horse riding, kinda relaxes me!

Could you lease out one of your horses? So you don't have to pay for their food and agist, but you are also getting paid a small fee from someone.. Could just do like 6 months lease?
Ohhh I hear you..

I think it is ridiculous with financial aids...

Even when I was in school, I was never entitled to any money, cause parents earn too much..

Now I am studying at uni, and they are still like, nope, you can't have any..

Yet people who are my age, but have 5 kids, don't work, don't study.. Get all this money for doing absolutely nothing

Yet, young adults who are actually studying at university aren't entitled to anything cause of their parents income... Very unfair -_-

They are encouraging people just to sit back and do nothing and get paid for it!!!! :p

Hmmm, I understand with horse riding, kinda relaxes me!

Could you lease out one of your horses? So you don't have to pay for their food and agist, but you are also getting paid a small fee from someone.. Could just do like 6 months lease?

You have no idea how many times I've overheard someone say "I can't wait for my financial check to come in so I can go shopping" or "Man, I need to have more kids so I can get more food stamp money"

This country is just a free hand out for people who plan to pursue nothing, but the ones working their butts off and getting an education to make something of theirselves and actually contribute to society get barely any help, if any at all. Sorry, I know this isn't a political debate forum but just felt like I needed that rant. ;p

Anyways, I could lease out one of my horses but that'd cover pretty much board only. Better than nothing, but still not enough to get me back on my feet. Tryst me, I'm looking for a job. I live a few miles from largest military base on the east coast so it's a populated, competitive job market. Sure, a job at mcdonalds is something, but with my educational degrees I feel I should do better than fast food restaurants(not talking down on anyone working at a fast food joint). I want something to help out my resume as well. I have a bachelors in psychology working towards a masters. Sigh. I will figure something out. I appreciate all the support and positive replies. :)
We all feel we're better to do something more then certain jobs, but beggers can't be choosers. In this day and age, a job is a job. Better then nothing, at least it's a paying job.

I started out with nothing, couldn't go to school cause I don't have anyone supporting me as I had to support myself. Everyone around me tells me I'm too smart to do the job I do, I'm not a dumb person and could do a high paying job. But I know I gotta do what I've gotta do as I have bills to pay. If I lose my job tomorrow and have to go scrub toilets, I would go do it because it's a paying job. When you have been in the situation where I've been then you would understand. I had odd jobs in the past as well where I work my butt off killing myself for minimal pay. I don't have parents supporting me as they abandoned me at a young age so I had to support myself living with relatives. I started working at a very young age. I was doing stuffs at the age of 5 and started doing more work at 11. While attending school and all. I get up at the crack of dawn to go to school, then after school I go to work, get home after 11pm or so, then go do my home work until 2-3am then start all over again the next day. So after high school I work hard to get to where I am where I own my cars, I own my house, and everything within. And still hoping to get a college degree one day.
I'm terribly sorry to hear you are going through a hard time financially. These are TOUGH times, to say the least. :(

The way I see it, you'd still be better off leasing out one OR both of your horses, as you would get monthly payments for them, versus down right selling your TAG.

Every college graduate believes they don't deserve to be working a job that pays minimum wages, however, unfortunately nowadays many don't have a choice BUT to take such jobs in order to make SOME sort of money. Making "something" is better than making nothing at all, and it would only be temporary, until you find something better/more suitable.

But I also think your mind sounds pretty made up about selling your TAG.
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