Soil in Parrot House


New member
Apr 4, 2021
Phrae, Thailand
1 Greenwing, 1 B/G, 2 Harlequin Macaws and some small stuff :)

we are currently finishing up the parrot house for our 4 macaws here in northern Thailand.

My question is if it makes sense, instead of having a concrete floor, to put a layer of soil in which would have (in my naive thinking) these advantages

1. Bacteria would take care of bird droppings
2. It would help with sound proofing.
3. And maybe can be able to grow some small vegetation on it ?

But there are also probably disadvantages. Anybody has any experience with this kind of thing ?

btw; I know that some soil is toxic for birds (chemicals, fungi). Just know sure if there is a way to find out what is safe and what not.


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Just plain Concrete is the best, so easy to clean and nasties don’t grow as easily. You can put course sand down instead of soil, but concrete is best. Soil is not good at all, can very easily harbour fungi and parasitic worms etc.
No suggestions, but wow, that's going to be one great parrot house. Can I move in too??
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Just plain Concrete is the best, so easy to clean and nasties don?t grow as easily. You can put course sand down instead of soil, but concrete is best. Soil is not good at all, can very easily harbour fungi and parasitic worms etc.

Ok, thanks so much for the feedback. Makes sense, I just need to find something else to reduce the echo / sound proof it a bit more though ... . Problem these guys destroy about everything.
There was a YouTube video I watched a long time ago and they used something that might have been called builders tarp? Or builders paper??

It was black vinyl type looking material..they would just pull it up, replace it with a clean one then hose off tje dirty one outside.

Sorry i wish i could remember the video or what it was actually called.

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