Cockatiel won’t accept formula


New member
Jun 17, 2024
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African grey, conures, Indian ring neck, budgies, cockatiels
A freind has this about a month old cockatiel when it was with him it would cry when hungry and eat normaly. Unfortunately he can’t take care of it anymore so it’s been with me for about a week. and hes rejecting the formula and does not cry for food even if he is starving. Before I received the bird he had already fed him was crying for food as normal but as soon as I got him rejected formula and won’t cry .He has millets and food in the cage but he dosent eat them. Once I didn’t feed him for 10 hours and he still rejected the formula. Yes it’s the correct temperature yes his crop is empty as I said 10 hours no eating I’ve been having to force feed so he dosent starve to death. I’ve had multiple birds which I’ve hand fed never had this problem before.

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