Sour crop baby parrot

that is exactly what you need!!

"Today I will be trying to get some Apple cider vinegar or other fungal infection meds and electrolytes as well as Baytril."

Apple Cider will cut down on the yeast overgrowth. No doubt he has a fungal infection due to his crop issues.
the Electrolytes will boost his immune system, and give it a good kick start.

the Baytril will surely help him fight any hidden infection, it is possible he may have a secondary infection.....poor little guy. he's trying so hard to hang on.

I hope you get it into him in time....
I looked up Dr. Alex Grioni quickly myself and he has the same type of bird refuge experience my beloved vet does! I would call them, if your little one is not showing signs of improvement there could be damage to the sac or infection over beyond just yeast, which apple cider vinegar will help with, we used same when Victoria was hand raising the tiel babies. But tho we were confident she was doing everything right, they made several visits to the vet to be safe.

I understand you worked with some vets, but do you personally know Dr. Alex Grioni??? Could be a great avian vet you just never had the good fortune to work with!

Good luck and hope the baby pulls thru.
Thank you, he seems to still be lethargic, his crop is working fine but he vomits out the thicker formula so I have switched back to diluted formula and he has kept it in.
The electrolyte remedies include:
8 oz. warm water
1/2 tbsp sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp baking soda
and additionally I have been adding a pinch of ginger spice powder as well to help mellow the crop.
Today I will be as well as Baytril.
Hey guys, i'm new to this forum.
Just on the day before I found a box of alexandrine parakeet babies (around 6 weeks old) and I noticed one of them had quite a hard crop, so I took him home. I've personally hand raised love birds and cockatiels before, I own a CAG, Senegal, Black head caique, Green cheek conure, Parrotlet and others so I do have experience to an extent.
After I returned home I put the baby alex in a brooder with a red heat lamp 75watt and waited for at least 24 hours to see how his crop was doing. Turns out it barely moved and in fact became slightly "doughier". I mixed some baking soda with water and force fed him the solution to help dilute the baby formula inside his crop. After hours of therapy I managed to pump out and empty his crop and fed him 2mls of baking soda solution to help the acidity in his crop and digestive system then waiting for 4 hours until I fed him around 10mls of dehydration formula with veryyyy little baby formula.
This morning I checked on him and his crop was back to normal and emptied itself (yay!!!). Problem is, he still seems lethargic, he would do little "ehh" noises and would look up at me when I call him, he would walk around a bit and jump from my hand to the top of his brooder. His grip is pretty decent too. But, he still refuses to feed (loss of appetite) and is sleeping all the time. I has not been 12 hours since his crop emptying therapy and has only been 2 hours since I last check and fed him. I have been keeping the new doses of formula very dilute with hydration electrolytes, his crop is now soft and normal.

My question is, are there any additional things I could help him with? Is this normal that he now has a normal crop motion but still seems lethargic? I am very worried for him and hope to save his adorable little life. I just love the noises baby alexs make. Thank you!!

p.s. I managed to empty out 2-3mls of sour formula from his crop.
What is dehydration formula? I know this is 10 years ago but I'm having a similar issue. I've asked for help on my own thread but no one has responded. I've spent days shouting the internet for help and finally landed on this thread

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