Rehoming: Sulfur-Crusted Cockatoo

I sent Niko's mom a message, asking for her phone number. I will forward it to you as soon as I hear back from her. :)

Best of luck!!
Hi and good luck with finding a good home for her she's really sweet. Perhaps a good job I'm the wrong side of the pond!
Is this a lesser or greater sulfur? I'd heard that lesser sulfur-cresteds were added to the ESA (Endangered Species Act) list, which would somewhat limit their movement across state lines. But I'm not sure if that only applies to "sales" of birds and not to giveaways... just might want to check. My Google fu is failing -- I see "Legislation prohibits interstate and foreign transactions for list species," but I'm not sure if "transactions" allows for giving away.

Just something to check maybe. *If* this applies, any ads for the bird would also need to give notice of this limitation, I think.

ETA: More info, but it looks old. The ESA gov site had walls of legalese to wade through -- at least on the pages I checked.

Yellow-crested cockatoo (Lesser Sulphur Crested) Endangered 76 Fed. Reg. 49202
"If a species is considered endangered, when the ruling takes effect (at this point, July 2013 is the target date) interstate
commerce will be prohibited in those species except between approved conservation breeders with Captive Bred Wildlife
permits. This means that they can no longer be sold or bought as pets except within the state where they are bred or
already reside. It also means that rescues will not be able to place birds across state lines except to a CBW permit holder
(meaning a breeding situation) or to an educational outreach with the bird remaining the property of the rescue or
sanctuary. Some states, including Virginia, Rhode Island and Illinois, immediately adopt the ESA and make it tougher; in
those states it will be immediately illegal to even possess one of these species without a permit."
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I am so very very interested in this bird! I would be more than willing and happy to drive to meet you and provide pictures of my home and cage! I would also be happy to send pictures and send emails or texts if she came home with me. I live in California but like I said I would drive there just for the opportunity to meet and see if we fit... Please let me know if you are still looking. 😊
I am so very very interested in this bird! I would be more than willing and happy to drive to meet you and provide pictures of my home and cage! I would also be happy to send pictures and send emails or texts if she came home with me. I live in California but like I said I would drive there just for the opportunity to meet and see if we fit... Please let me know if you are still looking. ��

Brooke, you would drive some 3,000 miles (one way)???? :11: That would be one hell of a road-trip.
I am so very very interested in this bird! I would be more than willing and happy to drive to meet you and provide pictures of my home and cage! I would also be happy to send pictures and send emails or texts if she came home with me. I live in California but like I said I would drive there just for the opportunity to meet and see if we fit... Please let me know if you are still looking. ��

Brooke, you would drive some 3,000 miles (one way)???? :11: That would be one hell of a road-trip.

For a birdie yes I would... Lmao I'm not a usual person... And if the bird didn't like me I wouldn't ask to take her... So really I would drive 6000 miles to meet a bird 😂 it's a 75-90 year commitment.. I mean would you ask a person waiting to adopt a child of they would really drive 3000 miles to get him or her? What's the difference? 😳
For a birdie yes I would... Lmao I'm not a usual person... And if the bird didn't like me I wouldn't ask to take her... So really I would drive 6000 miles to meet a bird �� it's a 75-90 year commitment.. I mean would you ask a person waiting to adopt a child of they would really drive 3000 miles to get him or her? What's the difference? ��

KUDOS to you! :D

The only 'little' difference I can think of is traveling via airplane to make the 'transit' a little quicker/easier/less stressful. :)
For a birdie yes I would... Lmao I'm not a usual person... And if the bird didn't like me I wouldn't ask to take her... So really I would drive 6000 miles to meet a bird �� it's a 75-90 year commitment.. I mean would you ask a person waiting to adopt a child of they would really drive 3000 miles to get him or her? What's the difference? ��

KUDOS to you! :D

The only 'little' difference I can think of is traveling via airplane to make the 'transit' a little quicker/easier/less stressful. :)

Lol that seems like a better idea 😆😅 well I guess I wasn't really thinking about that 😏
Wow, I just read the recent posts about Rosie, the bird is still available for adoption. We are waiting for the perfect fit for her. Brooke, you sound like an amazing, committing person. I must admit that you are correct, it is very similar to adopting a child.

If you'd like to speak via Phone please send the moderator your number and they can forward it to me. thank you.
Sorry, I am located in Connecticut.

Adoption Fee is $100. She is not plucking at all either.

Here are some photos.

She is very beautiful. I would love to come and see her as I live in Raymond, NH so it would be a somewhat of a drive but she seems so worth the time. I have been a bird enthusiasts since I was just 10 years old and I have been around large birds my whole life (either my parents or my uncle's always had a Macaw or a too) and know how to handle and care for them. I currently own my own house and have plenty of space for her to feel loved & safe. I have a 1 year old Quaker Parrot named Paulie. He is out of his cage all the time except for bed time, as I feel like these beautiful birds should feel like they are free to roam and play rather than be stuck in a cage all day and night.

I have 2 boys(4yr & 2 yr) who loves birds and are very gentle while feeding and playing with them. I'm slowly trying to add to my flock because it is always nice to play with them and listen to all their different sounds they make. My Quaker is always talking up a storm but his words aren't clear yet. If we can arrange something for next weekend I would love to see your bird and see how she reacts to my presence. I can certainly promise you right now that she will be with a very loving and caring home and it will be a forever home.

Thank you for your time,

I have not posted on here in a really long time, the bird is still at my house, waiting for the perfect home. I have had lots of interest but I will not ship the bird and many people are requesting or asking for the bird to be shipped and it will not happen. I am only willing to let the bird go to a perfect home, the bird is fine where she is so if it's not a perfect fit, she will stay where she is.

She is also getting better towards people, she has improved since originally posting this.
I'm not sure if you ever got my number, but I am still very interested, I am willing to show pictures of my home and have an interview on the phone or in person... Please feel free to contact me any time...
She is absolutely adorable. They melt my heart. I'm glad you are being choosy where she goes, as you should far as shipping. It is very nice that there are multiple members here willing to bring her in as well. I hope she does eventually find a good home, and at the same time glad things are improving with her on the home front.;)
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Update: we still have her, she is becoming a better bird but she would definitely prefer a male owner.
Did you ever get in touch with BrookeB I doubt you would find a better person for your too than someone willing to drive 48 hours to meet her.
I believe i have spoken to her but I do know she would prefer a male owner. She was abused by women and she seems to have a hatred towards them.

Brooke, If I have not spoken to you, please respond. I have your number in my PM's so i would imagine i have contacted you.
I just read the whole thread and was hoping she'd found a home and we were getting an update. Bless ya'lls heart. I hope you can find her a good fit soon. :( Maybe in time someone can work with her on that lady-hate.
Update: the bird is still at my house. I have not been able to find a local person to adopt her. I am not willing to ship her, she is perfectly content and happy where she is but know that she could be a much better bird with a more experienced owner. I am always working with her and She is much better but still has a massive dislike for women. She is perfectly fine with myself, but with the other women in the house she remains distrustful and temperamental. I feel she could overcome this with lots of work.
Thanks for the update. If you're still looking to find an owner for her, I suggest you post on Hoobly. I found my cockatiels there, and you can be as choosy as you want with who wants to adopt her. If you say in the description local pick-up only, then you'll get less responses but hopefully can find someone local!
Also try posting through pet finder or going to local bird shows/fairs with her. The best thing you can do is just get her pretty face out there. People will come when they see her!

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