Sunny is ill

Ok lots of news.

She has diabetes. Apparently the normal sugar is 8-11, and Sunny's is 20. Sunny also weighs only around 40g.

When doing the xray, the vet couldn't even see the heart because of how fungus.

Vet says she wants to get sugar level under control, then fungal treatment will start. If Sunnys sugar isn't ok when we see vet again, we will start meds.

Sunny also is suspected to have digestive problems and she has liver issues too or something.

Basically her health is crap lol.
This link has the most extensive information on diabetes in birds that I could find. As you mentioned seen more in budgies and toucan. A difficult diagnosis, often linked with other conditions. I'm never sure how much people want to know..? I always want to know as much as possible so that's why I share.

Wow, that's really a lot to deal with! I'm so sorry Pipp, and I hope Sunny ends up doing well on treatment.
I noticed sunny had a tail bob. She usually has one(show budgies have breathing difficulties), but it looks a lot worse.

Her wings are also hanging, as if she doesn't have the power to pull them in.

She looks very tired. Usually when I uncover her, she will start moving around the cage, but she's just sitting in one place, eyes half closed. Looks like she's trying to keep herself awake.

She misses her flock, but I need to put her in her own cage in order to provide her with the special care she needs.
We’re thinking of you. Jasper sends a kiss.
I’m glad she’s doing better. Is there any chance the high blood sugar is just from an infection or because she’s sick?
I'm not sure. She does have a fungal infection, but the vet first wants to get sugar under control and then treat other issues, because it's easier to eliminate one issue and then the others than all at once.
Update: Sunny's diabetes is much better now. The vet said I can slowly reintroduce vegetables like spinach. Fruits aren't allowed at all. Seeds only as a rare treat. I also got crop treatment for Snowy to treat her(Sunny isn't allowed to get crop treatment because of her diabetes or something)
Update: Sunny's diabetes is much better now. The vet said I can slowly reintroduce vegetables like spinach. Fruits aren't allowed at all. Seeds only as a rare treat. I also got crop treatment for Snowy to treat her(Sunny isn't allowed to get crop treatment because of her diabetes or something)
That's great news, wishing her the best!
Excellent job to pull her through this Pip!!! You are a great burd mom!

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