The GW Is Coming Home Next Week!

Samara - Thank you! I have read so many wonderful things about GW's. I think with a little tender loving care during her transition period, she will be a great addition to our family! It's nice to hear it from a GW owner!
Im excited for you !! Looks like shes got great feathering. I didnt like my Tequilas name also when I first got him . I tried to rename him Blue . Same idea started with Tequila Blue [but it never stuck] I call him everthing else though [like lately [MISTER] He calls himself BOO BOO [he came with that :)] Maybe your bird will have her own name she calls herself. My Macaw calls herself Harlow or Harla [they seem to know :)]
Pinkbirdy - What cute nicknames! All we can do is try, and if it doesn't work, all we can do is stick to what works, right? :)
congrats on sinbad/savannah, i am glad it worked out for you! i finally got to talk with shamus's parront, and unfortunately she was asking too much money than what i could afford right now. so needless to say i didn't get to meet him :(. but when the time is right a gw and i will find our way to each other, that is how fate works. i cried a little, i can't lie because i was soooo excited to meet him. then disappointed to learn that some facts weren't exactly repeated as they should have. but you know how they say, rather here it from the horses mouth. but anyways i can't wait to read your future stories and see more pictures of your new fid. i live for that stuff, it keeps my heart strong, for the one day i will bring a gw home.
Heather - I'm so sorry it didn't work out. :( Maybe they will come down on price if they have a hard time finding a home for Shamus. Was there no room for negotiation? That is really too bad. But your day will come! Keep that positive attitude & stay strong!

I feel really fortunate that this worked out for me. Sinbad basically fell into my lap. As I was saying earlier, they came into my store and saw Quincy and then later asked if I could help find their bird a home. I've always wanted a Macaw and talked to my husband that night and he was all for it. They are asking nothing for this bird, just a good home. I've blown up a picture I took of Sinbad at there house and I'm framing it for them as a gift and a way to remember her. I know they will be sad, it's been 18 years they've had her. But I figured it was the least I can do. Sometimes people don't always have the best intentions with there pets but they do their best and I know they love her. They are very nice people. I also make my own chocolates at my store and I am going to bring them chocolate, too!

Keep me posted on how your hunt for a GW is going! I have my fingers crossed for you! :)
i can only hope the woman would come down on the price, she said she wanted to find a good home for him, but was also thinking of selling him as a breeder because he plucks his feathers. but the root to that problem is because she puts him in an outdoor aviary during the summer and before it starts to get cold outside she brings him back in. just like clock work shamus get's cabin fever and starts plucking his feathers. can't blame the poor guy there who doesn't love warm weather and being outside all the time, we sound just like each other because i get cabin fever too. it starts getting warm outside and i tend to jump the gun and want to do my garden's, clean the car's and go on nature walks, just plain being outside is just great. i hate being cooped up inside all the time. and she seemed pretty firm on her price.
the chocolates and the picture sound like a wonderful idea, if skype is still for free they can still see each other if you were to both get accounts. or just simple emails and pictures of how she's doing. and if you wanted to go all out, every holiday you could probably get greeting's cards made with her in them like for christmas, thanksgiving, Hanuka, what ever holidays you and they celebrate. there are a whole bunch of ways to show your gratitude.
How exciting!!!!! You must be counting down the days to bring GORGEOUS Savannah ;) (Sinbad) home. She is a VERY lucky girl to have found you. :D

Here are my 2 cents on renaming: You will be spending the rest of your life with the big, red, fluffy girl, which hopefully adds up to many many happy years, so give her a name that you like. :) She will get used to it eventually, just like she will get used to her new home, and I know you mentioned a better, bigger cage, too.

She will have a settling in period, but before you know it, you won't even remember what life was like BEFORE she came into it :)
I'm so sorry, like Blanca I also did not have to pay a adoption fee for Kinji. They only wanted a good home for him. And i did not pay for Rosie, but she also belonged to my friends and Rosie always responded well to me.

How much are they asking? In my opinion a rehomed bird shouldn't have a large adoption fee if any. The only time I can justify it is if they had purchased a young bird within the last few months and they realize they are not the right people for a parrot.
i can only hope the woman would come down on the price, she said she wanted to find a good home for him, but was also thinking of selling him as a breeder because he plucks his feathers. but the root to that problem is because she puts him in an outdoor aviary during the summer and before it starts to get cold outside she brings him back in. just like clock work shamus get's cabin fever and starts plucking his feathers. can't blame the poor guy there who doesn't love warm weather and being outside all the time, we sound just like each other because i get cabin fever too. it starts getting warm outside and i tend to jump the gun and want to do my garden's, clean the car's and go on nature walks, just plain being outside is just great. i hate being cooped up inside all the time. and she seemed pretty firm on her price.
the chocolates and the picture sound like a wonderful idea, if skype is still for free they can still see each other if you were to both get accounts. or just simple emails and pictures of how she's doing. and if you wanted to go all out, every holiday you could probably get greeting's cards made with her in them like for christmas, thanksgiving, Hanuka, what ever holidays you and they celebrate. there are a whole bunch of ways to show your gratitude.

I really do hope she doesn't sell him to a breeder. I do think that the fact he picks and is 20 years old may make it difficult for her to find a good home for him. You never no, she may come around. It sounds like you are willing to give him a shot even though he picks. It sounds like you would be great working with him to get him to stop.

As for Sinbad's owners, they don't seem like big techi types but I'm hoping they do have an email. We wanted to try to keep them posted on how Sinbad is doing. And I LOVE the holiday card idea. Thank you for that suggestion!
I really do hope she doesn't sell him to a breeder. I do think that the fact he picks and is 20 years old may make it difficult for her to find a good home for him. You never no, she may come around. It sounds like you are willing to give him a shot even though he picks. It sounds like you would be great working with him to get him to stop.

As for Sinbad's owners, they don't seem like big techi types but I'm hoping they do have an email. We wanted to try to keep them posted on how Sinbad is doing. And I LOVE the holiday card idea. Thank you for that suggestion!

Do they at least have a computer? I made a tumblr blog for Kenji that I update weekly or more, that way his parronts can always check it out to see what he's been up to. Rosie also has one, but hers is more about general parrot care and so I have a timeline for myself to look back on.
JerseyWendy - Thanks for the input on her name change, I appreciate the support! And yes, I am counting down the days! I woke up at 2:30am this morning and couldn't stop thinking about all that we have planned to do in the next few days to get ready! We are moving furniture tonight! I should get her new cage tomorrow!

Copper - I was thinking the same thing. For a bird of his age, I am surprised they are asking for a fee. It sounds like a large one at that!

I love the blog idea! I used to have a webpage for Quincy before I was married, the life got way to busy. I have been thinking about doing it again. I am going to check to make sure, but I'm sure they have a computer. In either case, I want to keep the informed so they know they made the right choice and are happy with where she is. The good news is, they camp at a campground just down the street from my shop in the summer, so once we get her transitioned enough they can visit her here at my store.
copper, the woman was asking $700 for shamus or $900 including his cage, i don't have a cage so including him with his home would be my only option. i know what babies usually run for, and knowing larger parrots come with a larger price, i didn't know for sure if the 900 was a reasonable price, since he is older. do you guys think that is a little high? or just about right?
blanca, i hope she doesn't sell him to a breeder either. he's spent his whole life with her, i don't even know if he would take to a breeding lifestyle or not, having a human companionship his whole life. and as far as the plucking goes that doesn't scare me the least. when i was younger i used to pick black heads and pimples to the point i would scar myself. it was a thing of habit and if it was in my skin and wasn't supposed to be there i was getting it out. granted his feathers are actually supposed to be there, but if i can over come it , i'm sure i could help him over come his bad habit too! SHOOT, that would even give me an extra excuse to buy him some birdie clothes, like the hoodie that tab just bought fargo, that thing is soooo adorable. plus my aunts do crochet and knitting so i can always have them knit up some sweaters to help prevent him from plucking. thank's about the holiday card idea, we get alot of customers that give us holiday cards with their pets in them at the clinic i work at. so it really was all of their ideas that made me think of it, but i'm glad you liked it.
Personally I think it is high. He is 20 years old and his cage is 20 years old probably, too! Asking $200 for a well used cage is way too high. I don't know if it is worth it, but you may want to call her back and talk to her more about. Tell her how you really feel about the situation. I know its easier said then done, but it might be worth a shot. Maybe she will let you do payments, but in all honesty, I think she is asking too much! Plus, like you, I don't think he will adjust well to becoming a breeder. I wonder if a breeder would even want a 20 year old bird that has been a companion all his life.
Personally I think it is high. He is 20 years old and his cage is 20 years old probably, too! Asking $200 for a well used cage is way too high. I don't know if it is worth it, but you may want to call her back and talk to her more about. Tell her how you really feel about the situation. I know its easier said then done, but it might be worth a shot. Maybe she will let you do payments, but in all honesty, I think she is asking too much! Plus, like you, I don't think he will adjust well to becoming a breeder. I wonder if a breeder would even want a 20 year old bird that has been a companion all his life.

that's exactly what my mom said too! and my mom's also the one who was going to let me borrow the money to get him if he was within reason. but her cut off point was 500, and that would have to be paid back before school lets out for summer. she's a bus aid for the handicap buses so that money she's got saved is to make it through the summer until she's back to work. i used all my money for home improvement supplies or else i would have been able to pay myself all up front. but at least he would have had a fresh new room just for him. old room mates trashed it previously so now it's just me and my fiance i'm fixing it back up, but even better! i told randall, if i was to have gotten shamus, he would have had an awful fancy room for a bird lol ! my mother in law'ish was just as excited if not more about shamus also. i'm waiting to talk to her. she apparently really wants to talk to me about this too, i think she's wanting to impulse shell out the money so i can get him. i feel in debt to her already because she just bought us a $10,000 suv so we can come see her. my old car was a beater ford bronco 2 and it kept on breaking down on me. i couldn't afford to fix it any more. i didn't even ask for the 10 grand, she just told me that was my limit. must be nice to have that kind of money! but i hope you can see where i am coming from when it comes to her wanting to get shamus for me. i appreciate the gesture immensely, but by getting us the vehicle i think that was plenty enough spending on us already. i would feel greedy to let her go and do that too.
Yeah $900 is super expensive. The idea they would charge more for the cage is sad because it's their home :(

For a higher maintence bird(plucking) I think $500 is the cut off. In good condition and well socialized I think 700 is ok. A person who is truly looking for a good home will be very negotiable for the right home.
I am kind of in the same boat. We are looking to adopt a 7 year old plucked Noble macaw for $350 dollars. Although I already have a really nice cage for him that was used for Mihijo my Noble macaw who passed in October I want to fully vet him which will cost me between 3 and 4 hundred dollars. I am looking at about a grand to get this bird up here, get his cage outfitted with new perches and toys, the travel to go get him and the vet costs to get his heath assessed and disease testing. *sigh* I understand I don't need it ALL at once but to get him up here I need at least half of it.

Lupe and I have rounded up some gold and she is going to sell a diamond ring she has to try to raise the money up to get Sir John. Normally this is not a problem with us to "gather it up" but this time it has been hard to come up with that much money quickly. We are still waiting to be approved for the adoption AND we need to wait for the weather to get better for travel. We had a snowstorm the past couple of days. GEEZE!!

Blanca, I bet you are very very excited to bring your green wing girl home. When is she coming home? You had mentioned buying her a new cage. What kind did you get her? Were you able to visit and interact with her? How did that go? So many questions huh? LOL
Heather - I can totally see why you would be hesitant to let your soon to be mother-in-law help you out. Considering she just bought you guys a car. But if it's from the heart and she really wants to help you, why not let her with the understanding that you will pay her back and it's not a gift. Let us know how this all pans out! The important thing is you do what you are comfortable with.

Copper - I think the amounts you are suggesting see more within reason then what this owner is asking Heather to pay, that is for sure!

Noblemacaw - Bringing in a new bird buddy can be expensive, but it's all so worth it, isn't it? :D I'm already up to $800 and that doesn't include the vet visit yet! But it's a small price to pay considering what the costs could be. I think selling some jewelry like you are is well worth the trade off when you bring Sir John home. Good luck with that! I hope you are approved and the weather cooperates! Keep us posted!

I love the questions, so no worries. ;) I will be picking up Savannah (aka Sinbad) on Tuesday and I'm counting down the days! I am VERY excited to bring my sweet little girl home. The whole family is. My 3 and 6 year old helped my husband and I move a futon out of our dinning room into our living room tonight. 1/3 of the dinning room is going to be for our two bird family members. I visited with her this past Tuesday and it went very well. She looked healthy and besides being nervous, she did not come off aggressive at all. I did manage to have her step up on my arm, even though it was only for a matter of seconds. She was nervous and quickly went back to her mama. Which was totally understandable. I have attached a picture of her new cage. I should get it tomorrow. It's 6 1/2 feet tall! When I get the room set up I will share a photo!


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Cothngratulations Blanca, what an exciting time for you.

Heather, I feel so bad for you. I know what it is like to have something just out of reach, yet still want it. As others have said, the price seems high and sounds like they are trying to get the most money out of the deal instead of trying to find the best home. That may explain why the bird is a plucker, the owners don't have the right priorities...

You and I are in the same boat, we both would offer a great home to a bird in need. I got frustrated with the high prices that owners wanted for their neglected macaws so I decided to take another route. I found a shelter that doesn't charge anything for their birds. The catch is that they make you volunteer at the shelter and they wait for a bird to bond to you.

I think that is a great way to adopt a bird for people like us. We invest the time and we find a parrot that really wants us. If you are in Arizona, pm me and I will give you the details of the shelter, otherwise look around and see if you can find a shelter like this.
That looks like a nice big cage. It looks to be the same brand as Rosie's, if so I think a macaws beak may be a bit too much for the powder coat if she is a big chewer. Rosie's is a off brand, it has two Chinese symbols on the lock. It's perfect for Rosie and her little beak, gives her a lot of room with that massive wing span of hers. Wharf has the same brand and after a year his green wing has done a lot of damage to the powder coat.

I love mine, it's a really beautiful cage and still looks brand new.

Rosie's cage is 36" wide, 27" deep, 68" tall,
I attached a image of it. Rosie came in a small conure cage, it was 20" wide and 17" deep D: a bigge home has made the biggest difference in her mentality, I think Savannah/Sinbad will also benifit from this bigger cage. Your such a good birdie mom :)


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