New cage transition


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2024
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Within chirping distance
Ollie McBudgie the Fluffinator
Ollie has a new cage. It's not as nice as I would have wanted, but it's better than the flimsy tall skinny thing he came in. I put it together and set it next to his old cage a few days ago. Yesterday I lured him to the outside with millet. This morning I moved all his toys over and put the cages close together with an open portal. I put his favorite toy and food in the entrance. He's napping on the one perch I left him in the old cage. My question is, is it better to quickly stick him in the new cage and get it over with, or let him sit in the empty one with no toys. I don't want him to feel like he's being punished. I did make sure he got a good drink and full belly before commencing operations this morning, anticipating a strike. But he looks so lonely napping on his one little perch. :confused:
I would just put him in the new cage. Does he sit on your finger? If so, I would move him into the new cage on your finger. Use a stick perch if you need to. If not, pick him up however you do that and put him in. You had to hold him to wash the sewing machine oil off him and it doesn't sound like he was too traumatized by that.

If you don't just put him in the new cage, it could take days if not weeks for him to get curious enough to enter the new cage on his own. If you don't mind waiting that long you can keep the two cages side by side and let him decide what to do but you would need to put perches, food and water back in his old cage and he may never go into it on his own.

You could wait until he comes out of his old cage and shut the cage door behind him but that doesn't guarantee that he will go into the new cage. He may just get frustrated climbing around his old cage trying to find a way inside. If you remove the old cage from the room while he out flying around, he may still not go in the new cage because he isn't familiar with it yet.

Don't worry too much. Budgies are resilient, forgiving little birds and I've never had one hold a grudge because I had to handle him.
I might just have to grab him. He doesn't like it and bites but if I shut him out of the old cage he will do exactly what you said all over the outside, then end up freak flying and landing who knows where...
I'm happy the transition went so well! I would leave him in there for a day or so before letting him out so he becomes familiar with it enough to go back inside after being out. From his perspective from inside the new cage, he has all his stuff inside and he will soon see it as his house. Put the new cage in the same place where the old cage was. Put the old cage somewhere where he can't see it. That way when you let him out he will go to the same familiar location when he wants to go home.
Who could resist that face?


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He's starting to squawk. He's not used to being shut up. It's not a very big cage but at least it has a wider part. And it's much more sturdy.


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I was impressed with the structural quality for the price even though it may be a bit harder to clean. It came with some seriously gigantic dowel rods that looked macaw sized. They may get used for curtains. Or distracting rabid beavers.
Yes there is a sliding door that leads to the ladder on the flat roof. I can put a bath up there now instead of having to hold it. There was no place to set it in the old cage. The bottom was too narrow. Also his swing was in the front door before because there wasn't room in the cage.

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