Sunny and Polita

Oh they are so cute!!! Can't wait to see more and see their progress!
Re: Jack and Bobby

Pix taken today. Jack is getting more and feathers. Bobby's eyes are opening. They are three weeks and two weeks old today. Are they darling or what?!?


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I'm telling you, I can't get enough of those two! :D
Look at them all fuzzy.. How cute.
We noticed yesterday that someone had been "over zealously preening" little Jackie on the top of his head. Today the laceration was a bit worse. We put Sunny in a separate cage from Polita and the boys. Neither parent is too happy about the new living arrangements; there was even blood shed in the transfer (Merlin's). Hopefully Jack's head will heal. If not, we'll be taking Polita out also and Merlin and I will start feeding the boys ourselves. Anyone have any comments about this? it is all very new to us.
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Jackie's wound

We checked on little Jackie this AM and his head wound is better today. Sunny has been out of the nest for a day now. Merlin and I are reasonably sure that it was he who was doing the damage. Sunny is in a snit about being separated from the rest but he will get over it, I'm sure. He just can't be trusted at this point and must be separated from the chicks.:19:
... and Merlin and I will start feeding the boys ourselves. Anyone have any comments about this? it is all very new to us.

Yep, I have a comment, hand feeding is one of those things that you must make certain that you absolutely know how to do 100% without any doubt! So many bad things can happen from people with the greatest of intentions please have someone show you how to do it if you are unsure how to ...

Glad to hear that the two little ones are OK ... would like some new pictures though ... tell Merlin to get on that! :D
Little Jackie seems to be losing more feathers on his head. ??? I've taken the nesting box out of the cage with Polita and we are going to start feeding both chicks by hand. I went to the pet store and bo't formula and a hand feeder. I haven't attempted to feed them yet. I must say, I'm quite intimidated. Any suggestions or advice is most welcome. Help!!:51: New pix soon.
I'd have suggestion... except its much more than a suggestion, more of a demand in seconding what Tex said: if you do not have experience and/or you are not completely comfortable with it DO NOT feed them yourself. Go to a vet, breeder, or experienced pet store employee for help.

Good luck, I hope all goes well, but please do not try it yourself without help.
I went to the pet store and spoke to the bird specialist there. I got advice, a feeding syringe and some powdered birdie pablum. Merlin has given the boys several feedings and they seem to like the stuff and downed it all. Merlin also researched hand feeding online. We have weighed the boys and their food, boiled water and sterilized equipment. So far, so good. I put antibiotic ointment on Jackie's wound and it is looking better. He isn't nearly as feisty and active as Bobby, tho, and we are hoping that he becomes more energetic with less aggressive treatment. Thanks for all the asked-for advice. I pay scant attention to demands. The latest pix.


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After a couple of days of hand feeding, the boys are gaining weight and doing just fine. They know Merlin's voice and start chirping when they hear it and are hungry, as he does most of the feeding. They have pretty much conquered the syringe, but are a bit messy. Any suggestions on bathing them? I think they need one, but don't want them to get chilled. Jackie's head has just about healed, but he has a bald spot there, poor guy. Feathers are all gone. I'm sure they will eventually grow back.:34:
Great news about them and I love the pictures, they are too cute.
Re: Jack and Bobby

The chicks continue to gain weight and are becoming more active. They are starting to play together and preen each other a bit. Given half a chance, Booby will make a beeline for the waiting syringe, but he doesn't quite know what to do with it without a little guidance. The parents aren't so freaked out as when we first took the boys away. They are starting to come out of the cage a bit now. They are most interested and curious about the chicks, but I'm not sure how much the parents put together about them. It has been an interesting time.
Updated pics "merlin" ... make your magick happen!

Saw two other baby suns the other day ... one was a Sunday and the other was a Red-Factor Sun Conure ... didn't look much different than a regular baby sunnie to me, but I guess, like any sun, their true plumage doesn't come out until like 18 months old or so ...
Re: Jack and Bobby

Here is one of the latest pix. This is the last pic that they will let me put up with a post. I'll have to check out the gallery and see what I can put up there, if you guys want to see more of the boys. If the gallery won't work for me, I'll just have to send you to another URL on which I will upload pix of them. I'm not too savvy on that, but I can learn, I'm sure. The boys are doing fine and growing like weeds. We are starting to introduce semi-soft food, but they really don't know what to do with it yet.


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Re: Jack & Bobby

Check out more pix of J & B in the Photo Gallery under nimuemerlin. I'll be posting them there from now on, I guess.
I love baby sunnys ... they are so darned cute!
Re: Jack & Bobby

The chicks are doing fine. Little Jackie is starting to climb up the sides of his cage. He accidentally walked off the edge of the bar trying to get Merlin yesterday. Merlin was terrified, but Jackie just opened his wings and drifted down to the floor. No harm done at all. Both Jackie and Bobby are getting more mobile and vocal. They are actually like little sun conures now. We think they are a miracle.
ok ... I can hear you all out there ... everyone with me now ... AAAAWWWWWWWW!! They are so cute ...
Re: Jack & Bobby

Merlin put a couple of perches down low in the cage and put the boys on them. They are still wobbly and uncoordinated, but they can get get up and down on them and stay on them fairly well. They think they are big boys now on their perches! Merlin took the nesting box out and we've put in away for the time being. I'll be posting some pix of them on their perches soon. Merlin noticed that Jackie is a little lame in his right foot, but it doesn't slow him down too much. He is walking and climbing everywhere. We'll monitor this, but that foot is definitely different. I don't know how to describe it.

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