Show me your sleepy bird photos

Here's a teeeerrible pic of my Charlie's new sleeping position. He leans out horizontally and sleeps with his beak on another perch/Ladder.
Charlie sleeps weird_june 8 2023.webp
I don't have too many, but here's an old favourite of Lilly. Hard to capture a snoozing lorikeet cos they're such a 24/7 bundle of activity, but she was only a baby when I took this one. Growing up takes a lot of energy!

She's always happy when she falls asleep on me. I assure you, she's out cold!
Nitey nite, Baxter, it looks like you're dreaming very sweetly already 💖
I don't have too many, but here's an old favourite of Lilly. Hard to capture a snoozing lorikeet cos they're such a 24/7 bundle of activity, but she was only a baby when I took this one. Growing up takes a lot of energy!

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My baby Rocky when she was a couple weeks old sleeping with her stuffies. Being a Baby Bird is so tiring!
What happens when a budgie's bestest little buddy is a sugar driven, high octane, maniacal lorikeet - Val's gotta try and squeeze in a nap sometime!!


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