Shower perch ?


Aug 13, 2023
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I’m thinking of getting a shower perch for my conure Bandit. He seems like water bath from bowl and from kitchen faucet and I’m wondering how can I introduce to him in the shower and what kind of shower perch would be safe to be recommended? Thanks so much for your time.
Hmmm... I have known people and birds who loved shower perches, so I do encourage you. I don't have advice other than to try the search engine here... it's very good. Good luck!
sometimes works sometimes don't, Just spend the 20 bucks and find out I guess. Some like it some don't. They all love the steam from the shower though.
You can make one for about $5 worth of PVC pipe from the local DIY box store. SOme parrots love them. some - meehhh. No direct hot water, and no soap splashing about. No fragrancey soaps or shampoos. I made one but Salty prefers his spray bottle showers.
I tried the shower perch with the suction cups but it would fall off the wall at unpredictable times. Now I use a T stand that i just take into the shower with me and my girl loves to shower that way.
You can make one for about $5 worth of PVC pipe from the local DIY box store. SOme parrots love them. some - meehhh. No direct hot water, and no soap splashing about. No fragrancey soaps or shampoos. I made one but Salty prefers his spray bottle showers.
Okay. After reading all of comments, I’m not gonna do it. I would stick to faucet and water bowl for him. Better to be safe than sorry
Definitely a personal preference, yours and the birdie's. I love the shower perch. We have two different ones, based on what my guys seem to like. My ekkie are YNA LOVE them. I stick them to the far wall from the shower head, and they get the mist that bounces off my shoulders/back. Never direct spray. My grey... has made it clear that it's a no. Tried introducing him to it slowly, and he sort of tolerated it, but got mad and resorted to plucking his whole chest. (He's a 50 year old, life long plucker, but made good progress with that after coming to me) We won't be doing that again. He has a huge water bowl, and finally decided it's a good thing to jump in for a bath every couple days. Thank goodness!

Now, the shower perches, I've only once had an issue with falling, and it was because my zon was picking at the suction cups. I caught her on the way down. Just have to make sure the suction cups and the wall are good and clean before putting it up. I do that every time, and I take them down after the shower.

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