The test came back positive

Michele, I hope that you're feeling all the love that's coming your way from all of us, here. You are thought of very fondly here on the forum, and we have all come to care about you and your beautiful flock. None of that has changed because of that diagnosis, my friend. In fact, my respect and regard for you have only increased as this whole situation has unfolded over the past few months.

Seeing the outpouring of support for you and your birds, you must realize that you most definitely BELONG here. And if there are any small-minded people who would begrudge you the opportunity to seek solace and support among those who care so much for you, then perhaps it is they who do not belong. Make no mistake, Michele, you're family.

On a personal note, I went through a situation where I had to watch my cockatiel battle kidney disease for around 5 or 6 months before finally succumbing to his sickness. I won't lie. It was hard as hell. But I can tell you this: as close as we were for the nearly 18 years that I had him, we were never so close as we became in that last month or two. He had gotten to the point that I had to hand feed him, but an understanding grew between us. You could see that he understood the depth of my love for him. And he loved me all the more for it. I did all I could to give him the best quality of life that I could in the time that he had left. He was dying, yes. But he was not yet dead. And so long as he drew breath, he could feel loved. And I made sure he knew that he was loved every day of his life until the night that he passed, nestled in the crook of my elbow.

You can do this, Michele. We all know you can. As Trish pointed out to you in an earlier thread, until your bird passes, you should look at the test result as a LIFE sentence. He still lives and breathes. He still loves and feels joy. Though all the details have changed, the fundamentals of your relationship with him has not. You are still his person. He is still a member of your family. And it is still your responsibility to make his life as happy and complete as you possibly can. You've been doing a fantastic job of that thus far, which is why we all can so easily have faith that you will continue to do so.

And just as you continue to be there for your fids, Michele, we'll all continue to be here for you. God bless.
This would be my worst nightmare.

I understand your dilemma. This is one of the hardest things you will ever have to face. The fact is: Wingnut is probably going to deteriorate and die, and it will not be pretty.

If your other birds are not affected, keeping them in contact with him will probably kill them too.

They can't be placed anywhere else without being quarantined. Others will die.

If it were me, I'd be crying my eyes out. God forbid I should be put in this position, but if it were me:

1. Assuming my other birds DID NOT test positive, I would probably, reluctantly, have Wingnut put down. He would be sitting on my lap. The doctor would come in and give him a shot. He would remain on my lap, and in my arms, and gently die in my arms. KNOWING HE WAS LOVED, AND FEELING LOVE. NOT SUFFERING THROUGH THIS HORRIBLE DISEASE PROCESS.

2. Assuming my other birds DID test positive, they would remain quarantined from all other birds for the remainder of their lives, and I would keep them as long as I could give them a quality of life. As each began to suffer, and deteriorate, it would be time for #1 above...

I wish I could offer you more than advice and sympathy.

I know this is killing you, and I am balling my eyes out as I type this.
Mark, thank you for speaking out loud what others may have only thought about. I agree with you on this 100%, also with tears in my eyes.
I've been following this thread from the beginning, not wanting to say what had to be said...


Thank you for your positive suggestions. I am very unhappy right now. I feel so helpless. I look in their eyes, and I feel guilty, because I cannot protect them. I cannot insure the long, healthy lives that they deserve....and the second I bought them home, that became my responsibility.

I am a very strong person, and I will do whatever it takes to make them happy, and give them the best. I just don't feel very powerful right now.



None of us are GOD! Stop beating yourself up... no good can come from it!
Michele, Joaquin functioned very well with his PDD and back then it was a miracle that he had survived the initial onset of it. Normally PDD will kill an Eclectus very quickly. It was though the hard work and knowledge of his doctor and my pallative care that helped him get two more years of life with us.

The reason Joaquin died was when the virus traveled to his brain. First Joaquin experienced balance problems then it came to the point where he lost his ability to speak. Joaquin ability to communicate rivaled any parrot I lived with as he talked in sentences and understood what he was saying. His desire to communicate with humans was so high he learned our language.

Joaquin never suffered. I would not let him because I made a pact with Dr. Jenkins that if he began to waste or experienced pain or constant pain I would want to end his suffering. She agreed with me and I trusted her to let me know even I could not accept. One thing I really loved about Dr. Jenkins is she never beat around the bush but would tell you how it was no matter how hard it was. I trusted her to tell me when it was Joaquin's time if I was not able to accept or see it.

Up until I rushed Joaquin to the ER at 9pm at night he lived a quality life, enjoyed his life, knew he was loved and he didn't suffer. I sacrificed and worked very hard so that Joaquin could live the quality life he deserved. It was not his fault he became sick but I had to be strong enough to know when he was suffering. Thank God he didn't take that route but passed knowing he was loved, that he was important and that I was blessed with the abilities God gave him.

This next part is very hard for me to type because I know how concerned you are for your whole flock.

Diego my Illiger's macaw died of a stroke in June 2011. I took his death so hard I just could not deal with a necropsy. Since I knew reason of death I didn't think it was necessary. I now believe no matter what always have one done because other than the stroke I didn't know what else if anything else was wrong with him.

Mihijo my Noble macaw died in September 2012 two months before Valentino was due to come home. I did have a necropsy done on him because of all the research and documentation I and Dr. Blair have done with his heart disease we needed to learn more about what had happened. Mihijo did die from a heart attack but the necropsy showed he did have PDD. It never surfaced because although he apparently had the disease it was not the reason for his death. I asked Dr. Blair if PDD was a factor of his heart disease she told me it might of come into play but there was no way to know. Mihijo's heart has always been bigger all his life. His father died young so it is my belief that the PDD was not a factor with Mihijo's death. He would of been 18 years old that following February.

I don't know if Diego had any signs of PDD because I didn't have the necropsy done. Dr. Blair and I will always wonder if he did.

I have to tell you that if the rest of your flock does test positive it is NOT an immediate death sentence. They can carry the virus and not have it "bloom up" into symptoms. However I will say I believe they would be carries and could pass it on to others.

What ever you decide for your flock know that I pray for you, your family and most importantly your flock. If you have any questions about my story and my experience please feel free to PM me. I have been though a lot with PDD and know more than I want to about this virus.
I really can only add my support to all the wonderful love and support that has been given already. I am at a loss for words and my heart is breaking for you. This is such a scary situation and I am praying that the second test comes back negative.
The vets office called today, and all three of our other birds tested NEGATIVE.

Of course we are so relieved by this...... But so confused.

We have read everything about how frighteningly contageous PBFD is. I saw the lady in the hazmat suit, visiting Oscar the PBFD + cockatoo. Our vet scheduled us as the last appointment of the day, so that they could sanitize everything after we left. Items were removed from the room so our birds wouldnt contaminate them. I had to wait in the car with the other three birds, as each was seen, so we didnt contaminate the waiting room.......
All of our birds have been living in the same room since coming home, and before THAT they were all in the same room at the store since they were tiny babies.... And three of them are NEGATIVE?

Can anyone please explain that to me? We are so happy about that result, but how is that possible?
That is excellent news! I am so glad the tested negative.

I don't know enough about the disease to even begin to understand why, but perhaps they have a natural immunity or just plain got lucky. Personally, I'm hoping for a royal screw up by the vet and/or lab, and that Wingnut is in fact disease-free as well and they simply mixed up his results (fingers crossed).
The vets office called today, and all three of our other birds tested NEGATIVE.

Of course we are so relieved by this...... But so confused.

We have read everything about how frighteningly contageous PBFD is. I saw the lady in the hazmat suit, visiting Oscar the PBFD + cockatoo. Our vet scheduled us as the last appointment of the day, so that they could sanitize everything after we left. Items were removed from the room so our birds wouldnt contaminate them. I had to wait in the car with the other three birds, as each was seen, so we didnt contaminate the waiting room.......
All of our birds have been living in the same room since coming home, and before THAT they were all in the same room at the store since they were tiny babies.... And three of them are NEGATIVE?

Can anyone please explain that to me? We are so happy about that result, but how is that possible?

OMG Michele,

I have been praying that through some great miracle the other three birds would test negative

I know it's confusing trying to figure out why the other birds are negative, I don't get that either??

This is really the BEST News !! thank you so much for letting us know!!

Its 2 AM now and I am well beyond my nite nite time :)

I hear you... good news, but like you know, PBFD is a HIGHLY contagious virus, and I know your birds are close.

Maybe they just have a really strong immune system?

It 'could be' that they have it, but like viruses do, they present symptoms during a "flare up" but because they have good care and diet, the virus was in remission and therefore couldn't be detected at the time.

So people know... A bird can have a virus, but when the disease is in a state of remission, the virus won't necessarily be detected on a test. That's really scary that these virus tests aren't completely accurate because of that! (This is what I learned from my vet, and from reading articles written by vets :)).

What did the vet say regarding this?
Michele, you said your other 3 birds? Loki, Knuckles.....and who else? Or did I miss something?

What an enormous relief to hear that they tested negative!!!
Most likely: Because the Wingnut has it, but the disease process hasn't progressed to the point where he's shedding the virus everywhere, your other birds have not gotten sick YET!


There is nothing easy about this!
This story reminds me of how I learned to say 'no' to all the unwanted birds. I must, at all costs, protect the flock I already have. It's not easy, though. Simply heartbreaking to hear of these stories. Although I do know of peope who do take in infected birds for the purpose of giving the birds the best until it is time to euthanise. I can't do that. I don't have the money or the soul to deal with death on a constant basis.
Oh. Ok. I guess I can't hide it any longer.

During the interim of Wingnuts first test, which was during a routine vet visit (we had no results yet, it wa his first visit) and his results, we had put money down on an Amazon who I had been admiring for some time.

He is the other bird.

I can explain more/ better later.

I love him, very much.
BirdyMomma I have been trying to PM you but I cannot as I have to post 20 times before I can PM anyone. I wrote a long message and now I have copied it because I can't send it and I don't know who to send it to to forward to you? Will staff do it? do I just copy and paste in this forum?
BirdyMomma I have been trying to PM you but I cannot as I have to post 20 times before I can PM anyone. I wrote a long message and now I have copied it because I can't send it and I don't know who to send it to to forward to you? Will staff do it? do I just copy and paste in this forum?

You can send it to me and I can forward it to her, if you like:)
BirdyMomma I have been trying to PM you but I cannot as I have to post 20 times before I can PM anyone. I wrote a long message and now I have copied it because I can't send it and I don't know who to send it to to forward to you? Will staff do it? do I just copy and paste in this forum?

You can send it to me and I can forward it to her, if you like:)

Thank you very much Terry but someone has sent it already but thank you so much. I am in a similar situation and will make a post soon.
kimichanga, I am glad someone sent it for you, and I am sorry for what you are going through. We are here to listen when you are ready to talk about it:)

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