Right Diet for Golden Conure


New member
Jan 4, 2022
Hello Everyone!

I think this is a more specific question and here is the place to source. What seed mix do you guys give your conures? Besides pellets I like to offer all options to have the most variable combination on a diet. I usually give my Golden Conure mix of fresh vegetables in the morning, I give him pelletes and in the afternoon seeds. He loves seeds specially the larger size. But I am struggling finding a neutral mix for big parrots since Golden Conure has bigger beaks and I notice he only gets what he can grab and eat, not small size seeds. I feel he has a large parrot taste for food but he is still a conure, which is tricky. I looks he loves sweeter side like fruits but I cant give that much to him. Golden Conures have a specific diet and I am still trying to understand the best proportion of fat, protein etc for the species.

Would love to know your experience about brands and types of seed mix, most are enhanced, sugar added or have a lot sunflower.
Welcome to the forum! Would love more pictures and to hear about your conure! One of my dream species.

We talk diets a lot here but not often species specific ( except Eclectus and such)
I'm always striving to proved the best and most varied i can reading up. Soaked and cooked legume, lentils, and sprouts , and whole grains, lots of veggies. I try and cycle through all the parrot safe foods.

I've tried to read up native plants and food sources from the native origin of my species.....but I never can find much.
Hello Everyone!

I think this is a more specific question and here is the place to source. What seed mix do you guys give your conures? Besides pellets I like to offer all options to have the most variable combination on a diet. I usually give my Golden Conure mix of fresh vegetables in the morning, I give him pelletes and in the afternoon seeds. He loves seeds specially the larger size. But I am struggling finding a neutral mix for big parrots since Golden Conure has bigger beaks and I notice he only gets what he can grab and eat, not small size seeds. I feel he has a large parrot taste for food but he is still a conure, which is tricky. I looks he loves sweeter side like fruits but I cant give that much to him. Golden Conures have a specific diet and I am still trying to understand the best proportion of fat, protein etc for the species.

Would love to know your experience about brands and types of seed mix, most are enhanced, sugar added or have a lot sunflower.
I use Dr. Harveys seed, it has nothing artificial in it and they make like 6 different blends, 2 of them are for large parrots with bigger seeds and stuff, the cockatiel blend has some larger seeds etc. in it as well. Their seed mixes are one of the best I think.
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Welcome to the forum! Would love more pictures and to hear about your conure! One of my dream species.

We talk diets a lot here but not often species specific ( except Eclectus and such)
I'm always striving to proved the best and most varied i can reading up. Soaked and cooked legume, lentils, and sprouts , and whole grains, lots of veggies. I try and cycle through all the parrot safe foods.

I've tried to read up native plants and food sources from the native origin of my species.....but I never can find much.

Yes it is true. And I love the concept of giving them the regional food. But there is no information about it. This is a key factor to give them a good life. Golden Conure lives in a very specific region in Brazil so I am trying to search if their natural feeding has more fruits.
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I use Dr. Harveys seed, it has nothing artificial in it and they make like 6 different blends, 2 of them are for large parrots with bigger seeds and stuff, the cockatiel blend has some larger seeds etc. in it as well. Their seed mixes are one of the best I think.
Thanks for sharing! I have looked it, dont you think there is too much fruit? Or sugar? This is my only concern over time. But it is in my list. I do Tops pelletes but I want to offer seed mix as well.
Thanks for sharing! I have looked it, dont you think there is too much fruit? Or sugar? This is my only concern over time. But it is in my list. I do Tops pelletes but I want to offer seed mix as well.
Hmm I guess the larger bird mixes do have a lot of fruit, you could get another seed mix like Goldenfeast and mix them. I've never used Goldenfeast but their ingredients are pretty good.
Hello Everyone!

I think this is a more specific question and here is the place to source. What seed mix do you guys give your conures? Besides pellets I like to offer all options to have the most variable combination on a diet. I usually give my Golden Conure mix of fresh vegetables in the morning, I give him pelletes and in the afternoon seeds. He loves seeds specially the larger size. But I am struggling finding a neutral mix for big parrots since Golden Conure has bigger beaks and I notice he only gets what he can grab and eat, not small size seeds. I feel he has a large parrot taste for food but he is still a conure, which is tricky. I looks he loves sweeter side like fruits but I cant give that much to him. Golden Conures have a specific diet and I am still trying to understand the best proportion of fat, protein etc for the species.

Would love to know your experience about brands and types of seed mix, most are enhanced, sugar added or have a lot sunflower.
Hi Robert!
I'm new here and acquainting myself with the forums. I came across your question and wondering how youā€™re doing with this? I can offer my experience if youā€™d like to keep in touch. As we are a work in progress, I also am always trying to fine-tune the diet for my Goldens.
I followed Pamela Clarkā€™s layered salad diet and Tony Silva after adopting mine. Like you, I do the veggies for breakfast. Red bell pepper is their absolute favorite and they always pick it out first. They like broccoli and greens the least. So I have a forging pot of purslane and elephant food plant (superfood) that they enjoy every day. I believe they are getting a lot of nutrition that way as well.
I heard it first from Tony that parrots arenā€™t supposed to have much fruit so I only offer it as a snack in the afternoon. Their favorite fruits are grapes, watermelon and apples. Iā€™ve also learned that they love cantaloupe seeds when they are dried out in the sun. We grow sugarcane for them and they love chewing on it when itā€™s dried out. From my experience, the dry and crunchier the better. They donā€™t seem to like holding wet food in their feet. Can you blame them? LOL. We try new things often to keep it interesting. I always have to lead the way in proving new things can be trusted. Daisy is my food leader and if I can sell it to her, the boys will come in to take that perfect bite right out of her beak. They are hilarious.
I have always used Harrisonā€˜s pellets and even though they werenā€™t given Harrisons when I adopted them all, they quickly and easily transitioned. My avian vet said this species needs more protein and fat in their diet so now I get the Harrisonā€™s high potency pellet. I also offer them some walnuts and almonds every day. They love the natural in-shell almonds and that also provides additional foraging fun.
If you have any advice on pellets, please let me know. I hope this helps! Iā€™m looking forward to hearing how youā€™re doing. šŸ’›, Lou
The Rickeybird has eaten Harrison's for most of his 40 years. Here are some meandering musings for you.
I feed Harrison's, liberally supplemented by fresh healthy treats. My first, and later, my current avian vet recommended it. My bird loves the pellets now, but to get him converted, my avian vet suggested putting pellets out all day, and putting seeds (his old diet) out for two 15-minute periods a day. That would sustain him but leave him hungry enough to try new stuff. I presume the same technique could be used to get him to eat other healthy stuff, like fruits and vegetables! My guy was eating pellets in a couple of days, and now I can feed a good variety of other stuff, knowing he has the pellets as a basic. Pellets are out all day... fresh treats a few times a day. I also like Harrison's via mail because I never have to worry about out-of-date products.
I only feed seeds (collected at the grocery store, intended for human consumption) as treats... maybe a teaspoon every few days. As the biggest conure, he can crack walnuts and other big nuts, which is approved by our avian vet.
Another couple of ideas...
My ol' man is an athlete and health nut. He actually EATS all the good stuff, so it's always around. I find that tossing various stuff into the food bowls at random is good... the variations and differences seem to stimulate curiosity and attention.
The other idea... if you can stand it (lol) EAT the stuff in front of the birds, yes. That encourages them. I have also found that if my ol' man eats stuff in front of the bird, the bird WANTS it for himself. Kinda a rivalry thing!

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