Should i rescue?

Yes absolutely! It's best to understand and avoid. I've read a couple pages into the Amazon page including the stickys. I am keeping a open mind to species but I do like a animal that tells you clearly if you listen. And that seems to be a amazon trait.

Off topic but I have had several other rescued animals and curre 20220107_155231_HDR.webpntly have a shetland pony who came to my with ZERO handling but was very clear with her behavior. In some ways horses and parrots are similar. Now that is a bite to avoid at all costs!
ICCA the more you post the more I love you! ( in a non internet stalking way ha ha)

This is an adorable pony! Thanks for rescue 🙏

I grew up with horses, worked briefly at the university horse behavior lab. Been bitten, kicked, rolled over on ...thankfully rarely..
😁 up I had a feeling I would find my people here. That pony is Opal I call her and her brother Hank my midlife crisis ponies!

That's great you worked with resuce horses! That is really hardcore when they have actual baggage. 🐴:green:
Gotta love them tho
I'm in deep now! I finished the last of the painting and decided to call the rescue. Well I just got off the phone with them and and going this week to see a Nanday conure and a Lilac crown Amazon. May meet some over birds after they meet me. They may recommend some other birds that I may like. I told them over the phone about my painting project and all the other house nonsense, which it sounds like won't be a big deal since it could take a week or 2 before I even bring someone home. But I guess we will sort that all around when I go visit!
So excited! Bring on the NOISE!
I'm in deep now! I finished the last of the painting and decided to call the rescue. Well I just got off the phone with them and and going this week to see a Nanday conure and a Lilac crown Amazon. May meet some over birds after they meet me. They may recommend some other birds that I may like. I told them over the phone about my painting project and all the other house nonsense, which it sounds like won't be a big deal since it could take a week or 2 before I even bring someone home. But I guess we will sort that all around when I go visit!
So excited! Bring on the NOISE!
I'm so excited for you!!! I can't wait to hear all about it when you go, please keep us updated!
Very exciting update! Looking forward to hearing how the visit goes. Be prepared for multiple visits with the bird that grabs your heart to be sure you're compatible. They're so much better at choosing us, you'll likely know pretty quickly. I've been so fortunate to be chosen three times now. Despite all the talk about it, I never fully understood what that exactly meant until it happened. :)
Thank you everyone! So excited I couldn't sleep last night now sure how I'm gunna make it through work!

This is exactly how I felt too! 😁😁😁 I wasn't even planning to "find" a bird, I was just going to visit to prepare for maybe finding a bird in six months 😂

I can't wait to read how your visit goes!
This will be my last post in this department. The rescue visit went slow the really bad then surprising and great! So without going into boring details, the foster with the nanday was running late by quite a bit so we hung out in the bird room. I got to visit a bunch of other parrots And experience to top notch volume of a umbrella macaw! Wow!
A Catalina macaw tried to steal my husband from me 😂 and I almost ran away with a scarlet.
So first we met the lilac crown who was really beautiful and whom I was most species wise, interested in. However they said he was not great with women but liked a few at the rescue. And that was true. But He hated me! Like everything about me! So needless to say I was not his ment to be and really had me kinda bummed out.
Then finally the foster with the nanday got there. We moved from the big bird meeting room to the toy shop. I've never had a conure so was not sure what to expect. But the rescue choose her for me to meet. ( I gave them some suggestions on my likes wishes and goals) well it was love at first site! Just like you all said. I was pretty surprised at how clearly she showed her interest. So I waffled around and didn't bring her home on Tuesday well I met up with the foster again on Wednesday and the Nan was even more excited to see me. So it was all over. I now have a nanday! Surprised me for sure! She will need some work, she is very nice but doesn't know anything. And they where still trying to convince her to eat chop but she atleast eats pellets. Its a starting point.
So I guess I'm moving this party to the conure section!
But I really wanted to tell everyone how helpful inspiring and encouraging you all and this forum have been. It has been wonderful to just feel bird energy in my home again and I would not have even called the rescue without seeing the post about the "PBS. Parrot confidential" show. I think that was Storm"n"Pics. I'm so grateful for everyone's input!
Thank you!❤
Congratulations!!! So happy for you. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your new addition to the family. :)
Giant perches are actually great and very supportive! I have even bigger ones lol

Look at your baby!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!@@! So happy fur you! And yes they can make it very clear when they choose us! Its like thst dragon series where the new hatched dragons choose their people lol
This is so exciting! How cool you got to meet so many other parrots too, and had such an obvious YES YOU reaction from your bird 🥰

She's a real cutie! Congratulations :)
Giant perches are actually great and very supportive! I have even bigger ones lol

Look at your baby!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!@@! So happy fur you! And yes they can make it very clear when they choose us! Its like thst dragon series where the new hatched dragons choose their people lol
That's good to know about the perch. I guess it will stay. I use to do alot of fresh/baked tree branches with my Pi so didn't really have anything left. Going to trim some trees today
I am waiting for more pictures and story! What's her name? Is she DNA sexd female ( or they guess?)

I love her red pants
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She is DNA female which they did at the rescue. She was previously owned by an older couple the husband surrendered her when the wife died and he went into a assisted living situation. They where her only previous home not including her foster home. Very content in her cage even with the door open she is just hanging out on her perch. But we're day 2 and still hasn't eaten a vegetable so today I'm going to fix up some birdie bread.

O and her previous owners called her Bubba. However in my family who is Roma/Croatian that means grandma. We called our grandma's Bubba and grandpa's Dedda . So that as a bird name is just not working for me... I would like to try to change it. I want to call her Pepper.
I did introduce the clicker to her yesterday afternoon. She goes bonkers for millet so pairing the clicker went well. Which is a blessing since she doesn't even step up yet.

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