Really cool bird!

The hens do not have such a vivid blue on their nape. Blue napes tame the easiest out of all the species of mousebirds.
That bird reminds me of the bird on the Big Bang Theory re-run today, except it was all blue like a Blue Jay.. but had the same long tail.. So pretty!
Yes, that was a beautiful black-throated magpie! :)
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  • #24
i love that episode! how old is gryphon?
I believe Gryphon is 2 yrs old.
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  • #26
hes so cute, how long do they live. i ask because, while i cant get one now, i would love one in the future. i almost got one, but i felt a parrot was a better fit for right now.
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  • #28
i'll have to check that out, i'd imagine they make great apartment birds because of the low noise level, if i could i'd get one in a heartbeat!

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