Texas Tiels Thread.

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  • #61
Our sweet little rescue girl!

I'd like everyone to meet Loulou. She is not only a rescue but a handicap. However.....DON"T let that bum wing fool you. she can and does fly as good as the rest of the flock! We took her in when a heartless (sub-human) breeder was going to destroy her due to her handicap and the fact he figured he couldn't sell her! I won't say anymore because it wouldn't be nice. Just know that we love and cherish her like any other bird!
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Our sweet little rescue girl!

I'd like everyone to meet Loulou. She is not only a rescue but a handicap. However.....DON"T let that bum wing fool you. she can and does fly as good as the rest of the flock! We took her in when a heartless (sub-human) breeder was going to destroy her due to her handicap and the fact he figured he couldn't sell her! I won't say anymore because it wouldn't be nice. Just know that we love and cherish her like any other bird!

very cute pictures- remind me of a Wes Anderson film!
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  • #64
What a beauty, respect for adopting and saving her life!!

Thank you Scott. I feel bad because those were the only photos I have ever posted of her. We were fortunate to get her when she was still young enough to hand feed for about a week then she went to regular food. It takes a little encouragement but she will step up like the rest of our flock. Our vet thinks she was just born that way because if the wing were broken, she couldn't fly at all and believe me, she does! :)
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  • #65

It STILL breaks my heart over Hannah's news about Pip but these two pictures turned out so good, I just wanted to share. Although my wife and I were wanting another male but I just can't part with this bird and her unique (to me) look. Harper, a female whiteface looks similar but no white on her face or yellow in her crest like Tiki.
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  • #67
HAPPY 4th of July........since NOBODY is talking about cockatiels!
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  • #69
:42:peanut is growing and fitting in! I thought I would attempt to liven up the place since nobody else is posting. We sent off DNA tests for all four babies two weeks ago and still haven't heard back! This Covid 19 crap is wreaking havoc on everything and every one. We haven't even gotten conformation yet that they even got the tests we sent in yet. While Tiki is obviously a female, the jury is still out on the other three. I'm really falling for Peanut and we've decided to keep him (or her.)
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Is Peanut the one in the picture on the left?
I don't know if you have ever seen the movie "Hook" FROM 1991 (if not, it is VERY good and you should watch it)...AT LEAST....Google and I think so... ***see edit below***

But for some reason, when I saw the picture on the left (and bird on the left) I thought of Smee from that movie!! Much cuter OBVIOUSLY lol! But seems to have a bit of a beard like his and a mischievous look! Smee was one of my favorite characters in that movie... Maybe my comparison seems less impressive if you haven't seen it lol! It is actually a compliment though LOL! I seriously love that movie!

(Smee is on the LEFT).

Edit: In trying to find these images, I found that some people do not like this movie and I DO NOT understand that!!! LOL!!! HOW CRAZY!
I have never met a person who was like, "Oh I HATE that movie!" So I wonder where these horrible (2 star) reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are coming from... I mean, yeah, it's a 90's family film, but it gets 87% approval on Google....and it's pretty good overall! Good messages, great characters etc...and even kids today appreciate it because I have shown it in class and it's always a hit! It's a little cheesy and dramatic/cliche at times (but it wasn't necessarily cliche when it was made),and kids need that "drama" sometimes when they are trying to process their own complicated emotions (as someone who spends a lot of time with 11-18 year-olds, I's say 4.5 stars out of 5 stars for what it is)!
I want to meet the crankY and jaded people who gave it 2 stars so that I can"think happy thoughts" for them!
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  • #71
The results are finally in! And I couldn't be happier. According to the DNA tests, Peanut is a male and the REAL shocker is Tiki is also a male!!! Even our vet said with Tiki's darker markings it was probably a female. THAT is proof (to me anyways) that one can not sex a young tiel by it's markings.

The fact that I already favored these two plus the fact that it also evens us up now! 6 females and 6 males!:D
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  • #73
A partial family portrait! It's hard enough getting this many tiels to stay still on top a cage this size. TRY it with six more! In the first shot from left to right, Peanut, Boo, Pepper, Ziggy, and Sunny.:D
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LOL! 5--that's great- lost one in the second picture haha! They are awesome and so happy looking! Love the beard on "Smee" ;)
I just love tiels - I think they are the perfect bird! I wish mine actually liked me, but she has chosen my husband as her person :).
A partial family portrait! It's hard enough getting this many tiels to stay still on top a cage this size. TRY it with six more! In the first shot from left to right, Peanut, Boo, Pepper, Ziggy, and Sunny.:D

Gorgeous and well balanced family by sex!!
A partial family portrait! It's hard enough getting this many tiels to stay still on top a cage this size. TRY it with six more! In the first shot from left to right, Peanut, Boo, Pepper, Ziggy, and Sunny.:D

Gorgeous and well balanced family by sex!!

When I first read this, I erroneously inserted the word "with" instead of "by" ( "gorgeous and well balanced family with sex") and I was thinking..."Man Scott, I know what you were trying to say, but it doesn't read that way LOL!
Then I realized my mistake but I figured I would share, as it took me a minute to see my mistake and I thought it was funny.
They are sooooo cute!

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  • #79
I would LOVE to get them ALL in one shot for you guys but I'm afraid my chances of that are about as slim as winning the lottery!
Try use the panoramic feature of the camera on your mobile (assuming you use a smart phone) and just scan from one side to the other or stand in the middle of the room and do a 360 turn. Probably won't work but you never know.

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