Re: Severe Head Trauma - what would you do? - LOKI UPDATE
Posting an update on Loki. Sorry it's been a while, but, you know, life and all, lol.
Loki continues to make amazing progress. my husband had started hearing vocalizations long before i did, but Loki finally "spoke" to me on March 1st! Needless to say i cried, lol.
We slowly added a second row of perches, took the height limit off his cage and put his "big" water bowl back in for him to use. On 3/3/19 Loki took a bath on his own for the first time. We still needed to help him clean, but this was the first time he showed interest in water to bath.
A week later, he was stepping up onto our hands, but he is still week in the feet and legs.
He's attempted to make a few flights on his own, usually startling us and himself in the process. Since his flight feathers were clipped to prevent him from hurting himself, he really had to work to maintain flight, but it was very controlled for a bird that was just a month ago at death's door. He still couldn't use his feet well, so landings were often disastrous.
Over the next couple of weeks he continued to make slow and steady progress.
in an attempt to try and get him to exercise his feet and legs, we've been allowing him to climb out of his cage, up the side and crawl around the top of the cage. The first few days he did this, you could really see the struggle he had with his feet. Often when taking steps you'd see his foot go through the bars and he'd get frustrated until he could get his toes open and wrapped around the bars to support him again.
But this has seemed to be good therapy for him. i have noticed an increase in the coordination of his feet. and he's standing stronger and steadier.
By 3/15, Loki is more active in trying to groom himself, but it seems as if he has more trouble reaching to one side than the other. I commented to my husband that it reminded me of someone who'd had a stroke and was recovering, but was weak on one side.
As of March 28th, 51 days since the accident, Loki is still recovering but has made a huge amount of improvement:
- Loki is still maintaining his weight and eating fully on his own.
- Loki is often making short controlled flights (and on 3/28 grabbed onto the side of the cage he flew to for the first time)
- over the last 3 days, Loki has starting using his foot to hold on to pieces of food to eat (this is a first since the accident)
- Loki still wobbles a bit when walking on flat surfaces
- Loki has been vocalizing more and regaining small snippets of the "words" he used before the accident (good boy, boy, mom, good morning)
- Loki remembers simple commands from before the accident (give kisses, step up, step down, give rubby-ies)
All in all, i am overwhelmed at how much progress Loki has made. Like i mentioned before, i wanted to document his recovery in case anyone else ever had to go through this.
Thank you again to everyone rooting for us. Your kindness has been a HUGE help for us.
If you're reading this because this happened to you, don't give up! It's a very slow process, but recovery is possible and does happen!
Hugs and love to you all!