Starburst is really changing


New member
Nov 9, 2012
SouthEast TX
Monte..Scarlet macaw, Seminole...yellow napped amazon, Starburst... sun conure...Rain, cinnamon green cheek.
I know its normal, but our sun conure is really getting brighter and the yellow is realty coming in....

I was starting to think he was a sundae, but all of a sudden the yellow has just exploded....all of the pics of baby suns that I've seen on here, they have more yellow... so I was really starting to think sundae. I can't seem to post any pics now... what gives???

Anyways.. if I could post pics, you would be able to see the huge difference in just three weeks...

He's 9mos old...

Is this normal for some?? my vet seems to think that he was mishandled when he was candled..because he's really clumsy ..:) idk. But he's a very affectionate bird.
Some Sun Conures have a red factor and then they have hardly any yellow it mostly red and orange and the blue,green on wings
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I uploaded some pics in my album.. so if you want to, you can see them there.
yea looks like a Sun Conure hybrid to me. Sun Conures are being mixed with so many other conures so much lately it doesnt surprise me
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Idk... as young as he is its hard to tell.. we'll see I guess. Lol
sounds exactly like our baby, parker.

heres a good pic of him/her, 6 or 7 months, maybe ?

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So your bird on the right is a 7 month old sun?

The bird on the left is obviously a sun....

Starburst looked like your bird on the right, when we got him in July, actually he was a bit darker green...

According to his certificate, he was hatched march 10 of this year.. he is clumsy as hell though, so the mishandling when being candled is a possibility I guess... my vet said it can delay his coloring...

Another vet agreed and even said "think happy feet" either way, you can see the huge difference in just a few weeks... he's exploded in yellow
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my wife says hes 4 months, which she talked to the breeder longer then i did, when we bought him

and he is clumsy, our older bird is just a natural at most evrything,
parker has big feet and using his periferal vision.....he just "steps up" on anything nearby his feet,

hes slowing fading to yellow, not exploding just yet,
ive been keeping a pic log, but havent really been putting it to any dates, just the gradual changes
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Sounds about right then... Starburst was gotten at 4 months, he was green on his back like your bird, and slowly, a yellow feather here and there would pop up.... but the here in the last three weeks, he's just started to turn more and more yellow, and the gold on his head and chest has started brightening.

I was beginning to wonder, because I've heard people talk about buying sun conures, and getting sundaes.. I wouldn't love him any less, but i'd be talking to the person I got him from...I absolutely would not return him lol.
Depending on genetics, sun conures can be born *very* green or *very* yellow. It's normal for sun conures to be extremely green as chicks and look almost identical to jenday conure chicks. Yellow chicks is due to breeding for yellower birds and possibly a pied factor.

Normal colored chicks
Flickr: spera's stuff tagged with july26th2006

Extremely yellow/pied chicks

I have heard that it can take up to 6 years for conures to attain their full adult colors (said about red headed conures) and sun conures can start to color up any time between 6 and 12 months of age - whenever they go through their first molt... Starburst looks like a sun to me!!!!
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Thank you for your input :) I sent you a friend request Monica :)

Thank you all for your input as well:)
Glad to be of help! :)
Thanks MonicaMc as always you know your stuff and is such a big help! I had no clue they are normally that green as babies. My Charlie has some yellow in his wings since I first got him at 3 weeks old.

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This forum is a lot of help, and it's a good place to just come and converse with people. Also a great place to learn.
i also had some doubts about him being a purebreed. our parker that is.
but our bird is not too far behind your bird, as far as age and coloring go
heres a headshot of parker....


and another random pic
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i also had some doubts about him being a purebreed. our parker that is.
but our bird is not too far behind your bird, as far as age and coloring go

How's your bird doing now? As far as coloring? Starburst is still popping yellow out all over the place.. I'm gonna wait a bit longer, then I'll post some more pics of him..

I'm eager to see how Parker looks :)

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