Thoughts on Great Choice® Fortified Conure Bird Food?


New member
Jan 8, 2025
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Turquoise GCC
Hello everyone this is my first time posting on here after viewing this forum for like a whole year. I wanted to explain my situation with my little bird bao bao. He’s 9 months old and has been on a seed diet only with a lot of sunflower seeds... currently trying to transition him to Harrison’s (it’s been about a month or so that I’ve introduced the food to him) and all he does it throw it 😔 he’ll still eat the seeds I give him though. Was wondering if Great Choice® Fortified Conure Bird Food was a good choice or if I should go for zupreem and try Harrison’s again later on (maybe the high potency one) so I just need a little advice as I am also a newbie.

thanks! 😎
It looks like a good choice if he eats it and doesnt just pick out his favorites and toss out the nutritious stuff.
I would try a cooked food like Bird Street Bistro. You cook it in batches and freeze in ziplock bags to last a few days in the refrigerator. A lot of birds like the soft texture. Especially young birds like yours because it reminds them of mama's food. If you want to test and see if he will eat a cooked food first you can cook up a little bit of brown rice and put it in his bowl in the morning- nothing else- and see if he tries it. I had no problem getting my budgies to love cooked food.
You can buy the best parrot pellets in the world but if he doesn't eat them its a waste. Try contacting the various manufacturers , sometimes they will offer a sample. Note, it took me almost a year of offering Roudybush pellets before Salty decided they were actually food and not just cage confetti.

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