Can conure get along with different bird breed ?


Aug 13, 2023
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I’m wondering if my fancy conure Bandit will get along with my parakeets. I have two parakeets before I had my bandit . And 3rd parakeet just came two months. I’m afraid of his bite which it is much stronger than parakeet. Does anybody have conure and parakeet bonding experience ? Thanks for your time
I have no direct experience, but I'll comment on what I've heard... fortunately (unfortunately?) the Rb is so aggressive and territorial that I've never even dared to think of another bird...
Buttt... many here have found that they have to separate birds (same-type and/or different) permanently... some have been fortunate and multiple birds get along.
You just never know! Same-type MIGHT be a little more compatible... obviously, at the extreme, I'd worry about a budgie and a macaw.
Good for you for being so responsible and serious, and for reaching out!
I think that as long as you're willing to deal with whatever happens (e.g., separating them, if needed, handling added expenses, etc.), you'll be a great parront.
Just my two cents!
Good luck, and keep us posted, please.
I have a Jenday & Sun. Ones a male & ones a female. They are out together when supervised. I am going to be building them a larger aviary in the next month to cage them together. They are very protective of each other. I’m not the odd one out, and they aren’t as friendly to me as they once were. I’m happy they bonded regardless.

I myself would never stick a smaller parrot with my conures. Both of my conures when I first introduced them bickered. It looked more brutal than it probably was. I used to volunteer at a parrot shelter & conures were well known to be “fighters”. Especially the suns. One took a toe off one of the cockatiels. My conures have a nasty strong bite for how small they are.

There is someone on here @clark_conure that has a conure with other smaller parrots. I believe his all get along. He leaves them out all day, and I’ve never seen him post about his parrots injuring one another. It may depend on the parrot themselves too?
I have no direct experience, but I'll comment on what I've heard... fortunately (unfortunately?) the Rb is so aggressive and territorial that I've never even dared to think of another bird...
Buttt... many here have found that they have to separate birds (same-type and/or different) permanently... some have been fortunate and multiple birds get along.
You just never know! Same-type MIGHT be a little more compatible... obviously, at the extreme, I'd worry about a budgie and a macaw.
Good for you for being so responsible and serious, and for reaching out!
I think that as long as you're willing to deal with whatever happens (e.g., separating them, if needed, handling added expenses, etc.), you'll be a great parront.
Just my two cents!
Good luck, and keep us posted, please.
Thank you so much. I’m taking my time and if they don’t get along or not, no matter what. I’m always there for my birdies.
I have a Jenday & Sun. Ones a male & ones a female. They are out together when supervised. I am going to be building them a larger aviary in the next month to cage them together. They are very protective of each other. I’m not the odd one out, and they aren’t as friendly to me as they once were. I’m happy they bonded regardless.

I myself would never stick a smaller parrot with my conures. Both of my conures when I first introduced them bickered. It looked more brutal than it probably was. I used to volunteer at a parrot shelter & conures were well known to be “fighters”. Especially the suns. One took a toe off one of the cockatiels. My conures have a nasty strong bite for how small they are.

There is someone on here @clark_conure that has a conure with other smaller parrots. I believe his all get along. He leaves them out all day, and I’ve never seen him post about his parrots injuring one another. It may depend on the parrot themselves too?
oh my gosh ! Okay will look that person up. Thanks
My Sunny Phoenix got along with his parakeet friends. But a note, he was introduced to them very young, 18 weeks old or so, way before maturity so that may have helped some.

Eventually I got the "Keets" thier own cage and that didn't go over so well. Phoenix would scream and scream until his "keets" were in his cage with him. Surprisingly they all got along well with each other. No fighting or anything.
My Sunny Phoenix got along with his parakeet friends. But a note, he was introduced to them very young, 18 weeks old or so, way before maturity so that may have helped some.
View attachment 60732View attachment 60733View attachment 60734View attachment 60735
Eventually I got the "Keets" thier own cage and that didn't go over so well. Phoenix would scream and scream until his "keets" were in his cage with him. Surprisingly they all got along well with each other. No fighting or anything.View attachment 60737
Phoenix is beautiful 🤩 there are 6 suns for adoption at a shelter about an hour from me. Most of them are young too. I’m curious if they are in the shelter due to apartment life vs Karen’s. My sun will start screaming when the garage opens, when the door opens, when the ring alarm goes off because he’s excited to see people.
My Sunny Phoenix got along with his parakeet friends. But a note, he was introduced to them very young, 18 weeks old or so, way before maturity so that may have helped some.
View attachment 60732View attachment 60733View attachment 60734View attachment 60735
Eventually I got the "Keets" thier own cage and that didn't go over so well. Phoenix would scream and scream until his "keets" were in his cage with him. Surprisingly they all got along well with each other. No fighting or anything.View attachment 60737
Aww. Very nice !!
Conures can and often do quite well with other species of birds. MY Peach Front Conure is friends with my cockatiel. They're not best friends, but they like each other enough to be in the same cage with each other and haven't tried eating the other bird. Had I tried this with my first Peach Front, there would have been war! My green cheeks were pushy and nippy but got along with my cockatiels. They hated my original PIonus, August and I had to keep them separated.

I guess the point of my rambling is to watch and see your birds. If they get along with each other, give it a shot. If there are any signs of chaos, it's best to keep them separated.
I have two quakers and a pineapple and green cheek conure. They're out all day long together. It took about a week for them to start getting along, under my supervision. They still have the occasional squabble, but on the whole they get along fine
My Sunny Phoenix got along with his parakeet friends. But a note, he was introduced to them very young, 18 weeks old or so, way before maturity so that may have helped some.
View attachment 60732View attachment 60733View attachment 60734View attachment 60735
Eventually I got the "Keets" thier own cage and that didn't go over so well. Phoenix would scream and scream until his "keets" were in his cage with him. Surprisingly they all got along well with each other. No fighting or anything.View attachment 60737
I’m wondering if my fancy conure Bandit will get along with my parakeets. I have two parakeets before I had my bandit . And 3rd parakeet just came two months. I’m afraid of his bite which it is much stronger than parakeet. Does anybody have conure and parakeet bonding experience ? Thanks for your time
I have 4 budgies all males...a male and a female green cheek conure... the male conure is great around the budgies...the female conure attacks the male if she gets the opportunity and nips at the toes of the they just avoid her ... you have no other choice but to work with what you got
I’m wondering if my fancy conure Bandit will get along with my parakeets. I have two parakeets before I had my bandit . And 3rd parakeet just came two months. I’m afraid of his bite which it is much stronger than parakeet. Does anybody have conure and parakeet bonding experience ? Thanks for your time
It really depends on the temperament of the birds. If any of your birds are aggressive, I’d keep them separate. Not worth the risk. If you decide to introduce them, go slow. Move their cages closer together a little bit at a time, so they can acclimate. Be mindful of their reactions. Let your conure out, allow him to visit through the budgie bars. Have a plan to separate them if need be. Might want to keep a towel and some styptic powder handy, if you need to break up a fight. Also be prepared to visit the vet if things don’t go well. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Be respectful of territory. I wouldn’t allow the birds to enter each other’s cages, and I wouldn’t house them together permanently. Make sure they’re supervised at all times. Good luck, I hope the little ones like each other.

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