
We have a fairly open living area. The birds are actually in eye sight of the kitchen. I just make sure the fans are on and try to keep the place ventilated and I NEVER leave the nonstick cookware unatended incase it starts to overheat. But obviously the further away the birds are, the better.
Thanks Ben, I'm pretty sure he will be ok. There is no way the fumes would be able to get to him in this house unless I had him directly in the kitchen...which would never happen lol
I have gotten rid of any telfon cookware or other hidden such products. Yesterday I purchased a toaster oven by Cusinart and at home noticed it said easy clean with non stick surface inside.

I called the company number and asked for tech support. They could not have been nicer. None of their products are coated with anything that would give off toxic gas. He guessed I was a bird person because they do get calls from us. They use a combination of three different products to give the surface the easy clean label. I was reallly please I purchased a quality product.
Cuisinart should be supportive of bird people - especially conure people as conures have been nicknamed flying cuisinarts.

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