A very good morning to you all. I hope you had a Happy Valentines Day. I was sending my love to you all.
I'm sorry i haven't posted an update before now, but it's been a hectic week with round the clock gavage feeding and a full time work schedule.
I am excited to say that Loki seems to be doing considerably better!
Yesterday was the first day that he ate a significant amount of fresh food and seed since we brought him home. Previously, We were able to get him to drink water when we offered it to him and he would occasionally make his way to the water bowl on his own, but he really wouln't eat much at all.
I came home from work yesterday and he had appeared to been at the small bowl of seed we'd left for him, so i offered him a chunk of apple which he proceeded to chow down on. he followed that up with about 6 pomegranate seeds. i offered him fresh seed and he chowed down on that as well. it was the first time i'd seen him eat "normally". he had eaten enough that we bypassed 2 gavage feedings. (we are weighing him to ensure he's maintaining weight through all this).
Loki is slowly regaining motor control. He is standing on his own now, no longer laying all the time. He still is having major issues with balance and coordination, but we are seeing improvement little by little every day. he appears to have some trouble with his right foot, but he is getting better with it day by day. He is certainly is regaining strength and has taken flight on us a few times when we least expected it. I am struggling with the decision of trimming his flight feathers while he is recovering, for safety sake.
He did have a milestone today. Loki climbed up the side of his cage for the first time since we brought him home. I was quick to put a hand in the cage in case he fell, but he made it up about 8 inches off the bottom and slowly let himself back down.
He still isn't perching, but he is definitely trying.
All in all he is in much better shape today than when i first made this post. he took his last does of anti-inflammatory medicine this morning and the bruising around his eyes seems to be lessening finally.
I wanted to thank you all again for all the kind words and support you have shown. I am trying to get pictures off my phone to post here so you can see his progress.
We have an appointment this afternoon with his CAV to check his progress and i have a notebook full of observations to take with us.
Keeping fingers and toes crossed that the progress continues!
Hope you all have a wonderful day! More updates to come!