Taming flock calling

I don't own linnies. I have green cheeks

The box isn't theirs, it's my rabbits.
My sincere apologies, I got two threads confused:(
The toy advice remains the same, though, my Green Cheek loves cardboard and cupcake holders.
If the roommate is the issue, can you roll their cages into your room and shut the door whenever you’re not home? Kirby barks and carrys on if anyone is visible or audible, but is totally fine if he’s got music on and his door is shut. Not sure what kind of cage your birds have, but most flight cages have wheels.
My room is beside his room so thatd not make things any better.

They live in a massive cage, 54" long by 24" wide
48" tall
And 58' tall
My sincere apologies, I got two threads confused:(
The toy advice remains the same, though, my Green Cheek loves cardboard and cupcake holders.
Again tried for quite sometime even with different suggestions from mu breeder friend, they do not play with toys what ever I do.
Well - if your housemate primarily hangs out in his bedroom, it might not help. However, if they are complaining because the noise is in the living room so they can’t utilize the public spaces, it would.

At this point, you may just need to gift them some nice earplugs or over-the-ear sound cancellation devices. I’ve used Loop branded earplugs on redeye flights to sleep, and I can recommend a few brands of affordable noise canceling headphones - the Anker Soundcore Life Q20s are about $60 and they’re wireless.
Well - if your housemate primarily hangs out in his bedroom, it might not help. However, if they are complaining because the noise is in the living room so they can’t utilize the public spaces, it would.

At this point, you may just need to gift them some nice earplugs or over-the-ear sound cancellation devices. I’ve used Loop branded earplugs on redeye flights to sleep, and I can recommend a few brands of affordable noise canceling headphones - the Anker Soundcore Life Q20s are about $60 and they’re wireless.

He spends 99% of the time in his room. Rarely in the livingroom.

He has sound proof blue tooth headphones.
Honestly, unless he’s threatening to move out, I wouldn’t sweat it. Birds make noise, that’s not something you can really avoid. I’m sorry if he’s giving you a hard time about it.
Honestly, unless he’s threatening to move out, I wouldn’t sweat it. Birds make noise, that’s not something you can really avoid. I’m sorry if he’s giving you a hard time about it.
Threatening to move out ( complex issue he gets super crabby and agituated when he is bored and doesn't work etc which leaves him with little patience to actually work with them )
Threatening to move out ( complex issue he gets super crabby and agituated when he is bored and doesn't work etc which leaves him with little patience to actually work with them )

He didn't even bother to tell me when they initially started this new behavior till a month or two after it started and was beginning to piss him off. Which is very counter productive. If I had known sooner the quicker this would have been solved with positive reinforcement with special treats when they are quiet.
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I am so sorry, that sounds very stressful. If I think of anything that has not already been suggested I will post here, but everyone else has been very thorough. I don’t miss having roommates!
I am so sorry, that sounds very stressful. If I think of anything that has not already been suggested I will post here, but everyone else has been very thorough. I don’t miss having roommates!
It is majorly stressful 😅

Roommate may not know how stressful he is being and I have to walk on egg shells with him being like this. I obviously can only do so much myself without him putting in the needed work as well.

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