The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates


Ma'am, yes ma'am! MrLK and I are not ones to ignore a direct order like this!!

My own personal foibles and quirks are already well documented here, and as a legacy member of the Oddball Hausfrau Henhouse I stand ready to serve in whatever capacity that either you or the Rb see fit to throw my way.

I would also like to nominate MrLK for security detail, ensuring field correspondent safety, and providing general hirsuteness WAAAAYYYYYY above and beyond call of duty!! 😝


It helps greatly that I am old and have seen somethings before, but with many things, far too often to a point that I have already moved prior to whatever it is hitting.
Now on my seventh Blizzard, it's just prep. Many decades ago, I recall my grandfather stating, never buy or build in this or that area, some flood while others fill with snow with great depth.
I have found that its not good enough to listen, but to hear what others are saying!!
Knowledge is useless unless you act with it!!
I never really drank based on volume!! As a result one can afford the really expensive stuff and just simply enjoy quality!!
Rb is certainly of legal drinking age, though the rum might “knock him on his kiester” so to speak.
You mean, bump him back on his buttfeathers? Nobody wants to see those. But…’‘tis the season..look… up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…..aaargh, it’s Rickeybird!

Jingle bells, conure tails,
flashing all the way
Oh, what horror ‘tis to see
butt feathers on display, eh?

Rickey Bird says the word,
what word does he say?
Christmas eve, you best believe
the feather’s on the way!

Flashing down below,
butt feathers green and gray,
oh how clear they show,
in your face today!
Barbs on pinions spring
unbidden to the eye,
oh what grief and misery
I think that I shall cry.


Butt feather, buttfeather,
either way you say
joins our forum all together
on this holiday.

Featherbutt, in a rut,
forever shall we hail
the majesty and mystery
of Rickeybird and Gail!
You mean, bump him back on his buttfeathers? Nobody wants to see those. But…’‘tis the season..look… up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…..aaargh, it’s Rickeybird!

Jingle bells, conure tails,
flashing all the way
Oh, what horror ‘tis to see
butt feathers on display, eh?

Rickey Bird says the word,
what word does he say?
Christmas eve, you best believe
the feather’s on the way!

Flashing down below,
butt feathers green and gray,
oh how clear they show,
in your face today!
Barbs on pinions spring
unbidden to the eye,
oh what grief and misery
I think that I shall cry.


Butt feather, buttfeather,
either way you say
joins our forum all together
on this holiday.

Featherbutt, in a rut,
forever shall we hail
the majesty and mystery
of Rickeybird and Gail!
That was…beautiful!

But we know what Rickeybird says:

The word Rickeybird says is “Maggot.”
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Oh, I think not.

Y’all know enough about my bird sniffing and silly song singing already.
Duly Determined Minister of Bird Sniffing and Silly Songs (Apologies to Monty Python).
I modestly display on my kitchen wall my certificate from the Alex Foundation stating that I am the “Nuttiest Sponsor” because one year I bought all the nuts for the birds. It would be an honor to serve as the Nuttiest Correspondent in the Rickeybird’s cabinet. Hmm, why is the cabinet locked? Why are there gurgling and swilling parrot noises coming from inside? Is RB already in consultation with the Rum Contingent? WHERE HAS THE RUM GONE?
Hereby Distinguished as The Uncontested Princess of NUTTIEST* CORRESPONDENCE, I give you Lady Kentuckienne !!

*Also widely known as nuts are dry drupes, which include pecans (Carya illinoensis), almonds (Prunus amygdalus), macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia), candlenut (Aleurites moluccanus), water caltrop (Trapa bicornis) and walnuts (Juglans regia). Just Sayin'.
That was…beautiful!

But we know what Rickeybird says:

The word Rickeybird says is “Maggot.”
santa potm.webp
Ma'am, yes ma'am! MrLK and I are not ones to ignore a direct order like this!!

My own personal foibles and quirks are already well documented here, and as a legacy member of the Oddball Hausfrau Henhouse I stand ready to serve in whatever capacity that either you or the Rb see fit to throw my way.

I would also like to nominate MrLK for security detail, ensuring field correspondent safety, and providing general hirsuteness WAAAAYYYYYY above and beyond call of duty!! 😝
I now pronounce you Husband and W...
Make that...
CSAR of Security, Safety, and Hirsuteness WAAAAYYYYYY above and beyond call of unbuttoned uniform shirts and CSARINA of Oddball Hausfras
You mean, bump him back on his buttfeathers? Nobody wants to see those. But…’‘tis the season..look… up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…..aaargh, it’s Rickeybird!

Jingle bells, conure tails,
flashing all the way
Oh, what horror ‘tis to see
butt feathers on display, eh?

Rickey Bird says the word,
what word does he say?
Christmas eve, you best believe
the feather’s on the way!

Flashing down below,
butt feathers green and gray,
oh how clear they show,
in your face today!
Barbs on pinions spring
unbidden to the eye,
oh what grief and misery
I think that I shall cry.


Butt feather, buttfeather,
either way you say
joins our forum all together
on this holiday.

Featherbutt, in a rut,
forever shall we hail
the majesty and mystery
of Rickeybird and Gail!
There is no greater or NUTTIER bard, is there?
Kentuckienne should either be writing speeches for presidents or writing screenplays for Spongebob Squarepants.
I am not worthy. The Rb might be...
Thank you!
Alrighteeee... those of you who understand dates and calendars and stuff, will note that I am LATE with the final list of new appointments, but I shall herd these cats forthwith into a suitable and elegant list, with the Rb's help. Stand by, minions, stand by!
Alrighteeee... those of you who understand dates and calendars and stuff, will note that I am LATE with the final list of new appointments, but I shall herd these cats forthwith into a suitable and elegant list, with the Rb's help. Stand by, minions, stand by!
Aunty G, your Aussie minion and minionette are standing by, willing and ready to serve! As is your newest recruit to the cause, whatever cause that may be!


His name is Lovejoy, and he is VERY pleased to be your latest recruit 💖
Aunty G, your Aussie minion and minionette are standing by, willing and ready to serve! As is your newest recruit to the cause, whatever cause that may be!

View attachment 46961

His name is Lovejoy, and he is VERY pleased to be your latest recruit 💖
Oh, wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
We shall find a suitable designation for our variegated new minion, indeed. He is stunning, with or without his shirt... runs in the family. And I shall stop now lest folks think the Rb has rubbed off on me too much after all these years.
The list is in the works!
Oh, and the list will include comments by the Rb himself, along with a few adjunct honorable mentions and special awards. I forgot what this list is called, but I think it something about 2022! Well, that will be included, too!

Rb TALK.webp

"List will be called
The LIST, by
The Rickeybird,
which am ME! Okay?
Okay. Go 'way now I am busy with list."
Oh, and the list will include comments by the Rb himself, along with a few adjunct honorable mentions and special awards. I forgot what this list is called, but I think it something about 2022! Well, that will be included, too!

View attachment 46963
"List will be called
The LIST, by
The Rickeybird,
which am ME! Okay?
Okay. Go 'way now I am busy with list."
Oh man, I can't wait to see this list!
Oh, and the list will include comments by the Rb himself, along with a few adjunct honorable mentions and special awards. I forgot what this list is called, but I think it something about 2022! Well, that will be included, too!

View attachment 46963
"List will be called
The LIST, by
The Rickeybird,
which am ME! Okay?
Okay. Go 'way now I am busy with list."
Oohhhh ... I read this all wrong the first time around, I thought the Rb said "abject horrible mentions" - though I'm sure he'll have *plenty* of those for Rival!
Wow, I take the day-off to update our security system with all new sensors and RB's Thread becomes filled with activities. Never a dull moment on PF.
Julio had reviewed the installation of the communication tower and deemed it: radioactive!! And, as we completed the installation, we found his evaluation to be correct as it failed to connect to SimpliSafe.
Gotta, love technology! At least Julio alarms if someone comes to the door or someone or some wildlife come on to the grassy area!!
Rival, at least you get some warning. Salty used to add his screams, back when Tinker used at least bark a few times when a stranger approached the house. Now her old-lady 15, soon to be 16, year old butt merely lifts her head and gives a quiet "chuff" and goes back to thinking what ever dogs think about.
Not enuf to set Salty off.
He R I S E S !!!!!!!!!

Please note: No noses were harmed in the production of this project.

Rb TALK.jpg

"Okay listen up this here the Rickeybird whch am ME. When I saw this ridicicklus big picture a few pages back well I had to step in. This was old photo of me before vet put me on cardio diet then i needed skin removal surgery which tooked off 15,000 pounds which made me small, was all evil plot to take away my powers, but anyway I GOT OVER IT, now let me talk about these here SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATORS. Okay.

Heather up first, SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATOR ON FINGERS. This all good, she deserves. Pssssst... sometimes she gits sugar up under her nailsz when she cookin an is verrrrry sexy!! Heather, hows about some closeupses of your sugar nails like that? Yeahhhhhhhhh, baybeee!
Oh yeah, an then she got side specilties of birdsnifferating and singerating silly songs, an I heard she got special showings she gives for special LAYOVERS... heeehoooohahahaheeeehahaha. See what I did there?

Kentuckienne is SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATOR ON NUTS. Well, fer sure!! First of all she makes great lil fruitcakes with the specialest, sweetest, cutest lil ole nuts in em!! I ate some an then some I just plucked and flung far an wide just like they was fingers or noses or... Yessiree!
Now Kentuckienne got lots of nut talents and another one is WRITIN about em. She is special consulterator and writerator for special projects like Alex the Genius Parrot an they give her awards all over the place for her nutteratin! She is great poet an her latest will be adderated to the Official ANTHOLOGY of her Workses but must wait until Rival gets back on job cuz I am sick of doin all his work and he needs to updat Kentuckienne's Anthology for cryin out the loud.

Sailboat! Is a fine rooster which's nose I have bit off in past and he barely got mad, so maybe he grows em back like iguanas. So anybody what gets thru a Yankeee winter by growin noses and doin blizzard readiness with rum should be designaterated SPECIAL WINTER, ARMAGEDON, DIY PLASTIC SURGERATIN, AND ALL AROUND RUM READINESS CORRESPONDERATOR.

The Wrencherator, heyyyyyyyyyyy, howyadoinnnolbuddyyyyyy?
So we got Salty per usual runnin around doin security, entertainment, spiritual advice... overall pirate rooster royal. Not much Wrench can do to live up to all that but he is very good natured about being sidekick, stage dad, etc. Also, not everybody knows that Salty comez to ME for advice on all that stuff in first place, and so does Wrench! Anywayzzzz, we taggin the Wrench as SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATOR OF BEING SALTY'S WINGMAN. heeehoooohahahaheeeehahaha. See what I did there AGAIN?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, La Manukerator, hen in good standing ----------------and sitting and laying ------------------heeehoooohahahaheeeehahahaaaaaha. AGAIN!! Henhaus Frau!
We got a pair of excellent corresponderators right here for sure boy!!!
I now pronounce them Corresponderators which is... Husband and W...
Make that...
CSAR OF SECURITY, SAFETY and Hirsuteness WAAAAYYYYYY above and beyond call of unbuttoned uniform shirts ------------------- and CSARINA OF ODDBALL HAUSFRAUS!
YOU MAY PECK YOUR HEN!!! Or vice versa.

Lovejoy is new boy on block! He is sponserated by La Mnukerator, and the Once and Forever LillyPhilly. Lovejoy is so instantly beloved is amazing, works like this: beloved PF member brings new bird and all at once the love from everbody in forums plops in on new bird an sometimes new bird could barely walk from so much love on their punkin headz!!!!! So considerating all the stuff together, this an that, an that an this, so forth so on............................................. All comin together that we gonna call him SPECIAL CORRESPONDERATOR OF NEW ARRIVALS. Then also we gonna include LillyPhilly as SPECIAL CORREPONDERATOR OF RAINBOW BRIDGE!

Now everything all cleaned up! Rival can put nice sumthinsumthin title at top cuz I am STILL tired of doing his works. Ha!

Okay, give some love and big cheer to me, which am THE RICKEYBIRD. PIECES... OUT!!"


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    Rb TALK.webp
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