Teflon, PTFE and non-stick coatings - you and your parrot


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Nov 22, 2015
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Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Doing research for my company on a related issue, I found out quite a bit about Teflon, PTFE and related man-made compounds. Turns out the big bad C8 (perfluorooctanoic acid) compound that was the main focus in litigation against DuPont was replaced by a product called GenX. Below is the link to the U.S. EPA toxicity study on this new GenX product , which turns out to be as, if not more, toxic than the original C8 compound. To be brief, it affects liver, kidney (failures), reproductive systems and is linked to pancreatic cancers, and causes damage on a cellular level. The report is quite technical, and 99.999% of people will not fully understand the ramifications of the results.

The main point in this thread - these coatings are not only dangerous for your parrots, but for you yourself. With dosages on the order of 0.00008
mg/kg-day responsible for cellular necrosis, I am shocked these products have been allowed onto the open market.

Here is the link should you like to know more.


Scroll to page 3 for the heath effects summary
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I'm cast iron most all the way, to much worries with thst other stuff
Welcome! But its not only cookware that is affected. non-stick coatings are making their way into so many products these days. The linings of microwave popcorn bags and other microwavable foods, lining of fast food wrappers, and even some clothing now has a non-stick element. And these applications don't even require that the non-stick element to be heated in order to be a possible contaminant.
Thank you my friend!

Was wondering why DuPont GenX has slide into the market with so little fanfare.

The wide use is both surprising and at the same time not. The overwhelming want for things to slide with easy in a cross-section of applications is a clear driver.

Safety for those we love continues to become ever more difficult.
Do you know whether or not this is used in the so-called "ceramic" non-stick pans?
Do you know whether or not this is used in the so-called "ceramic" non-stick pans?

No! Ceramic non-stick pans do not use this product! FYI: Weight is a critical definer as to the quality /safety of ceramic (glass) products. If your pan as weight to it, its a true ceramic product. If light weight, pass it by...
Thank you for this latest info Wrench. When I read data like this I'm glad that we live in the bush and that the only take-away available is from our kitchen to our sitting area outside LOL. I cook with cast iron or professional grade stainless steel and happily we do not own a microwave!
Ellie, we are a 100% stainless steel house and have been for decades after aluminim cook ware was linked to Alzheimers.

Newest application I found of nonstick coatings - commercial baked goods like Drakes products and similar, that have a cardboard backing sheet in the package. The backing sheet gets a coating to prevent the baked good from sticking to the backing sheet!
Ellie, we are a 100% stainless steel house and have been for decades after aluminim cook ware was linked to Alzheimers.

Newest application I found of nonstick coatings - commercial baked goods like Drakes products and similar, that have a cardboard backing sheet in the package. The backing sheet gets a coating to prevent the baked good from sticking to the backing sheet!

Holy Smokes Wrench! Now I'm glad that I'm a diabetic, coeliac and allergic to dairy to boot. I believe that I've had special protection (blessings) rather than diseases :D. If I don't make it we don't eat it!
Thanks for posting links and commentary, Al. What a scathing indictment on our scientists and leaders for permitting such environmental debauchery. :(
What is really sad and scary is that this C8 (perfluorooctanoic acid) chemical has been detected in even the most remote places on Earth. It was one of those that do not ever breakdown ( because of the molecular structure) and is accumulative in biomass.

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