Sick budgie help!

Thanks! That sounds like actual vomiting. I would get him checked.
Out of curiosity, did he vomit before or after you started giving him the mite medication?
He vomited after the medication

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Hmm....COULD be related..but it is a huge I would bring him in and get blood-work done. Especially because drinking more than normal can be a sign.
Hmm....COULD be related..but it is a huge I would bring him in and get blood-work done. Especially because drinking more than normal can be a sign.
Thanks! Do you think I should stop giving him the mite medication untill I bring him to the vet ?

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Hmm....that is a tough call. It is a bit sketchy that your vet said to give it to him w/o having seen him first....That having been said, once a treatment is started, I am hesitant to stop...Again, I would call the vet and ask what he thinks (not that he sounds that great...but because I don't know
Hmm....that is a tough call. It is a bit sketchy that your vet said to give it to him w/o having seen him first....That having been said, once a treatment is started, I am hesitant to stop...Again, I would call the vet and ask what he thinks (not that he sounds that great...but because I don't know
Ok thanks!

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You might consult your vet with regards to starting your birds on a probiotic. I use bene-bac mixed with a small amount of plain oatmeal (+boiled bananas) and my Cockatoo loves it. Her healthy bacteria levels are much better since starting it. The fact that there is on "off" smell on his breath makes me think yeast could be the problem, but again, I am not a vet and other problems could cause this as well....Do not delay getting your bird to the doc, but see if a probiotic is available...and then dose accordingly. Too much can cause sickness etc, so you will want to talk to someone who knows what they are doing.
You might consult your vet with regards to starting your birds on a probiotic. I use bene-bac mixed with a small amount of plain oatmeal (+boiled bananas) and my Cockatoo loves it. Her healthy bacteria levels are much better since starting it. The fact that there is on "off" smell on his breath makes me think yeast could be the problem, but again, I am not a vet and other problems could cause this as well....Do not delay getting your bird to the doc, but see if a probiotic is available...and then dose accordingly. Too much can cause sickness etc, so you will want to talk to someone who knows what they are doing.
Thanks! This is a great idea. I will talk with my vet about it.

But I am not sure if he will be able to do the blood-work as I have never heard about it (in Greece).

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Hmm...well, it is a real thing. Some vets take it from the neck, others from the toe-nail. You just have to be certain that the bleeding stops if you do either, as a bleeding bird has little blood to spare. I always get my blood work done in the morning when I don't work (so I am supervise any picking at the location of the draw).
Hmm...well, it is a real thing. Some vets take it from the neck, others from the toe-nail. You just have to be certain that the bleeding stops if you do either, as a bleeding bird has little blood to spare. I always get my blood work done in the morning when I don't work (so I am supervise any picking at the location of the draw).
Thanks for the information. However is there something else that he can do to examine the bird in case he doesn't know how to take blood from the bird?

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Well, I mean there are, but that is pretty basic. If he can't do that, he won't know how to do the other things..A gram-stain is easy, but that will only show you bacterial issues in he poop...If it is a liver issue or something more complicated, a CBC (blood) is the better route.
Well, I mean there are, but that is pretty basic. If he can't do that, he won't know how to do the other things..A gram-stain is easy, but that will only show you bacterial issues in he poop...If it is a liver issue or something more complicated, a CBC (blood) is the better route.

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How are the little Budgie birds doing????

How are the little Budgie birds doing????

My male budgie is perfectly fine, but my female seems to be pretty sick. Her beak looks bad and she still can't stand on both of her foot. I hope she will be fine soon!

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I'm sorry to hear that...I think it's pretty obvious that the Vet put her on the wrong meds for both the Scaly-Face Mites and the Upper Respiratory Infection she has, which I don't think has a thing to do with the Scaly-Face at all...

I highly suggest you find another Avian Vet and take her to get cultures actually taken, or take her back to the same vet ad demand that the do the proper cultures to actually diagnose what type of URI she has, and then get her on the correct antibiotic, anti-fungal, or both based on the results of the culture...Also, I would highly suggest that you get her off of that topical anti-parasitic that isn't treating the Scaly-Face at all, and request that they give her a simply, single, one-time injection of Ivermectin based on her weight, because it will clear-up Scaly-Face Mites in a matter of a day or two..She would have been much, much better by now had they just given her the standard-treatment for Scaly Face, I don't know why the didn't, but she needs it badly...Scaly Face Mites are tough little mites, and Ivermectin is used as the standard-of-treatment for Scaly Face for a putting a topical poison on your bird's face/head/beak/around her nares twice a day is playing with fire annyway, if it gets into her eyes she could be blinded, if it gets into her mouth or nares it could poison her. So a simple, one-time injection of Ivermectin is not only much safer for your bird, but it will actually kill-off the Scaly-Face in a matter of a day or two...
I'm sorry to hear that...I think it's pretty obvious that the Vet put her on the wrong meds for both the Scaly-Face Mites and the Upper Respiratory Infection she has, which I don't think has a thing to do with the Scaly-Face at all...

I highly suggest you find another Avian Vet and take her to get cultures actually taken, or take her back to the same vet ad demand that the do the proper cultures to actually diagnose what type of URI she has, and then get her on the correct antibiotic, anti-fungal, or both based on the results of the culture...Also, I would highly suggest that you get her off of that topical anti-parasitic that isn't treating the Scaly-Face at all, and request that they give her a simply, single, one-time injection of Ivermectin based on her weight, because it will clear-up Scaly-Face Mites in a matter of a day or two..She would have been much, much better by now had they just given her the standard-treatment for Scaly Face, I don't know why the didn't, but she needs it badly...Scaly Face Mites are tough little mites, and Ivermectin is used as the standard-of-treatment for Scaly Face for a putting a topical poison on your bird's face/head/beak/around her nares twice a day is playing with fire annyway, if it gets into her eyes she could be blinded, if it gets into her mouth or nares it could poison her. So a simple, one-time injection of Ivermectin is not only much safer for your bird, but it will actually kill-off the Scaly-Face in a matter of a day or two...
Thanks for the advice, I will ask him if he can do this injection to help my budgie . . .

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My (female) budgie is doing better! She is not moving her tail up and down when she breathes as much as she used to and I think her beak is little bit better too! The only thing I am still a little bit worried is that she doesn't want to eat a lot but I guess she is going to be okay soon! Next week I am going to take her to the vet again so that he can see how she is doing.

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