Welcome to the forums,
@silverblaz3, and congrats on your pair of Suns!
While it's good they've become friends already, I'd suggest that you make arrangements for them to be housed in separate cages if you possibly can. Once those hormones kick in at maturity things can often go a bit haywire, as the instinct to breed is hard-wired and can have all sorts of unintended consequences in addition to unwanted breeding, even in the most previously mild-mannered of birds. In the wild your little hen would have plenty of space to escape any unwelcome advances by your rooster, something she doesn't have if they're caged together, even with lots of out-of-cage time. I once had a pair of cockatiels, very placid birds usually, but once the male's hormones were activated he became HUGELY aggressive towards my much older hen, to the point where he would physically attack her for not returning his affections. They always had separate cages, but when the chemicals in his brain took over he'd chase her around the house to the point of exhaustion and I'd have to cage her for her own safety. Your suns can still enjoy plenty of time together outside the cage with supervision, particularly if you want to prevent breeding. But in my experience it's always best to have separate cages for some time-out and/or for sleeping, just in case things get a little "hectic".
Best of luck with your new babies, and I hope you'll post some pics of them too, cos we love baby photos around here!