Update on Elvis. Our new vet called today, Saturday, to give us the results of his blood test. They were generally very good, with some elevated white blood cells (may due to being dehydrated) and elevated uric acid. Neither really high. Liver function indicators were good, so likely no liver problem. Generally very good results for a bird his age, she said. Most likely candidate for his leg fits remains a restricted blood supply to the legs, so we will be continuing the isoxsuprine medicine for that and start doing meloxicam every other day. She also suggested more moist food to increase hydration.
Will be taking him back in, baring an unforeseen major event, in two months for another blood test. We concurred that doing an x-ray carried a risk, and better to just continue on the current plan.
We are improving his diet, and she expressed surprise in his good condition after all the years on a seed diet (along with diet coke sips, pizza crust, french fries, etc. etc. human food).
Happy new year to all, thanks for all the advice and good wishes, and here's hoping Elvis sees many more new years and sets a record! And what a great vet we have found!