Shocked and Horrified by eBay Listing

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I thought this was against Ebay's rules? I mean, feathers I can understand but there's no way to determine whether or not that bird died humanely.
There seems to be some digression of this post, it's gone from the abuse of a pet bird's body to the unforunate and terrible life of animals raised for meat consumption. I'm not going to disagree with any of you or trivialize you're feelings on the feedlot animals. But this is not the forum for that. The forum is called "". I posted a topic on a pet parrot that had it's body parts vandalized and some of you are turning this into a whole nother topic altogether. Could we please stay on topic? I would be disappointed to see it digress into a battle between the carnivores and the vegans.

Whenever a thread gets enough attention that it becomes several pages long, there 'naturally' will be "some" diversion of the topic here and there.
Rest assured though, this forum is moderated well enough that you will never see "a battle" of any sort. If so, it will get shut down quickly.

I do understand your passion for the original topic, but I think all of our regular members realize this is called "" and the mods have not yet seen anything flare out of control here.
I want to personally thank each and everyone of you that has taken the time to call in to eBay to complain about this listing. My search was limited to Senegal Parrot because I was looking for cool Senegal related items to buy and sadly came upon that recognizable sets of wings and tail. I'm glad I didn't look further for Hyacinth Macaw, Mulluccan Cockatoo, Green Fronted Amazon and so forth. Seeing one set of disembodied wings and tail from one Senegal is enough for the rest of my lifetime. I'm also glad that Kiwibird had the forethought to delve further into this on eBay and start rallying the troops. From my end I'm going to get a local parrot organization involved and perhaps a daily phone campaign from a hundred or more people may get this thing shut down, at least on eBay and that might be a good start as it reaches quite a broad audience.
Why is it that, because this person decided to do this to their bird. They are now some sort of horrible Sociopath or something? No one know weather this bird was killed, or died of natural cause. Really this is no different then the beard of a turkey, or tail mount. Now I don't agree with it, and think its kinda creepy my self. People are so quick to judge what they don't know!

On that note you all have a great night (or day):)
I am a seller on eBay. Keeping an eye on him. There is more than one set of parts of other types of birds, including the Senegal parts thst sold for 25.00. I do not believe he owned any of these creatures. I believe somehow he is supplied, unless I missed something. I agree feathers are one thing but a whole wing with feathers attached. Please!
I want to personally thank each and everyone of you that has taken the time to call in to eBay to complain about this listing. My search was limited to Senegal Parrot because I was looking for cool Senegal related items to buy and sadly came upon that recognizable sets of wings and tail. I'm glad I didn't look further for Hyacinth Macaw, Mulluccan Cockatoo, Green Fronted Amazon and so forth. Seeing one set of disembodied wings and tail from one Senegal is enough for the rest of my lifetime. I'm also glad that Kiwibird had the forethought to delve further into this on eBay and start rallying the troops. From my end I'm going to get a local parrot organization involved and perhaps a daily phone campaign from a hundred or more people may get this thing shut down, at least on eBay and that might be a good start as it reaches quite a broad audience.

He has been selling on eBay since 2003, so unless he has violated eBay rules and regulations the chances of having him shut down are slim to none. But I saved him to the sellers I watch, we will see what happenends.
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i came across the same listing as this one last week not only that but they sold dead birds by heaps,my dinner almost came back up.
I was looking to see if they had something nice of green cheeks,like a shirt but got cut off wings instead.
My mother gives the feathers from molts to a college of her that uses them in crafts ,but this is way past that.
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We need to respect everyone here, please! There are cultures where every piece of (dead or alive) animals are being utilized, and made uses of.

This thread has taken its course.
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