Still thinking of a new bird

Now, my bird bias is going to show...Max, my Alexandrine, is a very independent little bird. He's small, but his long tail requires a medium sized cage, but his is a lovely decorative one. He isn't noisy at all unless he wants to be with us...and being with us means in his line of sight, not necessarily on any one. Granted, Max doesn't fly so that may change his personality when he can (he's gotten a new flight feather!). He also makes sweet little whistles and chirps when he's happy. His diet is mostly pellet with some veggies, sprouts and fruit to give him variety.
I would like an alexandrine, but they live for a very long time; up to 80 years as much as I can remember. he's a little embarassed about his stubby tail. :p
Lol, I think that Sunshine is happy now that his tail grew back. The lady I got him from didn't take very good care of him (I think they were on a budget), so he was malnourished. He is doing better now, and he is no longer tail-less. He looked very strange without any tail feathers.

I went to a petshop the other day and there was a tiny parrot there - it was the size of a canary but looked like a parrot. Maybe it is a parrolet and has already been mentioned but it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. The owner said it was the smallest species in the parrot world...easy to handle, quiet and a lovely pet. He could fit it in the palm of his hand it was so small. I can phone him if you want and ask him what its called.
I'd really like to know what parrot that is, and I'd like to know about the personality. Sounds really neat, that its the smallest parrot in the world.

I am now extremely interested in the Princess parrot, the more I read, the more pictures I see...the more I like them! I saw an ad on the internet for one, and I might just go for it.
No kidding. He'll live for a long time.

Turns out, the princess parakeet might be too expensive...:( I would have loved to get one of those, maybe there's still hope out there.
no i have not ever had a canary but i have heard from people and have seen a huge and i mean huge cage with lots if them in there and they wern't that noisy
Hmm. I went to a pet shop and they had pretty cheap princesses, under $100. But... that is in Austraila so maybe they are more expensive. What about a bourke's parrot? A ringneck? A cocky? A regents? A scarlet-chested? A turquoise? A galah? An ectlectus? An African grey? A rainbow lorikeet? A lorie? There is a lot of selection out there for you.
Well, if you consider my criteria; not really. CAGs, Lories, Eclectus, Galahs, and so on... those don't (currently) fit it. I think I would only consider birds like that in a few years, certainly not now. In the window of time I have right now, I need to consider how much time that I'm able to dedicate to this bird. In a few years, I'll save up for a Macaw or something. For now, I've narrowed my choices down to four birds (not in order):

1. Rosella
2. Princess of Wales Parakeet
3. Singing Canary
4. Gouldian finch
5. Bourke's Parakeet
6. Red-rumped Parakeet
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I know, I think I'm going to base some of my decision on what's available.

I have a wonderful bird store that I go to about once or twice month, and I'll be able to find most of the birds I chose. He even has rosellas and Princess Parakeets! I love this bird store, it's so well managed, and it has so many birds to choose from; its like an aviary you'd see at a zoo! The nice thing about his particular store too is, he lets all the bigger birds sit outside of their cages for the people to see. He also hand feeds most of the bigger birds, and socializes them one at a time on his shoulder.

I seriously need to go there!:D
Well, if you consider my criteria; not really. CAGs, Lories, Eclectus, Galahs, and so on... those don't (currently) fit it. I think I would only consider birds like that in a few years, certainly not now. In the window of time I have right now, I need to consider how much time that I'm able ti dedicate to this bird. In a few years, I'll save up for a Macaw or something. Or now, I've narrowed my choices down to four birds (not in order):

1. Rosella
2. Princess of Wales Parakeet
3. Singing Canary
4. Gouldian finch
5. Bourke's Parakeet
6. Red-rumped Parakeet

It is red-rumped parrot. Rosellas are pretty, but which rosella? Eastern? Crimson? Western? We have red-rumps wild here. They are pretty! What about quail?
I was thinking about an eastern rosella, because that's what is available at my bird store (plus, it's my favorite of the rosellas).

A quail? Well, I don't really know. I don't know if I'll have to set aside a big space inside my home for it, or if I'll have to stick it out with the chickens... I worry about the pen taking up too much space in the house, and the chickens possibly pecking it or harming it in some way. The chickens aren't really that bossy, but the worry is still there. I'll think more on it.
I don't think quails need much space. Some breeds are are quite tiny. If you had a bird cage longer rather than taller with no bars at the bottom, that could do. If you have an aviary it could just go in there.
Have you thought about finches? I have a friend who has finches and she says they're wonderful and you don't need to interact if you don't want to.
Why dont you get a lovebird? They are small, easy to handle and love to be around other birds and lap up any attention you give them. They are not expensive and are hardy birds. They are also cute and come in lots of colours. If you get them in a pair you can get two of the same sex as long as they are reared together.
I'll consider the quails, thank you or the input Ratzy.
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I love finches, they're great. I have a couple at home with me now, and they are suprisingly interactive.

And as for the lovebirds, I'm worried they're too noisy. I've heard great things about them, how cuddly they are, how cute they are...but everyone seems to say that they screech a lot. Is this true for most of them?
I have a peach faced lovebird. She is really active and fun. She isn't that loud.
Thank you, that's what I needed to know.

I'm pretty sure my bird store hand-raises my favorite variety, I'll se i I can go there. Thanks again!
I would say a Porrotlet. I had a parrotlt, Divot, until a few months ago (she passed away). They are very great birds!! First parrot I ever had, they are pretty cheap (Divot was about $110 I didnt buy her from I breeder, I adopted her). I would say you should give a Parrotlet a try. But make sure you DO have some toys for themm!! If you are thinking of getting another bird, I strongly recomend getting one of Kijiji, or craigslist. There are so many birds out there that people want to get rid of!! I hope I helpedd!! Good luck!!

You cant go wrong with a lovebird, they chatter away when excited to see you but I never had a problem with noise and screeching.
Cass, do you think parrotlets are noisy at all? Is screeching a problem?

Here are my top three favorites. (out of order)

1. Rosella
2. Princess of Wales Parakeet
3. Masked lovebird

What do you all think of my choices?

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