i can only hope the woman would come down on the price, she said she wanted to find a good home for him, but was also thinking of selling him as a breeder because he plucks his feathers. but the root to that problem is because she puts him in an outdoor aviary during the summer and before it starts to get cold outside she brings him back in. just like clock work shamus get's cabin fever and starts plucking his feathers. can't blame the poor guy there who doesn't love warm weather and being outside all the time, we sound just like each other because i get cabin fever too. it starts getting warm outside and i tend to jump the gun and want to do my garden's, clean the car's and go on nature walks, just plain being outside is just great. i hate being cooped up inside all the time. and she seemed pretty firm on her price.
the chocolates and the picture sound like a wonderful idea, if skype is still for free they can still see each other if you were to both get accounts. or just simple emails and pictures of how she's doing. and if you wanted to go all out, every holiday you could probably get greeting's cards made with her in them like for christmas, thanksgiving, Hanuka, what ever holidays you and they celebrate. there are a whole bunch of ways to show your gratitude.