The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Check this out! Teeko's parront is a purveyor of personalized Pokemon cards portraying our parroys. Despite the Rickeybird's ignominious persona and habits, he was honored with his own Pokemon card. Here it is!
That's my boy!

" Rickey Bird with his tough spirit. And attitude. He is the guard of the underworld castle. Dark type. @GaleriaGila"

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Check this out! Teeko's parront is a purveyor of personalized Pokemon cards portraying our parroys. Despite the Rickeybird's ignominious persona and habits, he was honored with his own Pokemon card. Here it is!

That's my boy!

View attachment 56139
Check this out! Teeko's parront is a purveyor of personalized Pokemon cards portraying our parroys. Despite the Rickeybird's ignominious persona and habits, he was honored with his own Pokemon card. Here it is!

That's my boy!

View attachment 56139

Awesome job, @TeekoGreenCheek!! Gail, your old man's dreams will be even further haunted by this underworldly nightmarish apparition!! Sweet dreams, Rival!! :eek::eek::eek:
Well, well, lookie here at this card. Dusky horizon, macabre gothic aura, dilapidated castle (hinting of disreputable antics within), menacing winged beasties in the air... and of course, our hero, radiant reprobate, gazing out upon us, wondering what manner of disgrace he might perpetrate on innocent birds and people. He isn't awfully smart, but his is shameless and persistent. That's HER bird.

I can't sleep. Where's my Ambien?
Oh my dear Sis, I'm so glad to see you! I was so worried about you and here you are:)
And if that wasn't enough, Rb is gonna be even more famous! Thank you for the forum mention, too.
Have I told you lately that I love you? XOXOXO
I hand raised my budgie Rocky (The RockyBird, perhaps?) from an egg last year and weaned her onto Harrisons High Potency Super Fine by mixing the tiny pellets into her formula and feeding her the thick chunky mixture from a tiny spoon. She loves Harrison's, I love the organic ingredients, and she is the picture of vibrant budgie health! She also eats a Bird Street Bistro based chop, lots of fresh broccoli, and quite frankly anything (bird safe) my husband and I are eating. I give her a bit of scrambled eggs (no grease) a couple times a week, too. She's probably the only budgie that can take or leave millet!

I'm so happy The Rickeybird is doing so well at almost 40 years old! What a lucky bird to have such a great long life.

I would love to hear any tips you have to help ensure all our birds also live full healthy lifespans. I had a little budgie live to 13 before succumbing to kidney failure, but I didn't do anything special back then- he ate nothing but budgie seed so he was probably just blessed with good genes.
Well, well, lookie here at this card. Dusky horizon, macabre gothic aura, dilapidated castle (hinting of disreputable antics within), menacing winged beasties in the air... and of course, our hero, radiant reprobate, gazing out upon us, wondering what manner of disgrace he might perpetrate on innocent birds and people. He isn't awfully smart, but his is shameless and persistent. That's HER bird.

I can't sleep. Where's my Ambien?

I dunno where your Ambien is, Rival, but I got your newest theme tune right here!!

I played this nice and loud, with appropriate credits. After remarking that he couldn't believe the Muppets would allow that sort of thing on their program, the Rival mumbled something about "to be continued".
I personally have always found Alice to be quite warm and uplifting.
I played this nice and loud, with appropriate credits. After remarking that he couldn't believe the Muppets would allow that sort of thing on their program, the Rival mumbled something about "to be continued".
I personally have always found Alice to be quite warm and uplifting.
I hand raised my budgie Rocky (The RockyBird, perhaps?) from an egg last year and weaned her onto Harrisons High Potency Super Fine by mixing the tiny pellets into her formula and feeding her the thick chunky mixture from a tiny spoon. She loves Harrison's, I love the organic ingredients, and she is the picture of vibrant budgie health! She also eats a Bird Street Bistro based chop, lots of fresh broccoli, and quite frankly anything (bird safe) my husband and I are eating. I give her a bit of scrambled eggs (no grease) a couple times a week, too. She's probably the only budgie that can take or leave millet!

I'm so happy The Rickeybird is doing so well at almost 40 years old! What a lucky bird to have such a great long life.

I would love to hear any tips you have to help ensure all our birds also live full healthy lifespans. I had a little budgie live to 13 before succumbing to kidney failure, but I didn't do anything special back then- he ate nothing but budgie seed so he was probably just blessed with good genes.
You're so sweet!
Oh, HECK YEAH... Rockybird it is!
You're doing good stuff already. The Rb has eaten Harrison's and safe table scraps all his years... we're the oldest mail order account they have. That other little budgie you lost? Probably lived that long on love... and good genes, yeah!
Perhaps this is an appropriate time to repost this video that first appeared here in mid-2017. Background for new folks: my ol' man (Rival_of_the_Rickeybird) and the Rickeybird hate each other. Sometimes the bird and I yell his name for no good reason. It just doesn't get old!
I just posted this song in Teeko's fun thread about favorite songs, and I want to put it here, too. It's the Rickeybird's song, vintage @1984, just like he is!
I love it because it always lifts me up. Crank it up and see if you don't feel like busting a move!

  • A very special blast from the past, and a special, hopeful hello to an old friend.
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
November 20, 2016
"A Very Special Arrival"

Some of you know that our Marileen is a textile artist. I'm also an artist (painting, sculpting). Recently, we exchanged portraits of our birds. I painted her guys. She crocheted the Rickeybird.
He arrived... OMG, the colors, the posture, the eyes, the pink feet... and with a little help from my ol' man (puppeteering) the ATTITUDE...
I haven't heard from Marileen in years now. She was overseas, and my efforts to find her have been fruitless. BUT I loved (and love) her dearly... we became very close "penpals". No matter what, thank you, forever, Marileen!
  • A very special blast from the past, and a special, hopeful hello to an old friend.

I haven't heard from Marileen in years now. She was overseas, and my efforts to find her have been fruitless. BUT I loved (and love) her dearly... we became very close "penpals". No matter what, thank you, forever, Marileen!
One must be very careful went those silent Parrots are around!!
When Julio goes into silent mode, we know to be weary and going looking for him!
It is likely why, I love a noisy Amazon!
This is the Rb's entry in the December Contest.

Official Entry for the Rickeybird...


[IMG alt="GaleriaGila"][/IMG]


Well-known member​

Parrot of the Month 🏆

Rb TALK.jpg

"This here is the riCKEYBIRD, WHICH am me. I am not in that picture and I didnt BITE no thumb, what is this thumb of which you speak, I know nothing bout bites or thumbs. Thats that an thats all I gotta say, signed, ME which am the Rickeybird

The bird had the last word.
This is the Rb's entry in the December Contest.

Official Entry for the Rickeybird...


[IMG alt="GaleriaGila"][/IMG]


Well-known member​

Parrot of the Month 🏆

Rb TALK.jpg

"This here is the riCKEYBIRD, WHICH am me. I am not in that picture and I didnt BITE no thumb, what is this thumb of which you speak, I know nothing bout bites or thumbs. Thats that an thats all I gotta say, signed, ME which am the Rickeybird

The bird had the last word.
This is the Rb's entry in the December Contest.

Official Entry for the Rickeybird...


[IMG alt="GaleriaGila"][/IMG]


Well-known member​

Parrot of the Month 🏆

Rb TALK.jpg

"This here is the riCKEYBIRD, WHICH am me. I am not in that picture and I didnt BITE no thumb, what is this thumb of which you speak, I know nothing bout bites or thumbs. Thats that an thats all I gotta say, signed, ME which am the Rickeybird

The bird had the last word.


Look's like an assured bit of Coal for Christmas as that sure classifies as a major check in the Naught Box!!

Wow, even Julio is working hard to be Good, which is not easy feat for him!
Rb TALK.jpg

Hey Julio, this here the Rickeybird which am me. Here is nice gift for all you parrot moms n dads. Is very nice and heres websight which is giving info. Nobody here will get me one cuz they all hate me, and tats it for now from the Rickeybird which am me.

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