Sound-Proofing Blanket/Curtain for the Rickeybird?

Love you Dear Heart! Do not Stress, as you know it never helps and only adds to the pain of moving. Please remember that moving still allows you to sit down and take a break!! Use the normal de-stressing tools and know that at the very moment hundreds of individuals are move near everywhere!

WARNING: Foam Insulation is a Fire Hazard and must be contained between barriers to prevent connect with fire!! Heavy black smoke is the problem!! Do not use unless placed inside of a wall!

Remember to take RB to your new digs every time you visit the New Place!! That way he gets exposed to it in advance and that will help!! We did it with Julio and and he just moved it like he had lived their all his life!

NOTE: Summer will likely be more of a problem than this time of the year!! Open windows!! It is odd how people react! In the Summer we get Walkers along our South side say hello to Julio as they pass by!

Sadly, you are a bit further of a drive than I can tolerate currently. I'm working up to drive to just the East side of Michigan to meet with our Family and all the new babies that have been added since the shut-down.

Cheers! Good Friend!!
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  • #22
Oh, Mr. Boats, my love, my ol' buddy mine. Thank you. Information so noted. You are always a font of info, from the logistical to the emotional.
Thank you.
Stay with me!
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  • #23
Moving date is set for 12-17.
I promise escalating panic and terror...
We will be without internet (and possibly phone service) until 12-20. HORRORSZSZSZSZSZS!!!!!
I guess I can always go to McDonald's or their ilk to check in on the world at large.

The Rb's welfare and good cheer is the focus of everything, OF COURSE.
As the time nears, I will be begging for positive karma, prayers, good vibes.

He has moved (along with me, of course) at the following ages... 3, 5, 8, 15 and... 24. I think I have those dates more or less right. In any event, this most recent has been his longest home. As I mentioned previously, his "human years" age is about... 97! So he's old, and set in his ways, and... just... old. Like me!

But we can do this. With this wonderful Community's support.


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