So much poop!


New member
Mar 1, 2015
"Quinn C. Pickle" Dusky Conure born 12/14/14 home 3/18/15
Is this a baby thing or a forever thing? Quinn poops SO much! First thing in the morning we are working on waiting until I can get him over the trash can to poop as his first poop is HUGE!! He's about 50/50 on being able to wait. But all day, every day, he poops constantly when he is out of his cage. In his cage he hardly poops at all but when he is out, he poops every 5 minutes. I know he can't have to go that bad because half the time it is barely a little drop.
The big one in the morning is normal. Most birds hold their poop during the night. Not all do though, as some of mine drop poops all through the night.

Griffin regularly has extra large poops (for his size). He also goes less frequently than similar sized Robin, which I'm sure is why they're large.

Raven my Pionus does the same thing as your Quinn... He poops far more often than Griffin who is half his size. Also, the pieces are small. We call it his 'nervous poop' LOL, although he shouldn't be nervous. He has always been this way. As to the scientific "why", I really don't know.

Quinn C. Pickle :D that is the cutest name I've heard in a while!
My little Mink's poops vary completely day to day. He's excellent at holding himself while he's being handled, and hardly ever has accidents when he's roaming around his "territory"(my bedroom). He will purposely aim for the paper towels that I have laid out beneath his play sets! But usually, I have seen him poop anywhere between a duration of 2-15 minutes, give or take a few as I don't always catch the act! :p But I have read, and been told that usually the average time between poops is the duration I listed above(others might say different though!). And I have also been told that smaller birds = far more frequent poops, compared to bigger birds. Which, I came to understand after thinking about it(again, others might say different!). All in all though, I know diet and eating habits play a huge role in how much the little ones poop - just as it does with us humans. So to answer if it's a baby thing.. Honestly, it -could- be, but there is (usually) always going to be quite a bit of poop. :p
Etienette - My new English budgie is named Mink too!! :) I'm surprised at hearing the same name!
Is this a baby thing or a forever thing? Quinn poops SO much! First thing in the morning we are working on waiting until I can get him over the trash can to poop as his first poop is HUGE!! He's about 50/50 on being able to wait. But all day, every day, he poops constantly when he is out of his cage. In his cage he hardly poops at all but when he is out, he poops every 5 minutes. I know he can't have to go that bad because half the time it is barely a little drop.

Parrots, as they age, learn not to poop where they eat...soooooooo,
first thing in morning is the big Galoppie of a poop. Quite normal.

You think that's bad, try having a Hawk.....They poo like a Donkey !!
My harley poops every 5-10 minutes. His morning ones a huge! But when my boyfriend or I are holding him and he has to poop, he will fly to his playstand/play gym by his cage and poop. I have newspaper laid out everywhere for him. Occasionally if he gets frightened by a loud noise(for example my lawnmower guy scared the [literally speaking] poop out of him), he will have an accident. He's usually pretty good about where he poops but he does go quite frequently. I notice sometimes it's more liquid (still some solid in the stool) which I associate with our equivalent of pee. Other times its all solid. But usually 5-10 minutes without fail. Lol
My pineapple GCC, Peepers, goes about every 10-20 minutes. Thankfully, she is poop trained. If I am holding her and she starts to get antsy, I put her on my finger and say "go poops", and she takes care of business. She is always very careful not to get any on my hand, so she sticks her little butt way out.
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Well, I was hoping it was a baby thing and he'd eventually be able to 'hold it' longer but looks like he is a normal pooper. He does have a very specific body language when he needs to poop so normally I can hold him over the trash can or a paper towel when I see him do the squat down and backward booty wiggle that precedes a poop.
My gcc now rarely makes a poo mistake. He's very good about making sure I know he has to go by being fidgety or spinning around. African grey has AMAZING poops! But he's so smart, he's already pooing on command about 50% of the time at designated poo areas and that's after 3 days!

Poo patrol, that is what we are on!

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