Salty is RELENTLESS !!

The cage floor covering depends on the size of the cage. For my macaw’s large indoor cage I buy huge rolls of 40 lb brown paper. I hoarded many rolls of it when I saw it for a great price delivered (it is HEAVY!) I mount the roll on a paper cutter that sits on the floor of the garage. I have marked the floor of the garage with blue painter’s tape to indicate the proper length of paper to be torn.

The outside cage is smaller. I use old newspaper that I hoarded. I am now working on 2020 news. 🤣
My budgies are very hormonal, and everyone, it seems, wants SEX! Boys with girls and boys with boys! No girls with girls, if that means anything in the avian world. I found my best girl female budgie Rocky exploring in the trash can next to the dining table where we all hang out. We keep it covered with a piece of cardboard and only put paper waste in it. There was a one inch gap and she squeezed in while her faithful manservant Beau looked on. Imagine my surprise when I went to put some trash in and out popped Rocky! I wish I could get them back to normal, but I'm beginning to think that with a small mixed flock of happy, healthy budgies, this IS normal! I don't begrudge them their "pleasure" but I don't want more budgies!
At least you don't have this problem with Salty. Without a mate it's bound to stop! I had to laugh when you said you were just "venting" because that's what we call budgies mating- that and "doing the humpty dance"!
rocky said that she found trash and became a raccoon
We discovered during our move that packing paper is the perfect size for liners. I went to Lowe's when we got here and picked up a bundle where they keep all the moving boxes, etc, and then we had all the ones we packed our things in arrive too. I think his cage will be lined for the next 6 months at least.
It never occurred to me to use butchers paper. I looked online and parchment paper can be used. I got 2 roll packs x2. from Sam's. Unbleached, 15inx164 ft. It's very heavy. Should be interesting. If it works, I'll miss the looks from buying out newspapers!

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