- Aug 29, 2018
- 27,632
- 39,113
- Parrots
- Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Oh Mr Rb and Aunty G, we are so touched by your appointment of my precious little Warrior Princess Lilly as Special Rainbow Bridge Correspondent - who better than a feisty miraculous little feathery rainbow like her for a job like that? She will do you proud. Thank you!!View attachment 46982
Please note: No noses were harmed in the production of this project.
View attachment 46983
"Okay listen up this here the Rickeybird whch am ME. When I saw this ridicicklus big picture a few pages back well I had to step in. This was old photo of me before vet put me on cardio diet then i needed skin removal surgery which tooked off 15,000 pounds which made me small, was all evil plot to take away my powers, but anyway I GOT OVER IT, now let me talk about these here SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATORS. Okay.
Heather up first, SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATOR ON FINGERS. This all good, she deserves. Pssssst... sometimes she gits sugar up under her nailsz when she cookin an is verrrrry sexy!! Heather, hows about some closeupses of your sugar nails like that? Yeahhhhhhhhh, baybeee!
Oh yeah, an then she got side specilties of birdsnifferating and singerating silly songs, an I heard she got special showings she gives for special LAYOVERS... heeehoooohahahaheeeehahaha. See what I did there?
Kentuckienne is SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATOR ON NUTS. Well, fer sure!! First of all she makes great lil fruitcakes with the specialest, sweetest, cutest lil ole nuts in em!! I ate some an then some I just plucked and flung far an wide just like they was fingers or noses or... Yessiree!
Now Kentuckienne got lots of nut talents and another one is WRITIN about em. She is special consulterator and writerator for special projects like Alex the Genius Parrot an they give her awards all over the place for her nutteratin! She is great poet an her latest will be adderated to the Official ANTHOLOGY of her Workses but must wait until Rival gets back on job cuz I am sick of doin all his work and he needs to updat Kentuckienne's Anthology for cryin out the loud.
Sailboat! Is a fine rooster which's nose I have bit off in past and he barely got mad, so maybe he grows em back like iguanas. So anybody what gets thru a Yankeee winter by growin noses and doin blizzard readiness with rum should be designaterated SPECIAL WINTER, ARMAGEDON, DIY PLASTIC SURGERATIN, AND ALL AROUND RUM READINESS CORRESPONDERATOR.
The Wrencherator, heyyyyyyyyyyy, howyadoinnnolbuddyyyyyy?
So we got Salty per usual runnin around doin security, entertainment, spiritual advice... overall pirate rooster royal. Not much Wrench can do to live up to all that but he is very good natured about being sidekick, stage dad, etc. Also, not everybody knows that Salty comez to ME for advice on all that stuff in first place, and so does Wrench! Anywayzzzz, we taggin the Wrench as SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATOR OF BEING SALTY'S WINGMAN. heeehoooohahahaheeeehahaha. See what I did there AGAIN?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, La Manukerator, hen in good standing ----------------and sitting and laying ------------------heeehoooohahahaheeeehahahaaaaaha. AGAIN!! Henhaus Frau!
We got a pair of excellent corresponderators right here for sure boy!!!
I now pronounce them Corresponderators which is... Husband and W...
Make that...
CSAR OF SECURITY, SAFETY and Hirsuteness WAAAAYYYYYY above and beyond call of unbuttoned uniform shirts ------------------- and CSARINA OF ODDBALL HAUSFRAUS! https://www.parrotforums.com/threads/ohhh-oddball-hausfrau-hens-house.83480/.
YOU MAY PECK YOUR HEN!!! Or vice versa.
Lovejoy is new boy on block! He is sponserated by the Only and One Terry57, and the Once and Forever LillyPhilly. Lovejoy is so instantly beloved is amazing, works like this: beloved PF member brings new bird and all at once the love from everbody in forums plops in on new bird an sometimes new bird could barely walk from so much love on their punkin headz!!!!! So considerating all the stuff together, this an that, an that an this, so forth so on............................................. All comin together that we gonna call him SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATOR OF NEW ARRIVALS. Then also we gonna include LillyPhilly as SPECIAL CORREPONDERATOR OF RAINBOW BRIDGE!
Now everything all cleaned up! Rival can put nice sumthinsumthin title at top cuz I am STILL tired of doing his works. Ha!
Okay, give some love and big cheer to me, which am THE RICKEYBIRD. PIECES... OUT!!"