help please


New member
Dec 22, 2023
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hey i have a female budgie that i bought a year ago she had incomplete feathers(no wings or tail) and was a little weak lost most of her feathers and become weaker. a month and half ago i bought a male for her and they bonded her feather are growing back for the first time in year her feathers started growing for a month and then stopped and now she has a very weak body and she feels so light. my question is can i feed her A21 baby parrot formula for a small period of time like a week or two to grow a little as she needs to grow(feathers, muscles and etc.) with vegetables and fruits across the day and if this is ok how much should i feed her of her body weight and how many times should i feed her per day.
I think you should take her to the vet if you're concerned about her. Birds can mask their illness very well, so if she's showing signs of weakness, then you should definitely take her in.
I think you should take her to the vet if you're concerned about her. Birds can mask their illness very well, so if she's showing signs of weakness, then you should definitely take her
most vets in Egypt are not specialized in birds, i took it once an told me the feather loss is genetic and will never grow again and this is wrong since it grows about a month ago, so i don't rely on vets here. can i give her the A21 baby parrot formula for maybe two weeks as it has all nutrition for fast growth

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