Rearranging Cages??


New member
Sep 21, 2014
Nanday(Rio) Approx. born April/2013
So I decided to rearrange my Nandays cage today and also deep clean it. He wasn't paying attention when I emptied out his cage but once I started cleaning it with hot water and putting his perches and toys back in he wouldn't stop attacking my fingers. You could tell he was really angry from my bleeding thumb. But now that his cage is cleaned and rearranged he loves it. He's eating and drinking and playing with his toys. So do your conures do this as well and it's normal or should I put him in his travel cage next time I do this?
I remove my birds from their cages when I clean to avoid territoriality issues with them. Otherwise you may encounter angry beaks trying to prevent you from touching their stuff, haha :) My IRN doesn't mind when I touch his stuff, he just gets curious. But my GCC will definitely attack my hands if she's in the cage while I rearrange. I can clean it no problem, but same as with yours I get nice chomps if she's nearby.
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He was out of his cage sitting on the cage with my mom. He was attacking my fingers as I was screwing the perches on from the outside of the cage lol.
Yep! If Avery is in the cage she'll crawl outside of it to attack my fingers as I undo pear links or tighten/loosen perches. It becomes a giant battle, so I have her sit with my boyfriend while I mess with her cage, haha. I think most conures are quite territorial over their cages
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Great thanks so much for the reply. I just wanted to make sure it was okay to rearrange the cage and Rio being territorial. I only rearrange and deep clean once a month so I'm not to worried about it. He doesn't get mad when I put my hand in the cage and touch things just when I move them around so it won't be that big a deal. He just got me good on my thumb because I wasn't expecting it lol.
How oftenn does everyone do a full clean(bars, perches, toys, walls, stands etc) ?
How often does everyone rearrange toys? Can this ever be done too often?
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Well I personally clean Rio's paper & food/water bowls everyday. I wipe out the grate once a week to get all the poop off. And I do a deep cleaning of the perches, toys, and cage once a month. And I probably rearrange everything and put different toys in every two months. Rio is out of his cage everyday whenever I'm home so he's only in the cage at night or when I'm out of the house. So technically I could change his paper every second day but I read somewhere that Nandays can have major respiratory issues so of course I get paranoid and I feel like I need to clean it every morning lol. Better safe than sorry I guess.
My Cinnamon Green Cheek HATES it when I clean his cage. He thinks I'm "touching his stuff." :) LOL
I have a second cage in our spare bedroom and I just put him in there while I'm cleaning, and let him see his pretty new cage when I'm all done. He always gets excited to see the finished product, he just doesn't trust the process! LOL!
I don't have that problem with Delfin and his cage. Delfin usually sits on our shoulder and supervisors the cleaning of the cage and toys LOL. We do play with him and the toys.

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