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My little Sun Conure, Kraken, is coming up on her tenth Hatchday, and I am a bit concerned about her rather sudden change in feather coloring. Before Covid, she received annual vet visits, but since 2020 she has not been seen as our vet retired, and she has seemed fine. But, her wings, and now her tail, have started to turn yellow.
Her weight is fairly consistent at 3.84 oz and 109 g, although she can go a tiny bit up or down with molting and such. Her diet has also been pretty much the same: She gets a mix of Harrison's High Potency pellets (I am changing to Maintenace pellets) mixed with Tops pellets, with a smidgeon of Top's Napolean seed mix and various blends from Avian Organics. I also add some tried bird herbs and maybe a dried hot pepper. She gets about a tablespoon of this mix a day, of which 2/3 are pellets and 1/3 is composed of the seed types. She gets only this for about 12 hours while she is in her sleeping cage.
When she moves to her bigger daytime cage, she also gets a veggie chop, some mixed fruits both of which I thaw out from an ice cube tray, and some fresh fruits on spikes, such as a slice of apple, cherry, grapes, banana, orange or whatever. She has gotten this for many years.
So now pictures:
December 2014 (She hatched on 25 October 2014)

February 2017

April 2019

January 2024

August 2024

And now her tail feathers appear to be growing in yellow as well. Do you think this is normal or should I be worried?
Her weight is fairly consistent at 3.84 oz and 109 g, although she can go a tiny bit up or down with molting and such. Her diet has also been pretty much the same: She gets a mix of Harrison's High Potency pellets (I am changing to Maintenace pellets) mixed with Tops pellets, with a smidgeon of Top's Napolean seed mix and various blends from Avian Organics. I also add some tried bird herbs and maybe a dried hot pepper. She gets about a tablespoon of this mix a day, of which 2/3 are pellets and 1/3 is composed of the seed types. She gets only this for about 12 hours while she is in her sleeping cage.
When she moves to her bigger daytime cage, she also gets a veggie chop, some mixed fruits both of which I thaw out from an ice cube tray, and some fresh fruits on spikes, such as a slice of apple, cherry, grapes, banana, orange or whatever. She has gotten this for many years.
So now pictures:
December 2014 (She hatched on 25 October 2014)

February 2017

April 2019

January 2024

August 2024

And now her tail feathers appear to be growing in yellow as well. Do you think this is normal or should I be worried?