The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Just when it was feeling a bit safer to go outside!!
Looks like that guy is about to find out just how his Amazon truly feels about the care he had been receiving!!
The warning: Loving Care for Your Parrot!! Things Could Change!!
Is this like that Karma Thing??
Well, well, well...

I was honored by the following thread... congratulating me and mine on our 8th anniversary here.

Thank you, Terry, one and all.

By coincidence, my family and I are also celebrating our 25th anniversary (in the same week) of relocating to Cleveland from New Mexico. The Rb was 12 tears old. I was... uhhh... 29! Again!!!

Thank you, PF!

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I'm a bit confused- on your profile it says that you joined in 2016, but it's 2022... so is it supposed to be 6th anniversary orrr-?
I'm a bit confused- on your profile it says that you joined in 2016, but it's 2022... so is it supposed to be 6th anniversary orrr-?
Great catch, Pipp! I think I must have looked at May 14 as 2014. I changed the title but will leave all the rest, and we can reuse it in 2
Rb TALK.jpg

"Okay y'all know my family moverated a while back an I got new townhome new window, is nice. I lived in a bunch of places so far and some better some worserated. Anyway this one got window on nice little street, here it is. "
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"Okay an here we with workerators, what they doin??? Cuttin all the nice grass all off, pullin nice weeds, drivin trucks all over. And guess tryin to fix their mess, they got more trucks and stuff and they doin this an that but they just makin it worse, is big mess, smoking cigarettes, standin around, guess they confused!"
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"More messerating, need more trucks still trying to fix but just digging dirt, moverating it, putting back, throwerating some seeds to the birds an covering with hay which is rude, what in the world? How you give somebody food then throw hay on???""
Such exciting commentary. I’m glad Rickeybird was able to keep watch on them and make sure they finished the job. It was very clever of him to use the Patagonian Jedi mind-control trick to send Rival out there to be his eyes and ears and head-shaker. Y’all need to move to DC ... with RB keeping watch on Congress, everyone will straighten up and fly right! Or left, or middle… they will fly correctly!

Rb TALK.webp

"MayBe I rUN for pResident, straighten EVERYThing out!
Closerate all borders to everbody except whosevers got chiles. Switcherate IRS around, everbody pay taxes in chiles. Defund-erate deficit, nobody owes nothing. Put budgies in charge of infrastructure, they just chewerate it all up an we start over. Send Amazons to Ukriane, they kick Russians up to North Pole till the army all just freezerates.
What else you got, I get solution.
Okay, now is time for Cabinet Meeting."
"Okay this here the RickeybiRD again which am ME. More adventureS with window!
We gonna lookerate at man which Gail call The PainteR. He fiddle around with front door, scrape an scraperate it, sprayerate it, so forth so forth then, lookie this!!!! He got some white stuff which look quite a bit like white part of POO to me, an he brusherate it all over door till door all white, used to be gold, now all poo-white! Then Made SECONd cote, too!!! Then after it all dry he very very proud. Now we got door look like poo. What you think bout THAT?"

Aunty G, that's AMAZING, you're absolutely right!! The Rb must be a master at interyer redeckeratin'!! Who knew there was a shade of paint called "Rickeybird Poop White"?! You gotta zoom in a little, but there it is, plain as day, top row third from the left!!


And a very healthy shade of poop white it is too!
I love watching the remodeling show on this Home and Garden channel. Or is it the Hen and Gander channel? That sounds an awful lot like Hen and Xander! What is Rickeybird REALLY looking for out there? Has he got word of a secret plot? An HB1 visa application for a certain Rival of the Rival?

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