So I got ganged up on by a flock of wild Cockatoo's

What amazing shots! Hahahahahaha! And as Wendy said, every one of those 'toos was beautiful! The shot of them swarming the table made my jaw drop, and the look on your face in that same shot was priceless... not to mention the extreme lean poor Yoshi had going on! Thank you for sharing!
LMAO!!!! There's so many of them!!! That's awesome!! And the second picture there's one helping himself to the box of chips --sneaky little thing! Lol

I was just telling a friend the other day how it's one of my dreams to go to Oz and be surrounded by a cockatoo hoard ---yes, I'm a crazy bird lady LOL [emoji12]
That is so hilarious! My goffins Mako screams incessantly if he sees us eating anything because he thinks ANY food in the house is his automatically. Apparently passing him occasional niblets was a bad idea, oh boy!
That's really cool.
Our wild birds are pigeons (and I'm sorry I CANT STAND them- but can't destroy the eggs or nests) and starlings. Starlings mimic better than anything and irritate the fudge out of me too.
Wow, amazing! It's like Pigeons or sparrows or crows here lol! Thanks for sharing.
Oh my god I would be SO freaked lol! You're brave! What an experience.
Me and my wife went for a drive to Royal National Park, just south of Sydney and stopped by at a cafe there. We brought Yoshi, my male SI Eclectus along with us(as we do on most of our drives).

I bought a packet of hot chips and sat down on a park bench to eat and before I knew it a flock of Cockatoo's landed on the same bench and I don't know if they felt more comfortable because I had Yoshi on my shoulder but these birds were obviously extremely human friendly and had no problem diving into my hot chips.

I mean normally even human friendly birds are a little cautious but these birds had absolutely no fear of me and literally just went for the chips lol. I mean they weren't aggressive towards me and in fact were actually quite friendly(as long as they got the chips I presume).

I am not one to normally feed wild birds with human(and unhealthy) food but since I didn't really have a say in the matter I thought I might as well enjoy it haha.

Pictures below! be on the lookout for my terrified eclectus who eventually jumped off once one of the cockatoos flew onto my shoulder(he jumped off me and landed on a duck that was nearby which was hilarious also)

holy smokes!! LOL that's sooo cool! hehehe

I know this is an older thread, but just wanted to say that is wicked cool, thanks for sharing!

Whereabouts was this?
LOL..I love the pics! Its like they were saying "Me first!..No me first!! No you have one I'm next!!" Gorgeous creatures! Thanks for the photos!!

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I know this is an older thread, but just wanted to say that is wicked cool, thanks for sharing!

Whereabouts was this?

A place called Royal National Park. About 45-60 min south of the Sydney CBD. If you're ever in this part of the world do visit you will see heaps of them here and most of them are human friendly.
BAHAHAHAHAHA! Sounds familiar. When my son was 1, I took him to feed the "ducks" bread (it was 18 years ago, we didn't know better). It was all fun and games until the bread was gone... And I was running for my life with a toddler screaming in my arms and these ducks turned out to be snow geese...
I wish there was a video of that. It wasn't funny at the time

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