Should i rescue?

She just came down to meet my old lady dog 20220317_142256.webp the pooches name is Gia she is 16 so she's not really impressed with much these days. However I was impressed with how brave the birdie was. I wonder if she lived with a dog at her previous home?
Pepper is a great name !

Its early days! She is just setting in. Sounds like you are doing great!

More pictures @ ofcourse when its not to s any for her.
20220321_140001.webphi everyone! Thought I'd put out a little update and see if anyone has anything helpful to put in. Bubbas new name is The Rebel Pepper 🌶. Or just Pepper 😆. She seems to have settled in pretty well so far. She is comfortable with me being around her but she is most comfortable in the cage. She has only moved to the play top 2 times.
Yesterday she did take a short bath in a pie pan I put in her cage. And today was the first time I saw her play with 1 of her hanging toys. So all of those things seem pretty normal as far as settling into the routine goes.
However... She wil NOT eat anything other than zupreem natural pellets and spray millet! Yikes! Seriously not even nuts or apples not even a raisin. Sooo I made up some simple corn bread and hid some veggies in it and am mixing her pellets with chop made from carrots bell pep and peas. And so far she hates it all. Will pick the veg off the pellets before she eats them. But we will keep at it. She's still very new here. As for the millet, it's now only for training.
I introduced the clicker it went great and she will consistently target the stick. But she doesn't know anything. Poor kid she doesn't even know step up. So I haven't worked with her on the step up yet. I don't think she trusts me enough yet. But I am hoping we can make some progress on that because I scheduled her a checkup at my vet on the 30th. Which means I will have to get her into a travel crate.
So wish me luck😄

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