There and Back Again: A Conure's Tail

Finley and I went to the vet today and she said he looked much improved! I had a feeling he was finally on the mend this morning when he was putting a little weight in his foot. Vet said it may take another couple of weeks until he's 100% but its wonderful news. Now he just has to not injure it (easier said that done with the little green monster).
After the vet appointment we went to the bagel shop to get a coffee and I wasn't sure they would let Finley in but they did. Another place in town I can take my birdies yay! Everyone just loved him, he was hamming it up big time too for the whole shop to see. One lady told her daughter that "since her bunny just died :-/ they should get one of 'those'". Of course I had to tell them that it's like getting a 2 year old child who lives 30 years and has a sharp weapon on it's face and isn't afraid to use it for almost no reason and will poop on you every 10 to 20 minutes without a care in the world...unless you spend hours and hours and hours a day with "it" and go on forums and research training and train the bird daily to even get it to a point you can even consider ever taking the bird into a car with you to a bagel's not like getting a bunny AT ALL. Not to mention that if you decide you would like a break from your new "bunny replacement" you can't have one because it might get depressed, develop a screaming problem or pluck all it's feathers out or become untame because parrots aren't that domesticated just yet..yeah so maybe another bunny is what you need....
So yeah...I said most of that in a more calm and kind way (I think?) and I am hoping I shed some light on parrot ownership.


Here are some pics from today!
Finley resting his foot after the vet.

Ollie getting some much needed alone time since I was gone with Fin to the vet quite a while and he was alone (the poor baby).
So glad to hear this! I mean the foot part. And yay on the “You really should just get another rabbit” (or maybe a goldfish would be nice LOLOLOL)

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Why thank you Inger!

Today I could tell Finley is really feeling better but his foot is still bothering him because he'll do stuff normally but then all of a sudden list his foot for a bit to rest it like in the video below. He was being so cute today! He let me hold him like a green burrito like he used to when he was a little baby. I'm really please with his biting progress. I can now tell his "scared of me" biting has disappeared and he only has "I'm annoyed with you" and " I don't want to stop doing that" or "I'm tired and cranky" biting left. Most of these are avoidable and mostly they are light warning bites so it's really really improved. Yay!

Ollie as usual scoping out the geese and screaming his head off if he's next to the window getting himself all worked up lol. "Mom, why do you have all those birds outside? I don't like them...who are they? Hey, birds, hey this is my house!" Is what I imagine him to be saying. We'll to get his mind off those nasty geese I had plenty of cuddles time with Ollie and he camped out under my chin most of the time which he doesn't do very often as an adult so that was awesome! Best bird ever.

[ame=""]Fin is recovering - YouTube[/ame]
Finley and I went to the vet today and she said he looked much improved! I had a feeling he was finally on the mend this morning when he was putting a little weight in his foot. Vet said it may take another couple of weeks until he's 100% but its wonderful news. Now he just has to not injure it (easier said that done with the little green monster).
After the vet appointment we went to the bagel shop to get a coffee and I wasn't sure they would let Finley in but they did. Another place in town I can take my birdies yay! Everyone just loved him, he was hamming it up big time too for the whole shop to see. One lady told her daughter that "since her bunny just died :-/ they should get one of 'those'". Of course I had to tell them that it's like getting a 2 year old child who lives 30 years and has a sharp weapon on it's face and isn't afraid to use it for almost no reason and will poop on you every 10 to 20 minutes without a care in the world...unless you spend hours and hours and hours a day with "it" and go on forums and research training and train the bird daily to even get it to a point you can even consider ever taking the bird into a car with you to a bagel's not like getting a bunny AT ALL. Not to mention that if you decide you would like a break from your new "bunny replacement" you can't have one because it might get depressed, develop a screaming problem or pluck all it's feathers out or become untame because parrots aren't that domesticated just yet..yeah so maybe another bunny is what you need....
So yeah...I said most of that in a more calm and kind way (I think?) and I am hoping I shed some light on parrot ownership.


Here are some pics from today!
Finley resting his foot after the vet.

Ollie getting some much needed alone time since I was gone with Fin to the vet quite a while and he was alone (the poor baby).

Desi I just LOVE your little boys! Such clowns and snuggle bunnies lol.

I’m with Jim. Your boys are so fun to see!

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Thanks you guys, I'm so happy we can bring a smile to your face!

Today and yesterday were some of Finley's worst biting days ever. He was so cranky and I'm really not sure why. The week before this he was getting so much better..uggg.We do have company visiting but that only started at the end of today. Ollie of course was being a dream come true and an hour before bedtime, while we were eating dessert at the dining room table, he decided to climb in my shirt and stick his little orange head out and melt everyone's hearts. He continued to cuddle me inside my shirt until his bedtime. Ollie is life.
We do have company this weekend (as mentioned) and many activities planned like seeing Chicago on Broadway and a my husband and I's first wedding anniversary dinner at Del Posto and on Sunday we're going to The Met! So the birdies will be slightly neglected for the next 2 and a half days...which is sad but every once in a while it's okay. I will spend all morning with them (like 3 hours) before we go anywhere so at least there is that. I'm hoping this time apart with help with Finley's attitude I am excited to see what happens with that. I might not post much either but we'll see and Happy Birding to all!
Well the visit with my friends and the birds went well. Everyone loved Finley because he happily accepts new people without worry and lets other people pet him and hold him. Ollie disapproved greatly of the new comers and got all puffy and territorial and made his angry "chew chew" noise and also tried to bite them on their way by from my shoulder. He was an angel to me of course and continued to be loving and in general the best bird ever. Finley is getting a little better about biting but still he will get me a couple of times a day (usually not hard) and get a time our on the floor. To be fair Fin is seeming really hormonal right now too so I am almost sure that has a lot to do with it plus he keeps slightly re-injuring his foot. He thinks he can do more than he can and then he does and he keeps hurting it. Other than that we are trying to get back to the normal after our friends left and trying to regain the routine of bird life! Here are some pics from yesterday.

Ollie relaxing on one foot but kind of angry about the guests sitting on the couch with us lol.


Finley just being Finley!

Ollie in his favorite spot to sit while I am getting dressed in the walk in closet. I set this little area up for him and he loves it. I put my stuffed Tardigrade for him to have some company.
Oh my, you can feel Ollie’s disapproval of guests by that look! Finley is such an adorable little guy :)
What a Mama's boy that Finster is! lol. ;)

Today was a really weird day for Finley. He was soooo cranky and tried to bite me on almost every interaction we had. There was one point (as stated in another thread) where I had to pry him off me (while he was screeching and biting me) with the help of the much hated nemesis, the TV remote. He took one look at the offending electronic and flapped away from it therefor unhinging his claws from my neck. It did storm tonight and I do find the boys are kind of sensitive to the weather so I am hoping that is what was going on. Finley was sooo goo yesterday and today was a total FUBAR day. Oh well, he still had a few cuddly moments in there even if he did try to bite me after a few scratches lol.
Ollie was being a bit weird too, gazing out the window longingly, looking paranoid and making his worried noise all day. I bet it was the weather! Ollie got to spend extra mommy time today since Fin was being a butthole so that was at least a good outcome for Ollie and I as a unit.
Here is a picture of Ollie and Finley yesterday in their harnesses in case you missed my thread about it and the videos.
It's nice to get outside on occasion now,isn't it Fin and Ollie? ;)

They love it Jim!

Many of you may have read my other thread and watched the videos I posted today. It was a blast filming those and I hope people have learned that they probably can get that dang harness on their bird and their bird may not love it but they will still love you afterwards!

In other news: It was a relaxing Mother's Day at home with the birdies full of cuddles and cooking (pea and bacon risotto) and little Finley enjoyed some snap peas for a good hour on his breakfast stand while Ollie baby enjoyed an apple slices on his swing that hangs above the kitchen sink. The last 2 days Finley has calmed way down on the biting and actually been a joy to be with. He must have known it was Mother's Day! I hope the good behavior continues. Happy Mother's Day to all!
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Last night's Finley antics(video below).Lol... he's sour (biting me) but then he's sweet (cuddles). Either way you gotta love him!
Ollie has been really cuddly in the morning lately which is awesome. He's bae.

On a more personal note: I just finished watching "Jane the Virgin" and am counting the days to the next season. I'm having trouble finding a series to take it's place because it was so good. I tried watching Devious Maids but meh and I love Aaron Paul and tried The Path for a few episodes but I'm not feeling that either. Ugggggggg. I've watched all the obvious shows including sitcoms and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions that are kinda new or off the beaten path.

[ame=""]Finley being a fluffy cute doofus - YouTube[/ame]
Love the fluffy head! When my little boy BB is in the mood for skritches,his little head fluffs up three times it's normal size and his arms get all soft and poofy and he lets out soft Cockatiel chirps ( his way of letting ME know that he is grooving on whatever is happening at that moment ;))
That usually happens when either he is getting skritches,OR he is noshing on something that he particularly is enjoying..last night it was corn nibs pea pods a piece of strawberry and crumbled up birdy muffin..he was chirping up a storm then lol.

What's so cute! Aww you should get a video or picture of him! Believe it or not this is Finley's default setting. He usually has a fluffy head and body... unlike Ollie who is always slick unless he's getting scratches. Finley is broken I think...and yes I told the vet and no he's not sick lol. She thinks he might be a tad "off" lol but it's so cute all the same.
Desi? Has the Finster recovered from his foot incident? :confused:

Yes and no. He gets close to recovering and then jumps off the tree or does acrobatics in his cage and slightly re-injures it. I can tell it's slowly getting better even with him doing that. He's been to the vet 3 times for it now but that's not why he's puffy... he's been like that since we got him.
Finley, come live with me!
I totally have a crush on you!

Oh, and... that silver ring is beautiful. If I can't have Finley, can I have that??????
Thank you it's an olive leaf ring (I have matching earings and necklace) because I'm a chef!
Gail: I’ll fight you for Finley!

JTV is such a great show but I’m a season behind. My daughter and I watch together and it’s been hard to find time. Have you watched Riverdale?

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