I have a Jenday & Sun. Ones a male & ones a female. They are out together when supervised. I am going to be building them a larger aviary in the next month to cage them together. They are very protective of each other. I’m not the odd one out, and they aren’t as friendly to me as they once were. I’m happy they bonded regardless.
I myself would never stick a smaller parrot with my conures. Both of my conures when I first introduced them bickered. It looked more brutal than it probably was. I used to volunteer at a parrot shelter & conures were well known to be “fighters”. Especially the suns. One took a toe off one of the cockatiels. My conures have a nasty strong bite for how small they are.
There is someone on here
@clark_conure that has a conure with other smaller parrots. I believe his all get along. He leaves them out all day, and I’ve never seen him post about his parrots injuring one another. It may depend on the parrot themselves too?