Shoulder bird


Mar 22, 2017
Do you allow your Senegal on your shoulder? I bought a book about specifically training Senegals. It says it's probably best not to allow them on your shoulder as it can easily contribute to dominance problems and both direct and displaced aggression.

But my Senegal loves to be on my shoulder and she's fairly well behaved up there. When it's time to come down she'll step up with no fuss as long as I have her attention and show her it's my hand.

She's a baby though so all that might change and I could do with out my earlobe being bitten off or my eye poked out.
Do you allow your Senegal on your shoulder? I bought a book about specifically training Senegals. It says it's probably best not to allow them on your shoulder as it can easily contribute to dominance problems and both direct and displaced aggression.

But my Senegal loves to be on my shoulder and she's fairly well behaved up there. When it's time to come down she'll step up with no fuss as long as I have her attention and show her it's my hand.

She's a baby though so all that might change and I could do with out my earlobe being bitten off or my eye poked out.

The long held belief that Parrots should not be allowed on one's shoulders has real merit! To be allowed on a shoulder is earned by demonstrating proper manners over-time.

If, at this age you belief that you have taught boundaries and Step-up and that it is always followed, it becomes your choice.
All of my parrots are allowed to ride on my shoulder. My Jardine's and Meyer's parrots are both Velcro birds, and will stay perched on my shoulder until I move them elsewhere. They can fly, but choose to be with me.

You must be able to read your bird if you're going to allow him there.
Beware of the terrible two's. I dont have a poi, but ive been reading up on them because Im considering getting one. They go through a nippy stage and that would not be a good thing to experience on your face/head. My ekkie has recently started to nibble the top of my ear as soon as he gets on my shoulder--it's only a one time thing, like a "hello", but it's not welcome. He loses privledges as soon as he does it. He's adult...about 8, and this is a new behaviour, but other than that, he's a terrific shoulder bird. He spent almost 3 hours on my shoulder the other day while we were out running errands.

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