The Mods have been working on a project and need some input...

VT seasons be like:
Cold Winter
Why do we live here Susan!?
False Spring
Psych, it's winter again!
Second False Spring
Natural Disaster
Actually Spring
False Summer
Nvm it's winter again
Kentucky, USA flag and eagle.png
For me hard one!! Originaly from Croatia but currently living in Hungary.

You know, the smol country with good red pepper (or should i say, red paprika!!!) Good smoked sausages and gulyas leves!! (Or how english butchered the name - goulash :D)

Oh and the tongue twisting language, that is for sure.
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I hope no one is disappointed when we reveal
It's something we have been working on for a couple of months now and we are just as excited to share it as you are to find out what it is.
We're getting so close now!

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