Sunny and Polita

Re: Jack and Bobby

The chicks are starting to climb all over the place. Jackie's slightly crooked leg doesn't seem to hold him back any. Merlin and I are starting to introduce bits of other food. Jackie is having none of it, but Bobby always the more advanced and adventuresome of the two, has tried some professional weaning mix, as well as bits of sweet potato and scrambled eggs. The kids are growing up. More pix on the gallery soon.
Re: Jack and Bobby

Merlin was feeding the chicks today and after having had his fill, Jackie took off and flew across the room. We were shocked to say the least. I wasn't ready for birds to fly at a bit over 8 weeks, but there you have it. Wing clipping is next, I guess, but Merlin wants to do some research first. It was also a surprise that Jack flew first. Though he is a week older than Bobby, he has lagged behind in all behavioral development so far. This has been an amazing and educational experience all the way and we feel so lucky to have had it. I hope everyone noticed the pix on the home page. Those are our babies.
New pic on the photo gallery. The chicks are doing fine. Jackie is flying all over the place. Bobby hasn't started yet, but we expect him to take off any time now.
Re: Little Jackie

It is with a heavy heart that I have to report that little Jackie died mysteriously yesterday. Needless to say, we are heartboken, especially Merlin. It seemed sudden, but I know that birds can be sick for some time without displaying too much in the way of symptoms. Jackie, though he gave us so much joy, had always been less active, slower to do most things than Bobby except fly; he had less appetite. He was the one that Polita pecked to blood stage (Did she "know" something we didn't?) and he had a slightly lame right leg. We are so very grateful to have had Jack in our lives and will miss him for some time. Bobby seems healthy, but a bit lonely, and we are hoping for the best.
Very, very sad! :( I am so sorry to hear about little Jack! You might have something on with your theory about Polita knowing something you guys didn't. Who knows, maybe in the nest, in the wild Jack doesn't survive that first attack. You guys gave him the best chance he had. Again, I am very saddened by the news.
Re: Bobby

I was in computer hell for about three weeks. I finally got a new hardrive and now things seem to be okay. In the meantime, I've had to reinstall everything (Thank goddess, I had backed up everything I could think of as the old hardrive was in its death throes. I lost a small bit of things, but not much.) and that has taken most of my computer time till now.
The latest is that little Bobby was lonely for a few days after Jack's demise, but is doing fine. He is eating with a foot now and drinking on his own. He'll be ready to go to his forever home very soon, if I can get Merlin to let him go. We won't let Bobby go until we are as sure as we can possibly be that he is going to a very good home. It seems that Polita is in the family way again so we may have more chicks soon. You never know. No matter what, Merlin and I have had a wonderful experience with these chicks.
Polita has laid 3 more eggs. So here we go again. Who knows if they will hatch? Bobby is ready to go to his forever home. Anyone who would like to buy an exceptional sun conure, please send me a private message. We are in the Bay Area of California and will not ship the bird.
More babies!!!! Don't forget the pictures.
Polita laid a fourth egg and now we wait to see if anything hatches. Very often with her eggs they don't. No we won't forget the pix. Look for a new pic of Bobby in the gallery.
Merlin and I checked the eggs out last weekend and discovered that three were fertile. We took out the unfertile egg and left the rest. On Tues the first egg hatched. Mom and chick are both doing fine. S/He is a little darling and is full of energy, moving around nonstop. We are still waiting on the other two. Merlin and I are so excited to be getting to experience this miracle again. We still have Bobby, but I have him advertised to go to a good home. Someone is coming to see him on Sat. I'm sure we will find him a good forever person. He is such a little doll. (Anyone wanting an exceptional sun conure, please PM me. I will not ship, so he has to be picked up in the SF area.) Look for pix soon of the newby and Bobby on the gallery.;)
Ya know, it's a good thing you and Merlin don't live closer ... I just mi
ght have more sunnies than I would know what to do with! :)
The second chick hatched out on Fri. So we now have two. S/He is also very active and seems to be just fine. A young girl, who lives in a nearby town (yeah!) came and looked at Bobby yesterday PM. I think it was mutual love at first sight (altho Bobby did fly back frequently to Merlin during the visit, just to make sure all was well.) and she left with Bobby in her little travel cage. She has a lot of parrot experience for such a young girl and is also going to take one of the free parrot courses offered by the local parrot shelter here. We assured her that if things didn't work out, that we would gladly take Bobby back and return her money. I don't see that happening any time soon, tho. I hope she sends us pictures from time to time because I know that Bobby will change a lot in the next few months. We surely do miss our guy, but we have two more chicks and the happy prospect of repeating the whole experience.
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As much as I usually discourage people from breeding their birds (I think about all the ones in shelters and sanctuaries), reading about your babies has totally made my evening.

I just want to say that it's a little weird that you named the 1st 2 babies Jackie and Bobby because that's my grandparents' name.

But yeah, Bobby and Jackie were incredibly cute and I'm glad to hear that Bobby found a good home.
I heard from the girl who took Bobby (that has been renamed Kenzie) by email and she sent us some pix. Please check out the Photo Gallery for the latest under nimuemerlin. Both girl and bird are doing great as you can see. We named the chicks Jack and Bobby after two other very famous brothers.

The latest two chicks are doing fine and getting so big. The other egg has still not hatched and that is quite okay with us. We'll leave it in the nest till next week and then take it out, if nothing happens by then. It is way overdue now. Merlin wants to name them Wilbur and Charlotte. I cannot tell them apart at this stage and could not tell you who is who. Jackie was always so much bigger than Bobby, being a week older, and we could easily tell who was who from the get-go.

I wouldn't breed birds either, if it were up to me. Altho I don't think there is an overabundance of suns out there. But Sunny and Polita are very determined to leave their DNA, tho they have only produced one viable offspring so far. We had no idea of Sunny's sex when we got him, only wanting a companion for Polita. All we knew was that he had never laid an egg. The rest, they say, is history.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Sun Conures are the most rehomed counures there are ... there is an abundance out there, and I wish I could take them all in, they are great birds, but there are a lot out there ...

Mind you, I am not judging you ... I have no problems with breeders, as long as they are doing the correct things ... I was just offering the information that I know about suns ...
Polita was the first sun conure I ever saw in 2003. I have frequented a parrot rescue site here in the Bay Area for years and I rarely see suns for adoption on their site. I know no one else personally who has one except now Kenzie's person, and I've only seen one sun ever in a pet store. Maybe there are just a dearth of suns in my world. This is my only info; I haven't researched the topic. Don't worry; I don't feel judged at all. So far we have only replaced Polita. Out of all the eggs she has laid, only six have hatched, and of those six, we've only produced one adult so far. Who knows if these two new little ones will make it?
Little Charlotte is now about to open her eyes. They are tiny slits. Both chicks are growing and are very active. We'll start to feed them in a couple of weeks.:57:
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Welcome! I hope you like the forum a lot. It is a great place to ask questions and even if they are personal we can ALL help!
Re: charlotte and Wilbur

They are getting their pin feathers. One of the chicks is not looking so good. It can't hold its little head up as well as the other. I hope I am just being paranoid and nothing is really wrong with it. Merlin has been too busy to download pix or I would have put them up already. They are coming.
Re: Charlotte & Wilbur

So far so good. Check out the pix in the photo gallery of C&W at about a week to 10 days.

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