Skittles goes "you know where" today!

They actually have a special tool designed for nail trims so its much safer than 'clipping' with nail clippers or scissors. I've NEVER had an issue with the vet clipping the nails. I have however had them when I tried having the pet store do it with my tiel, years back. I can't do them on my own, Skittles is too big for me to hold still in one hand and he would fidget too much. I prefer having the vet do it. They cut them short enough so that they are actually clipped but not short enough to bleed or cause discomfort. Skittles is actually a champ when it comes to the vet. He's relaxed and even when they've had to draw blood, he's been very cooperative with them.
to be honest I would only trust a vet to do stuff in regards to a pet! I've worked in stores before (not pet but same general environment) you'd be surprised how little training places will give people. Heck first day of work ever I went from nothing having worked in my life to running a store for 6 hours!
in regards to the ride I would offer but it might be a bit expensive for me to get over there!
That's how I feel. To me, IMO, taking a bird to a "non-avian" vet is pretty much pointless. They know as much about avians as we do. lol. Maybe less.

What I love about this vet is how thorough they are and how they include me in the exam process, explaining to me what they are doing, why and what the result is. Its totally worth the $65. There are actually places in the back of their throat that can help indicate undernourishment. A few years ago, the vet showed me it and said it indicated Skittles was getting plenty of Vitamin A. It sort of makes sense, cause a budgies beak will change color if they don't get enough Vitamin A (it becomes discolored).
I too file all my birds nails about every 2 weeks and a beak file every month or so (just enough to keep it not pointy). Ollie let's me do it and doesn't bite me at all but definitely protests. Finley hates it and depending on his mood I may need to towel him or if I get him in the shower when he's soaked he'll protest but mostly put up with it and with minimal biting (him and Ollie do bite the file pretty hard though when they get a chance). Paris has to be toweled and absolutely hates it but isn't made at me afterwards so meh I think she is just scared because she doesn't make her getting hurt noises.
Well, to be honest, I've never tried with Skittles and probably never will. I tried once when I had my cockatiel, Peaches, and knicked her and she bled. She flew off and got blood on the curtains where she landed. Her nails were see-through too (you could see the "quick" whereas Skittles nails are black. Peaches was a LOT smaller than Skittles, who is rather big for a sunny and she was rather small for a tiel. He was literally twice her size)

Anyways, he got some thread tied around his talon once and I had to have a friend come over and hold him, but with my tremors, I couldn't clip the thread so she did. I'm an expert on wing-clipping (despite how opposed to it I am) I had to clip my budgies regularly when I had them. BUT, it was for their own safety and they had a HUGE cage.

Skittles has a "sand perch" on one of his playstands and he keeps his nails quite trim, but its been over a year since he had a proper trim, so they are starting to get long and sharp. Not too bad, but given his love of fabrics, I just as soon have them clipped.

I used to have to pay to have his beak "polished", but he rubs his beak on the sand perch and it usually smoothens it out, so I only have it polished if its really chaffed.

Anywho, so far, so good as far as the ride goes. She told me earlier this afternoon (Tues) that she was still planning on doing it. My hope is that I don't wake up to find out she cancelled again. I will NOT be a happy camper!!!

Provided I make it to the vet, I'll let you all know how it goes!!!
I'm much in the same boat as you Skittles for how I like any grooming done, a filing perch kept somewhere they often go just to help keep the claws in check and blunt them a little then once a year during the check-up get a little pedicure to finish things up
Well I'm actually toweling Cytrynka, but just to keep her wings tight to avoid any accident when she would start flapping. I leave her head open so she can peek at what I'm doing, and grab her foot one by one. She does not like it (no big surprise here), but she does not hate it either. I just file her the pointy tips to make them round, so it's more safe for her she'll not get caught by any fabric around the house. But sure if you don't feel confident, it's best to leave it up for the Pro's.
Well, so far-so good as far as the ride goes. I checked my FB when I got up (just before noon) and she confirmed for 3p. Then shortly after I woke up, she called to confirm, so (knock on wood) it looks like its going to happen! I will be SOOOO relieved once its over! Well, provided he gets a clean bill of health.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for Skitty's bill of health & for your ride.
I'm serious worried lol. If she cancels again I'll die. DIE.
My kid's get their grooming done at their doctor. Used to take Amy to the local pet shop and they did it for free coz I'm a "valued" customer :rolleyes: but after the last time when a "new" employee hacked her nails so bad and made Amy CRY and hold her foot up for a couple really PMO and I went back and told them so! So never again will that happen.

Let's's a four hour drive from me to Lewiston ( been there many times when I was driving Big Rig:D)
What town is Skitty's doctor in??? Maybe next year Amy and I could do a "road trip" :green:

I hope you guys make it to the vet..that is just SO wrong for that person to cancel out..and not just once :mad:

Jim that is such a sweet thing to say. An incredibly thoughtful post. Skitty's vet is actually in south Gorham, so its about a 45 minute drive south of Lewiston (its actually just a couple miles from the Portland Jetport). I'm hoping it won't come to that next year, lol. I also honestly couldn't ask you to do that, but thats an incredible offer and I do thank you for it. The whole transportation is ONLY an issue when it comes to the vet! Grr.

Needless to say, we just got back from the vet. My ride did feel bad for cancelling last minute, so that helped. Now, onto the vet results. I was expecting a 100% clean bill of health but I didn't get one, so I was taken by surprise and I feel like a failure, I'm practically in tears (and I know thats irrational thinking, given the results weren't alarming. Its just that with him, I'm not happy unless he gets 110% of what he needs 110% of the time. Everything from his heart/lungs/ears/eyes are ALL 100% healthy. He got a nail trim and the vet said he needed a beak trim too, so we did that. I didn't think it was too long, she said it wasn't the length, it was too thick.

He's still a little chubby she said BUT he did lose 3grams. She wants him to lose another 5 grams, mainly because he's free flighted.

But, she said his Grams stain test showed 95%pos/5%-neg. Which was normal range but she only saw ONE kind of bacteria in the negative and she wants to see a variety so she's putting him on ProBiotics. We'll see how that goes.

He's also a bit lacking in Vitamin D. I live in a dark apartment (obstructed by a church wall), so he only gets direct sunlight if I take him outside. She says on any day its above 70 to take him out for at least an hour to get some Vitamin D. But this is Maine, while we haven't had many days below 70 since May, normally we don't get days that nice (though maybe thats changing). I'm also going to look into a full-spectrum UV light.

I told her I have those lights for my S.A.D and she asked if I change them every 6mo and i said no, she said they should be changed every six months which I didn't know.

So nothing alarming, nothing I need to lose sleep over (I'll keep telling myself that til I believe it-sort of "self-therapy" lol).

One good thing though, my neighbor (and I guess you'd say best friend) still thinks that if Skittles looks and acts healthy, then he is. I told her its like she is saying I'm wasting money and she says "no, not at all. I'm trying to save you money?". Well thats great, I ought to ask her how much it costs to repair a broken heart. Anyways, onto the good thing...I can make her eat crow. Rub it in her face that he is NOT 100% healthy and had I not brought him to the vet, I wouldn't have known this. Knowing it now, I can take action to prevent future problems. Okay, I'll be nice about it- but still, I will savor serving her the crow.
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All things considered, I think that vet trip was still a success. I know how it feels to get a gram negative result when you least expect it. At least it's just a puny 5%. Did the vet recommend any antibiotic or just the probiotic? Maybe she thinks his immune system is enough to take care of it. I would try to grill them for the name of the bacteria though. This is important because sometimes it will tell you how he obtained it. As with any microorganism colonization, it's a wise idea to schedule a follow up culture / gram test to make sure the antibiotic (or in this case, probiotic + immune system) did it's job. I'm sure your vet has her recommendations though.

How did she measure Skittle's vitamin D deficiency? That would be interesting to know!

Nothing to worry about! Results are all very encouraging as a whole with only slight adjustments needed. Skittles sounds very healthy. I agree with you, wellness tests for our birds are never a waste of money. It's great that it had a positive outcome but if something was wrong, it allows you to take action quicker so the bird gets better sooner. Cheers!
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Thanks for the words of comfort BoomBoom. I guess you have a point, it was still a success. I wish I had asked the name of the bacteria, but I got the impression it wasn't a "bad" bad bacteria, it was just the same and there wasn't a "variety" as they like to see. I have heard that term before though, "perfect variation of gram positive and negative". That's what they usually tell me. I'm gonna email the vet to see if they can give me more info. I wish I had thought of it at the time, but I was caught off-guard by the results.

She did not prescribe any anti-biotics, just the pro-biotics. As for the Vitamin D, some of his feathers come in darker than they did before and while she said color variation is normal, given that they have gone from neon green to olive green and back to neon, the most likely culprit is not enough Vitamin D. Especially since they seem to change with seasons. She came to that conclusion because he IS getting enough Vitamin A, but he also has VERY limited exposure to direct sunlight. I need to do something about that. But I've no idea how effective these full-spectrum lights are. Its also quite an investment, so I want it to be worthwhile.

The vet that I took him too, she is VERY thorough and really into preventative action and they KNOW how much Skittles means to me, which is one of the reasons I still go there.
W0000t, you made it!
To the vet and back again :)
(I was sooo keeping my fingers crossed for you)

As far as the lighting is concerned, it's the same as the UV-lights they have for reptiles.
After six months the lose their effectiveness -> just wear and tear, less output.
Unfortunately they can be pricey, so shop around ;)
(I do not think they've come up with LED-lights in that part of the spectrum yet , it would be interesting to see what would happen!)
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Comforting to know that Skit's is at least "ok" for the most part,and I'm happy to hear you didn't have issue's with getting there and home.

It's kind of funny to me about Gorham..I used to deliver magazines to a wholesaler in Gorham..I think it was called the Portland news :)

I know a year is a ways off,but they seem to be going faster and faster by,so my offer still stands about a ride if it becomes necessary :) Amy and I enjoy rides and meeting members of this great forum,but we've only met one so far lol ( Al and Salty and their family) :D

Jim, that is just so incredibly generous of you! I'll keep it in mind, for sure. Not sure how Skittles feels, lol, seeing as its the vet- but he actually did REALLY well yesterday. He did screech and squirm a bit when they were doing the trims but thats pretty typical.

I'm gonna order him a full-scectrum UVA/UVB bulb for the MSBS and I'm gonna look at Walmart this afternoon for a 'clip-on' lamp to put the bulb in. I'm also going to order a harness and try to harness train him. I think I can do it, he's actually pretty used to be held (which is why he does so well at the vet I think, that and he loves towels!).

My friend and neighbor has windows that get a LOT more light than mine (including a lot of DIRECT sunlight) and she offered to let me bring Skittles over to get some sunlight during the winter months which I though was very nice of her (especially since Skittles HATES her, lol).
For generating Vitamin B the UVB light is needed. Glass pane is very effective in filtering UVB so the exposure to sunlight through glass is not very beneficial. Moreover, UVA range is not filtered well by glass, and the UVA actually contributes to reduce Vitamin D in a built-in regulation circuit that prevents overdosing. So exposure to sunlight through glass is not good in terms of VitD deficiency.
Well, thats good to know. I guess I better do some more research! Any chance you have any links to articles so I can find out more about this? I'd like to make sure I get the RIGHT ONE! lol.

I started him on the pro-biotics today. I've been a bit concerned today cause he's behaving really tired and often sitting on one foot, BUT, that may be because his nails are sore from a trim. Who knows. But its funny, as soon as he sees me grab his food bag, he perks right up and flies right over. lol.

I forgot to look at the lamps at Walmart and then decide to wait til I get the actual bulb, that way I can be sure to get the right size lamp.

My friend/neighbor says that she thinks Skittles won't let me harness train him, and I told her I disagree, I think he will. He may not be too happy about it at first, but I can't see him making it impossible to do training. He RARELY bites me, to be honest. But I'd probably have to deal with some biting during the harness training. At least I plan on being prepared, lol.

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